View Full Version : The Next General Election

30th Sep 2004, 20:19
I know we are not allowed to express a political opinion but we are allowed to vote. I was just wondering how members would vote at the next General Election.

30th Sep 2004, 20:33
The reason I ask is that I cant find anybody I know in the mob that will vote next time.

So where does this leave us?

30th Sep 2004, 20:38
Never have, can't say I will....the T****ers always get in. I can't see any real choice....there's no real viable party that will look after the interests of the Nation above their own..is there?

30th Sep 2004, 20:54
I'll vote for whoever promises to balance whats left of the Military. One Group Captain per Group one Wg Cdr per Wing one Sqn Ldr per Squadron and so on. Then we might have some troops at the workface rather than lots of Senior Officers in Ivory Towers fighting for their turn to sit at a desk rather than being on paid gardening leave.
Ah well I always fancied politics, problem is I find it dificult to lie.

30th Sep 2004, 20:55
Any member of the UK services who votes for Bliar needs to be hanged or shot...his performance at the Labour conference just confirms how power truly corrupts!!

1st Oct 2004, 01:47
I'm going to vote for George; I reckon he's been a good governor of the state of Great Britain so far.

1st Oct 2004, 03:52
I see that Jack Straw is no longer wearing his "Rose coloured spectacles"
Apart from his stumbly interviews on R4 Today and other programmes - is this a clue?
This man was an a*se as Home Secretary and is even worse as Foreign
Good fag to Bliar though!

Love many, trust a few, always paddle your own canoe!

1st Oct 2004, 04:43
Boris Johnson for PM!!

1st Oct 2004, 12:12
The most effective anti-Blair party gets my votes. That appears to be the Lib Dems, who are stealing Labour votes (all those pre-97 Tory votes) quite effectively.

If Blair squanders much of his majority - and Hartlepool today indicates he is likely to - his party will discard him more quickly than a redundant serviceman!

So ABB - Anyone but Blair! It is likely that a more balanced Parliament will form after the next election, as the Tory vote is unlikely to suffer as Labour's will.

Oh, as an officer I find Blair's leadership, integrity and moral fibre of the lowest order. If I had a commissioned colleague that displayed the same lamentable lack of regard for the truth I would wish to see them out of the service as speedily as possible. Am I allowed to say that? Who cares - too late now!

1st Oct 2004, 14:24
Or go for None of the Above, a la Brewsters millions.

Sorry, but the Tories have my vote. An end to the politically correct, human rights driven, disrespectful youthed welfare state we have found we live in now.

1st Oct 2004, 15:04
Borris Johnson for PM...I'm right behind Beags on this one!

1st Oct 2004, 15:43
The next general election will be just after my 18th, so this'll be my first chance to vote!

Nice to see Bliar is sending my mates and I letters around our birthdays reminding us to vote, trying to sway the impressionable youth of today?

Unfortunately I don't back any party (and i'm rather well educated in politics compared to some my age), however i'll be voting for Conservatives on the basis of (i) more money for the MoD and (ii) tuition fees.

Ok so not the most important aspects on a political agenda but still, they're the ones that are affecting me over the next 4 or so years!

1st Oct 2004, 15:53

"Unfortunately I don't back any party (and i'm rather well educated in politics compared to some my age), however i'll be voting for Conservatives on the basis of (i) more money for the MoD and (ii) tuition fees."

So well educated that you appear to have ommited to pick up on Tory plans, they will CUT all public spending including defence and reduce the university intake to the small elitist band they have always felt comfortable with.

There is NO political party that treats defence as a priority as it is not a priority of the electorate.

Boris Johnson would be fun as PM, the best most incompetent host ever on "Have I got news for you"

Only problem would be the political has beens he would take with him!

1st Oct 2004, 16:11
I'll have Flatus as PM, BEagle as Minister for Spin, and prOOne as party chairman; Jacko would be the press spokesman - beyond that the offers are open --

1st Oct 2004, 18:43

cut public spending yes, however not by comparison to labour's plans. Recent plans for an extra £2.7bil is much more positive in my opinion than any other offer on the table.

As for making University elitist, I thought that was the idea? For the best students to go on... lose the cosmopolitan subjects, lose the vocational cr*p. You can do a degree in anything from underwater knitting to television studies nowadays... the reason exams are appearing 'easier' to the older generation is because there are more students doing more easy subjects, therefore upping the pass rate. Unfortunately a BTEC in Public Services, Media Studies and Home Ec. makes you elligible for a degree.

Also note, 'compared to others my age'. You should be amazed theres 17 year old's discussing politics, especially one from Norfolk! :\


If you can persuade that bunch, im with you :ok:

None of the above
1st Oct 2004, 18:44


'Or go for None of the Above'

So that's one vote for me at least!

(Wouldn't normally post here, but under the circs......)

1st Oct 2004, 20:22

Er, maths not your strong point then? How on earth can the £2.7B over three years that the Tories are now claiming be better than the £3.7B announced by the Gov't? My maths makes that just about One billion pounds less!

