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View Full Version : B-737 Ng Aom

3rd Oct 2004, 11:41

I am very interested in obtaining the B-737 NG AOM but I can´t find it anywhere. I would be delighted if anyone could send it to me via e-mail at [email protected] or any other way.

Thank for you help folks.

Old Smokey
3rd Oct 2004, 14:38
If you mean the AFM (Airplane Flight Manual) it's not available on-line or other commercial outlets. It's only available from Boeing, provided of course, that you buy the aircraft to go with it.

I hope that you have a big cheque book.

3rd Oct 2004, 16:48
I'm afraid old smokey that you really understood what I was asking for.
If I had had needed a technical support I would have asked for it but thank you for your irony.

You should know that the AOM according to the JAR regulations is the Aircraft Operating Manual and that's what I'm looking for. Before giving your opinion be sure that what you say is correct.

I don´t know what the local regulations are in Singapur, but what I know, is that you don't know european regulations either.

3rd Oct 2004, 17:05
AFM or AOM - you'll still need to call Boeing . Be sure to provide a customer account number. Otherwise you can just forget it.

3rd Oct 2004, 19:45
This is not AOM, but maybe this will help you:


Sorry, the web site is in Polish, but you can download
from there the 5 parts (packed with RAR), then unpack,
copy the files to a CD-RW and use this CD as an istall CD disk.

Romeo Tango Alpha
5th Oct 2004, 13:28
Ola pajero,
What Old Smokey said to you is CORRECT. And he also didn't say it condescendingly, which YOU MISUNDERSTOOD it to be.

As OTHERS said, forget it without contacting Boeing, otherwise you'd have all these little a-hole terrorists learning all they want about the 737...

The Polish site is neither AOM or AFM.

Shock Stall
10th Oct 2004, 03:43
Well this has turned into a real cat fight hasn't it?

Boeing do actually call it (or them, 2 volumes) the "Operations manual" rather than flight manual, and as Boeing are rather reluctant to hand them out, then the only other way to get them (other than buying an aircraft) is do a rating course through Boeing and tell your instructor how smart he looks in his shirt.

You only other option is to find someone who has them (like a dog who speaks……Rare) and is willing to part with them (Like a dog who speaks Norwegian…….even Rarer). Mine are staying put.

Be aware though that they are regularly updated, like all aviation documents, and as such will become out-dated very quickly (and my understanding is that the only way to get the update service is to buy an aircraft)

10th Oct 2004, 08:27
Yet another complication for our all-knowing joco. AOM in some circles stands for 'Aerodrome Operating Minima'.

Let's hope he/she gets the right book as they are kind of expensive.