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28th Jan 2002, 00:42
I am wondering if anyone can help me out?

I am preparing for my final interview for ATC, and have been trawling through the discussion topics to see what kind of questions I should expect.

There is 1 type of 'scenario' question that keeps popping up:

What do you do if there is a fire/plane crashed/etc. on the runway, and you have a number of planes coming in, but you don't have time to clear the runway/get emergency services etc?? Then what if the planes coming in are running out of fuel etc??

You know the kind of question I mean!

What is the answer they are looking for here?

I have reag through numerous books etc, and there does not seem to be much info. on emergency situations.

If anyone can help me out by either replying to this or by e-mailing me I would be really grateful.


28th Jan 2002, 00:57
If the runway is blocked/obstructed, you can't use it - it's as simple as that. Those aircraft will have to go somewhere else!

What should happen is that the airport operator (generally referred to as the "aerodrome authority" in such discussions) will take steps to remove the wreckage and get the runway back into service. They have limited powers - in situations where it is vital that the runway be re-opened - to investigate incidents and commence recovery operations without waiting for AAIB to arrive.

Bear in mind in all these interviews that all they are looking for is that you keep your head under pressure, and are capable of thinking things through in a logical manner (even if you've never seen a particular situation before). As long as your answer makes sense and nobody dies, you'll be fine - keep cool!

Another question that often pops up on interviews is this:

An aircraft has run off the end of the runway and crashed, but the runway itself has been inspected and is serviceable. The wind is calm, and you've a backlog of traffic waiting to depart. What would you do?

[ 27 January 2002: Message edited by: 1261 ]</p>

28th Jan 2002, 02:38
Quite a common ploy in job interviews of all kinds is to ask a question for which there is no ideal answer. Something like.. If you were forced to choose, would you rather shoot your mother or your father? The interviewer isn't always interested in the answer, just how well you communicate and how confident you are in expressing your opinions. After giving your answer try asking what they would do in that situation.. . . .When I was looking for a my first job as an electronics engineer I was asked:

a) What I would do if I found a dead swan in the road. (I believe the correct answer is to notify the police because all swans are property of the Queen).

b) Were there any interesting stories in the news papers today? (You know all about the new ATC center don't you?).

I done my share of interviewing job applicants and there is nothing worse than someone who doesn't ask the interviewer any questions. Go prepared with some even if you think you already know the answers. One of the best questions to ask the interviewer: Why do they work for xyz?

Good luck.

Jay Foe
28th Jan 2002, 15:57
Speaking from personal experience the call downstairs to Radar goes along the lines of,

"Don't send any more ******* planes in"

<img src="eek.gif" border="0"> <img src="eek.gif" border="0">

closely followed by,

"Break off the approach"

to the talkdown controller and then watch as the aircraft still decides to join the circuit even though you can see the smoke from Outer Mongolia.

<img src="rolleyes.gif" border="0">