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View Full Version : Merry Christmas and all that!

25th Dec 2000, 04:21
Just like to say Merry Christmnas to all "out there" in cyberspace ;)

May next year be safe and very prosperous for you all and don't eat too much today ;)

Commiserations to all watches working at the mo too - hahaha!!!

"Go around..I say again...go around"

25th Dec 2000, 19:50
A very MC to all aircrew and ATCOs. By sheer luck alone this will be my 32nd consecutive Christmas Day off! With retirement in sight I certainly shall not be working one in the future...

Funniest thing I heard yesterday? The Speedbird who read back "999 Milky-bars" for the QNH. Thanks for the smile me old..!

Here's to an peaceful, healthy and Airprox-free 2001...

25th Dec 2000, 21:32
hahahaha, Yup, I've been saying that on the RT as well *smiles*. Makes the day so much nicer!!!

Evil Jethro
26th Dec 2000, 00:14
Given JAR implementation shouldn't it be "Fruity Pastals" now??