View Full Version : Norwich ATC - thanks

25th Oct 2001, 18:15
A big thank you to Norwich ATC, for being so courteous, so understanding when they cant get exactly what they want, for seeing the bigger ATC picture and thinking about everyone beyond the end of their own runway, even though they are so very busy and everyone around them isn't. Great stuff!

Bouncy Landing
26th Oct 2001, 17:55
I did my basic PPL IMC & Nt at Norwich best part of 20 years ago and they were always great; friendly, helpful, understanding, etc even to a mere student / PPL in a PA38, so with how regional airoprts are going, I'm delighted to hear things have not changed.

Im expecting to fly in in the next few weeks, for the first time in years, so it shoudl be a pleasure.

26th Oct 2001, 20:24

Did I detect a tiny tinge of sarcasm in Earlys post?

27th Oct 2001, 18:46
I was beginning to think that finally, someone in that big bad world loved us...... then along came Overload :D :D :D

Bouncy Landing
27th Oct 2001, 22:31
Overload, on re-reading you are probably correct (sadly); however my 20 year old comments stand, seemingly historical now tho.....

Jay Foe
1st Nov 2001, 01:07
Don't worry Norwich, we still love you, even though you do always nick the Jaffa Cakes ;)

1st Nov 2001, 02:57
Jaffa cakes J? You mean you still allow the loud and shorted one and his fellows to have the decent biscuits? You'll be telling me next you've invited them all out for xmas and not taken their menu choices with you!

Jay Foe
3rd Nov 2001, 19:35
No Menu choices this year, you just pick when you get there, therefore no repeat of last years debacle, jobs a good un. (Obviously a much improved Ents Commitee this year, and much better looking!) Anyway we got Doughnuts from Norwich last Thursday and very nice they were too, cheers P! Hope Norwich approve of us keeping this at the top of list.

4th Nov 2001, 02:29
Missed the doughnuts doh!!. In reply to the original post from EG if we don't press our corner then some of our jet traffic would be waiting until kingdom come before getting a airways clearance. Many British airlines won't launch without a clearance as its in their SOP's and the foreign ones would probably go straight into CAS clearance or no. Many of the departures are on a slot time so we have no choice but to hassle for the clearance. With only 8 minutes between departure and entry to CAS NE of BKY in class G there is often more than enough to be done without having to try and obtain/pass airways joining clearance. By the way we are still user frendly to all types of aircraft same as 20 years ago so BL don't be put off you will be made welcome, enjoy your visit!!!

4th Nov 2001, 16:13
Hassling for clearances? A touch of pro-active controlling? Flexibility? Ahhh, it must be nice to work in an environment like that.

We taught them all they know of course ;) ;) ;)

Only joking Nch! You guys are a great help

Jay Foe
6th Nov 2001, 04:14
WWW You seem a bit touchy at the mo, things not going well since you departed the CSL TACAN hold? Oh well message back to the top of the List. Question is how much longer can we keep it up, if you know what I mean, nudge, nudge, wink, wink say no more :D :D :D

6th Nov 2001, 19:41

Fight your corner? Do you really think anyone would refuse a joining clearance for no good reason? On a clear day, take off the rose tinted specs and look south - mmm a few trails about arent there? :)

We love you really, and it is a team game. Isn't it?

8th Nov 2001, 01:22
Norwich buying doughnuts - never used to happen in my days! Have they finally managed to negotiate a decent pay rise to afford these extravagancies?

9th Nov 2001, 01:12
X-border welcome! How the devil? So nice to hear from another one of CSL's finest who has so recently departed the fix. So how are things down south? Hey J, you really need to speak to the rest of the guys because we're out here all on our own (please excuse the pun considering my current location!) but we're doing a good job keeping Nch at the top. Perchance some more doughnuts for you guys???
:D :D :D :D

Things are always worse than they seem!

9th Nov 2001, 17:45
whowhenwhy - nice to see morale is still high across there.

I'd like to say life is fun in the sunny south - but its not!! Its funny how one minute you can be near the top of the pile smelling the roses, and the next you're digging your way out again! Still I only have myself to blame.

Is the loud one still one still on a diet, or has he started eating the doughnuts yet? You know, on certain days when the wind is in the right direction I swear we can hear him sometimes!!

