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View Full Version : What's an SRE?

3rd Jan 2001, 00:17
Could anyone enlighten me as to what an SRE approach is? Not an SRA (know that) but SRE.

2 sheds
3rd Jan 2001, 01:57

"Surveillance Radar Equipment", i.e. conventional surveillance radar. "SRE approach" could mean either SRA or any radar directed approach - it's not really specific.


2 S

3rd Jan 2001, 04:24
Thanks 2sheds. I've been doing more research and turned up a definition in Jeppesen which calls it a "Surveillance Radar Element". That's all it gives and it's no more enlightening to me. If I understand you properly then you're saying that an SRE is really a reference to an SRA?

Chilli Monster
3rd Jan 2001, 13:51
That's exactly what it is - SRA / SRE, there's no difference


3rd Jan 2001, 14:25
Back in the days when Pontius was a pilot it meant the "search radar element" of GCA - ie not the talkdown bit.

3rd Jan 2001, 17:18
Thanks guys/gals. :)

5th Jan 2001, 14:39
Don't ask me why but the SRE/NDB approach that is available at one of the GA airfields I deal with was renamed the TAR/NDB.. :)