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Hedge End Estate Agent
4th Jan 2001, 01:37
Is it true that the first day of NERC OCT ended in chaos due to equipment failues ?

Don't forget to vote............

5th Jan 2001, 15:11
HEEA - surely the first three day intro is mainly classroom and not involving any actual controlling. Take your finger off the loaded trigger for about a month or so, I don't think books can freeze or crash!!

250 kts
5th Jan 2001, 19:51
You're right HEEA . Apparently it was a disaster with some major documentation missing, phones that wouldn't work , people turning up to do sectors that they won't be doing at NERC . Need I go on?? The NTT team were also put under pressure to sign off the training they had carried out. with the exception of the Clacton sector, they REFUSED to do so. There were lots of managers walking around with very red faces or was it faeces. Never mind it'll be all over Airway as a resounding success.

U R NumberOne
5th Jan 2001, 20:40
I heard a rumour today that the LATCC boys and girls going to NERC on rostered days off are getting a 'consultancy fee' from NATS to the tune of £1000 per day.

I trust this is not the case, but if it is...where do I sign up for NERC? (Never thought I'd say that! :) )

5th Jan 2001, 22:28
I hear that it went from bad to worse on Friday, following a software "fix" applied on Thursday night. Rumour has it that a "panic meeting" was called at NERC for Friday afternoon - various "suits" seen leaving LATCC with grim faces around lunch-time.

5th Jan 2001, 23:27
HEEA - apologies. I just hoped that at last something might work down there. URNo1, see 'NERC Bung' in ATC issues lower down, but don't sign up too soon as the vote looks good at being NO!!!

daft fader
6th Jan 2001, 01:16
"suits with grim faces?"

Makes a change from the smug self-satisfied expressions we usually see.

250 kts
6th Jan 2001, 03:02
U R NumberOne, you are the weakest link if you believe that one. It's true to say that management want to buy back days in lieu and extra attendances. However this is the subject of a ballot at present and I know of no one who has voted for it.

7th Jan 2001, 01:37
250 kts. Like all the quotes about everyone voting against the pay deal this year ... until the results came out.

Maybe you could tell us what is offered. It will make interesting reading to all the non LATCC / NERC people.

2 six 4
7th Jan 2001, 01:52
A lousy £1K for agreeing and £600 per shift. Not worth giving up your days off.

7th Jan 2001, 02:37
Where do I sign up ??

I'll happily do that deal for NATS to buy all my DIL. I never get time to take them anyway ;)

10 West
[email protected]

7th Jan 2001, 05:33
2 six 4 - I'd speak to the person who gave you those figures, as they are nothing like the ones my letter says. Basically it all depends on how many days you are giving up, minimum 3, maximum 10. It also covers other aspects after the move down the M3 for a couple of years.
Has anyone been to the union meeting about it? What was said other than NO, NO, definately NOOOO!

8th Jan 2001, 05:52
re: this thread,

numpo sums it all up when he/she said "rumour has it".

9th Jan 2001, 02:10
Well it might all be rumour but 5 miles has a letter. If we knew what was in it then we might know something about the rest of the debate.

Go with the flow ... or you'll miss your slot.