Best wishes

9th Nov 2001, 19:59
well you see x I'm not even there right now. I have the pleasure of defending the sovereignty of HM's dominion that is the Falkland Islands. What do you mean you don't know where that is coz you never got to go? Besides you're right, you didn't have to go off and explore pastures new, grass is always greener blah blah! So I have no sympathy with you at all. Still it was good to see posting again.
:) :)

Things are always worse than they seem!

Jay Foe
9th Nov 2001, 20:55
Nch don't seem to realise that we're sat here defending their corner. But hey if they do I'm sure they'd be more than happy to bring us doughnuts on Monday!!!!!!!!!! :cool: . How are the penguins then WWW? Oh look at the time, its Friday, it's 1655 what am I doing here. Christening the new bar book tonight, I'm sure carnage will ensue. :eek: :eek:

10th Nov 2001, 04:51
Knowing you yes I'm sure that carnage will ensue. So tell me, in the absence of Nch keeping their end up(?) is this just becoming an ex-of EGYC tribute site? We'll be getting wing-nut posting here soon. Oh no, sorry, he's coming back again isn't he? It's amazing what you can accomplish with a few car stickers nowadays! Hope you had fun christening your thing J (??????), and hope that Nch start sticking up for themselves soon. After all, it is a very poor show by them.

:D :D :D :D

PS all ye non-contributing members, ye need to help Nch stay at the top!!!!

Things are always worse than they seem!

10th Nov 2001, 21:40
Life...........................would be so much simpler without Coltishall and the egos therein :D :D :D .
I dont have to fight our corner, cos' we are the doughnut scoffing champions, and if you miss out on them you'll probably find that it's cos the loud one has squirreled them away for future use :p (Quite a disgusting thought really........ :) ).

11th Nov 2001, 04:14
Hurrah, knew we'd get one of you to post if we kept going long enough. EGYC keeps it up longer!! Ego's? At Colt? Can't believe it!
As for the loud one squirreling doughnuts do you know something that we don't? Talking about disgusting habits like that. Do you know, I watched American Pie again the other day.....Oh no, I've just had a horrible thought! :D :D :D :D

Things are always worse than they seem!

Jay Foe
11th Nov 2001, 16:11
Never heard it called squirreling before :D :D Actually those custard doughnuts did taste a bit odd :rolleyes:
Anyway, Egos at Colt, don't you know that WWW has left now ;) INCOMING!!!!!

11th Nov 2001, 17:00
Yeah alright you got me! Hey the South Atlantic's a really mellowing experience. You should try it some time! ;)

Things are always worse than they seem!

11th Nov 2001, 22:47
Who said we NH are not doing anything. I'm just listening watching and waiting, preferably for more donuts!!! :) :) :)

Adge Cutler
12th Nov 2001, 01:43
And from Norwich and Colt, via Anglia Radar to Aberdeen!

HIJACK HIJACK come on, it's time we had another one!

:D :cool: :p :p

13th Nov 2001, 04:07
Hey great, a new entrant to the Nch thread. Maybe we could set up an un-official southern north sea air-space users group...and NOT invite the fighter controllers. Maybe we'd even get stuff done? Naaaaaah, never catch on.

Stopbar, if we've given you the idea we think you do no work I'm very sorry, we know you do, even if the originator of this thread didn't. :) :)

Things are always worse than they seem!

13th Nov 2001, 15:33
No offence taken, whowhenwhy, but thanks for the thought.

13th Nov 2001, 18:20
Adge Cutler - couldn't agree more. It is definitly time for the Ice Station to hijack a thread once more; it's over six months since we last did it! (And the hijack!)
:D :D :D :D

Colts and Norwich - all this talk about egos is very confusing as I thought EGOS was good old Shawbury! :confused: ;) :confused:

Jay Foe
13th Nov 2001, 22:54
Well, Well the natives are getting restless up there, must be the perpetual darkness in the far North ;) It's nice to see that everyone has completely forgotten the original point of this thread and got down to the Basics of ATC. Namely ritual name calling/abuse and talking about doughnuts :cool: :cool:

14th Nov 2001, 12:59
Jay Foe - now you be nice to the guys at the Ice Station, you never know where you'll be a native in the future!!

14th Nov 2001, 20:36
J, hope you don't mind I'm going to post on your behalf! X, I think it's safe to say that neither J, nor myself are the kinds of people who would subject ourselves to the type of torture to which you are referring. You didn't have to go there you know! But just think about how little sunshine there is up there. Eurrgh! :D :D

Things are always worse than they seem!

15th Nov 2001, 15:24
whowhenwhy - an amusing last comment from one who posts from a somewhat remote place!! :p :p :p

(p.s. is the court case settled yet?)

