View Full Version : Approach Procedural Course

Lucky Pierre
30th Sep 2004, 18:55
Just a quickie really, I'm starting my course at the wonderful world of Dundridge on the 1st of November and believe I am one of 4 people on the course. Any ideas who the others are and if so when are they heading down to the Holiday Inn at Newport for some pre course beers??????:ok:

4th Oct 2004, 22:35
Not too many beers - it's a hard course!

6th Oct 2004, 18:08
I did the course at Bailbrook and in was indeed a hard course but I think it was the alcohol that got me through it!

6th Oct 2004, 20:05
I agree......the alcohol DEFINITELY got me through it! Being found unconscious in the corridor at Bailbrook never did me any harm!:}

6th Oct 2004, 20:14
From what I hear Pierre you and the other candidates really are the lucky ones. Dundridge seem to be fast becoming the elite in ATC Training. They appear to have acquired all approvals this year and already run quite a number of courses.With a bit of reasonably hard work from yourselves and expert tuition from the staff at Dundridge all should be well. Good Luck!!

7th Oct 2004, 15:07

Dundridge seem to be fast becoming the elite in ATC Training

expert tuition from the staff at Dundridge

Hmmm. Which Dundridge employee are you then?:confused:

7th Oct 2004, 21:29

[QUOTE]Hmmm. Which Dundridge employee are you then?

Sorry to disappoint but not an employee of Dundridge.

7th Oct 2004, 23:38
How do you become an "elite in ATC training" if you haven't actually completed any CAA recognised courses yet?;) :E

8th Oct 2004, 10:00

Sorry to disappoint but not an employee of Dundridge.

:confused: So how do you know that Dundridge now has approvals for all the courses when one of the courses only got approval in the last few days. If your not a employee then you are obviously connected in some way otherwise how would you have known??

I smell a rat.:yuk:

8th Oct 2004, 10:28
How come you can be so accurate them K-SIMM are you that rat you talk about? You have done your fair share of advertising for them in previous threads.

9th Oct 2004, 08:33
Someone has been using the search function!

I'm still waiting for my commision for the said advertising!;)

12th Oct 2004, 11:39
Lets set the record straight. As an instructor at Dundridge College I can advise the following:- Yes we have run CAA recognised courses - for which we have full approval. 2 Radar completed and 1 ongoing. 1 Approach procedural with 1 commencing in 3 weeks. I understand from SRG that we are the first college in the UK to have completed the new ATC Basic Course.

The only approval awarded to the college in the last few weeks, was that of provisional approval for the new ADI course, so someone out there is not fully aware of the facts - something that anyone who was employed by the college would certainly know.

Thanks to all who have supported us so far in our new venture and for all the nice comments that you have made. As far as paying commission - you will all have to wait until we get a pay rise!!!

13th Oct 2004, 13:20
Hi 118.2,
Good to hear things are going well. The more colleges available to choose from the better.


PS - In the interests of "balance" here's the others available ;) ...
