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View Full Version : LHR Runway 05/23

20th Dec 2000, 00:26
Can anyone tell me if Runway 23 is still used, as I haven't seen any activity for a very long time? Also when was the last time Runway 05 was used, as I have never seen a T/O or App. on this runway?

20th Dec 2000, 01:27
23 was used a couple of weeks ago, I think, but was not used the night the BA Jumbo went gardening - read into that what you may!
05 hasn't been available for years, a small matter of several non-frangible objects on the threshold being a stopper. I remember the procedure for a 05 lander against a 09R departure - "xxxx do you see the traffic on 1 mile final for 05?" "Affirm" "Cleared immediate take off - roll now" cos his traffic was the one 3(ish) miles behind the one on 1 mile final!

20th Dec 2000, 03:48
I am also old enough to have used Runway 05, both on Tower and Radar. Check call was I believe, "report crossing the river (Thames)." 05 is no longer available as a runway and no procedures are promugated for it. 23 is used when the crosswinds on the main runways exceed 25kts. As has been stated, it was last used a few weeks ago. On average it is used about three or four times a year.

Evil Jethro
20th Dec 2000, 03:53
But isnt there a phrase someone came up with recently... "Backttack the disused runway 05" ?

20th Dec 2000, 15:56
ATCO 2 you must be nearly as old as me!!!
Yes it was “report crossing the river” and didn’t it get exciting when you rolled a departure off 28R and they had to cross!!

If you are as old as remembering 05 (I can also remember 23R and 05L) you must remember when Mediator stated in the early 70s or was it late 60s, I was Tower Supervisor on the first morning of the changeover of the system and changed the runway in use from the 28s to 05, did that ever cause chaos at LATCC!!

21st Dec 2000, 00:06
Ahhh... the joys of 05. I recall in the early 70s a fairly fine day with a strong NE wind but heavy snow approaching. A Trident at about 6nm final and the snow already crossing the gastank on 23 approach.... The Trident asked me if I thought he'd make and I egged him on.. alas we went into a white-out when the poor guy was about a mile out so he had to go around.

Recall having to roll departures on 10R before the lander had crossed the 05 threshold... A giant BOAC VC10 told me one day he'd prefer to wait until the lander had crossed his runway... I said I was more concerned about the one 3 miles behind. He rolled... and the resulting crossover at Bl85 was quite dramatic!!

Last time I saw anything on 05 was a Sea Fury barrel rolling it's way at low level!! Nuff said.

Lew Ton
21st Dec 2000, 01:01
Was it on 05 that the Vulcan crashed, returning from a round-the-world trip, I think, in the '60s? Or was it one of the other cross-runways who's direction escapes me now. When were they (it?) last used?

The two guys up front banged out, the rest weren't so lucky.

Added: XA897, 1 October 1956, returning from Melbourne.

[This message has been edited by Lew Ton (edited 20 December 2000).]

21st Dec 2000, 22:45

Get it right, man, the phraseology used was: "Backtrack the OLD disused runway 05"

;) ;) ;)


22nd Dec 2000, 01:34
So are you guys still the "Brylcream Boys" or do you use hair gel or mousse these days?

To infinity and beyond

cleared2land 27left
22nd Dec 2000, 15:46
The more experienced guys at LL may need help to keep it!

Evil Jethro
22nd Dec 2000, 20:11
Is it just me or is Shack sounding more and more like Mr Dawson every day!

Gonzo - quite right, my fault for trying to reduce the number of words without thought for the quality of service. Do you think 05 Ops should be included in ECT??Sorry TRUCE

22nd Dec 2000, 20:46
Thinking about that Vulcan crash also reminded me of the BOAC B707 fire in '68. Didn't that take-off on 28L or 28R (as it was) and land on one of the cross wind runways minutes after take-off ?

Lew Ton
22nd Dec 2000, 22:49
GARWE, 8 April 1968. I seem to remember it departed 28L and after a left turn landed back on 05. Everyone got out, except, unfortunately, for one stewardess who went back for one last check that everyone was out.

I believe the Vulcan crashed whilst approaching one of/the north-westerly runway(s). I cannot remember the direction, nor when these runways were withdrawn.

Hedge End Estate Agent
23rd Dec 2000, 03:11
I believe the Vulcan crashed on short final for 10L

23rd Dec 2000, 14:07
Evil K. Who is Mr Dawson?

23rd Dec 2000, 14:14
Sorry I meant to address that to Evil J

Evil Jethro
23rd Dec 2000, 22:44
Shack - someone who sounds just like you!!