Look at what else the Tory party has stated it will do to defence;

"Merge Logistics and Procurement"

"Privatise or outsource 12 Defence agencies"

Nicholas Soames stated " The Tories had been 'too wet' and 'too timid' in their attempt to reform the armed forces during their last Gov't and that his planned re-organisation will " be painful and difficult" and " the armed forces may not agree with the changes"

Too timid and too wet! From the party that introduced contractorisation on a huge scale, sold off the MQ estate to a private consortium and invented the DHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heaven help the serving members of the forces if this man gets his way!

1st Oct 2004, 21:50
Based on replys so far my general inpression is that the majority of servinging members will not vote for anybody. That must be a sign of general apathy.
So we now live in a country where our political masters can send us (volenteers - not conscripted) to fight wars that we may agree or not agree with. But if the rest of the country dont really give a toss (providing it does not affect the price of petrol or houses) then wot hope have we got.

One other thing I would love to keep this tread going untill the next General Election. So token effort from everbody, a simple reply each day and several months will soon pass.
And I predict this thread will be quite interesting when the build up to the election starts.

1st Oct 2004, 22:46
There is in my view only one party worth fully supporting and that is the UKIP. On equipment they have made a clear pledge to buy 'off the shelf' best equipment, rather than the expensive home grown version of equipment. Plus they are the ONLY party whom will restore democray to the uk.

2nd Oct 2004, 00:16

As Joe stated he is just coming up to the legal age to vote so maybe a less patronising and posibly more balanced response would be more effective:ok:

all spelling misatkes are"df" alcohol induced

2nd Oct 2004, 06:12
Boris Johnson for PM - what an excellent idea! Despite his well rehearsed bumbling demeanour, anyone who has been a Kings scholar at Eaton and then gets a 1st in Classics at Oxford, as well as being elected President of the Oxford Union, is clearly no fool. Life would certainly be more amusing under the reign of Boris, than under the smarmy Tony B.Liar and I would look forward to Boris suddenly deciding to declare war against France, without him realising we now only just have the capability to defeat Andorra.

2nd Oct 2004, 12:03
Pr00ne however, is obviously educated enough to figure that 50% of the trained workforce posessing devalued degrees, expecting raucious salaries and suffering crippling debt as a result is the way forward for our education system. Hence leaving workers such as plumbers with one of the highest salaries in the uk.

University should be elitist, as the remaining DECENT degree courses are, and rightly so.( I am not talking about who attends, purely the numbers here) Some crackpot 50% figure, purely a measure to boast against other European nations in statistical terms, will bring this nation to its knees and cripple our engineering industry.

2nd Oct 2004, 12:19
Absolutely right, why do Plumbers earn so much? It's supply and demand and there's a shortage of em. Doing Degrees in basket weaving and so on will mean that those who don't go to University and get a skill will be the ones who end up earning well due to shortages. We'll always need plumbers, bricklayers, carpenters, car mechanics etc etc but if no one trains for these skills because they're all at Uni getting their Ology and amounting debt then who are the fools?
Put simply it's supply and demand you need to go into a skills shortage job without a huge debt to pay off or get a decent Degree in something useful and rare!

Still think politics would have been my best bet well paid and no qualifications required at all. You just have to be able to lie well. Oh yeah thats where I fell down!:{

Maple 01
2nd Oct 2004, 15:12
Alexander Boris Depfeffel Johnson for PM?

''My chances of being PM are about as good as the chances of finding Elvis on Mars, or my being reincarnated as an olive''


A BA in an obscure subject and an ability to make himself look like an idiot hurray-Henry, just what the country needs!:rolleyes:

I know the Tories are scraping the bottom of the barrel but surely not?

How about that nice Thatcher woman? :eek: (Calm yourself BEags – only joking)

Nice to know my degree is worthless like all 'modern' ones - only took seven years - still, must have been too easy to be worth recognising.:* :{

Are you sure we still need 'classically educated' leaders?

2nd Oct 2004, 18:15
SEVEN YEARS!!!!! I thought only doctors did courses that long!

2nd Oct 2004, 18:26
How on earth is classics an obscure subject? It's the oldest one there is!

Agree with jindabyne that ppruners would make a better job of running the country. Especially with Gorilla as Information Minister ;-)

Flatus Veteranus
2nd Oct 2004, 19:12
Jindabyne, I was just about to post that Beags should "come out" and stand for parliament when you pre-empted me. It is a fact that the services now produce the only people capable of managing large resources so as to make things happen PDQ. Eg foot'n mouth. Boris would be the right figurehead, but there is no evidence that he could manage anything bigger than the Spectator. Beags could be Chancellor and kick the bean counters in their slats. I am far too old to do anything other than sit on the sidelines and cheer them on.

We went up to the "big smoke" yesterday. The only places we saw that were clean and where people tried to speak decent English were the Club, where we stayed, and Kiwi House where my old school was having its annual reunion. I must say that some of the recent old girls, now at Uni in UK set even my jaded hormones racing! :E

2nd Oct 2004, 19:34
Funny thing is, my twin brother actually did stand for parliament, FV!

I know what you mean about London....

Boris for PM!!

Maple 01
2nd Oct 2004, 23:57

OU mate, lets you fit the work in round wars, detachments, plague, pestilence and Morris Dancing

3rd Oct 2004, 01:19
Come on Guys
What's this go to do with Military Aviation?
Take your bitch to another thread!