Jay Foe
16th Nov 2001, 03:53
X, after WWW was so eloquent in my defence, (cheers WWW ;) , and yes I did blatantly rip eloquent from your e-mail, :p ) I feel I should leap to his defence, don't know why just feel that some leaping is in order. X, Hope You're getting in lots of sun whilst you're down in here in civilisation, as up North it gets mighty dark :p . Anyway isn't it blatantly obvious where myself and WWW will be off next :rolleyes: :eek: :rolleyes: :eek:

16th Nov 2001, 04:20
x-yeah okay you got me. But at least I'm south of the border! :D
J-I was rather hoping that considering my next posting I may well escape that particular delight! I just thought it was interesting that on Tuesday night I was chatting to a rotor head down here and happened to mention that I thought a certain over-paid politician would soon have us winging our way east bound. And lo and behold what should happen on Wednesday but he suddenly thinks we can cope with sending a few thousand guys over. Has anyone been PWR'd yet J? Pass on my best to all the guys! :)

Things are always worse than they seem!

16th Nov 2001, 20:49
One last thing, X, thanks for asking. Prune-mail me your email address and I'll let you know what's going on. Tried to Prune-mail you and it didn't work. Hope to speak soon!!
:) :) :)

Things are always worse than they seem!

Jay Foe
20th Nov 2001, 22:52
Looks like all of the talk about the 'nasty' places have scared off those johnny foreigners trying to hijack the thread. CSL is triumphant again :p :p

21st Nov 2001, 03:58
Jay Foe

Just waiting on the sidelines, swampy, just waiting on the sidelines.

Last one the Ice Station took over went to 10 pages, your poxy 3 does not impress. :p :p :p :p

21st Nov 2001, 23:49

Like you said - we're just waiting in the wings, biding our time and awaiting the right opportunity.

23rd Nov 2001, 06:25
Sorry, did somebody say something? :D :D

Things are always worse than they seem!

Jay Foe
23rd Nov 2001, 22:50
Don't think so, perhaps the carrier pigeon is tired after flying all the way from sunny (?) Scotland :D :D

Caught three of them trying to escape today. Came down for a "liason" visit!!! :rolleyes: don't worry they didn't fool us. We soon sent them packing, apparently they even tried N*******ad, they really must be desperate :eek: :eek: :eek:

24th Nov 2001, 03:28
N*******ad? Urgh! They must have been desperate for company! J, nice to see you've torn yourself away to come and re-join the real world. Buzz, I'm sorry, you appear to be labouring under a mis-apprehension. We have not hijacked this thread, we are this thread. Joint EGYC,Nch approach room, together we stand, divided we fall and all that. Besides, as J has so kindly pointed out, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I mean, visiting...sorry I can't bring myself to say it again it's so repugnant! :D

Things are always worse than they seem!

Jay Foe
2nd Dec 2001, 19:20
Just thought we ought to have all three NCH threads on the same page just so that people don't have to go searching for them!!! :D :D

3rd Dec 2001, 19:54
Good idea in theory J, in practise it sounds a little difficult. Are you getting a bit bored yet? I'm going to go chest-poke some peelots! :D :D

Things are always worse than they seem!

Jay Foe
3rd Dec 2001, 23:15
How can I possibly get bored with a bar on the premises :p :p

5th Dec 2001, 04:45
Hmmmmm, good point well presented. Peelots were very boring; they're all throwing their teddies out of the cot at the mo coz their toys are broke! So instead for pure entertainment value we chatted to a Spam engineer in the USAF. For the results of that conversation please now switch to our other hidey-hole forum as I'm about to start a new thread! :eek:

Things are always worse than they seem!

8th Dec 2001, 04:14
Well as can be seen our other hidey hole has become a hot bed of serious discussion! I take it that you lot had a good party tonight and looked after my wife properly???? I hope the loud one behaved himself and that you didn't throw as much food as you did last year J you chimp? :D :D :D :D

Things are always worse than they seem!

Jay Foe
8th Dec 2001, 23:16
No throwing food this year, instead they gave us gun's to play with :eek: :eek: :eek:

I'm glad to say that your wife was well looked after, at least I'm assuming that someone looked after her. I wasn't in a fit state to even look after a sausage. :p

Starting to get some comments in the App room now about this thread, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!!! JOIN IN NOW, YOU'RE THREAD NEEDS YOU!!!