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View Full Version : Thrust reversers on Rapid taxiways

Baron buzz
8th Sep 2004, 15:46

Just a quick question or two.

Should you ever have thrust reversers active, or even the thrust reverser doors open when turning onto/using a rapid exit taxiway? Also, is there a maximum speed for using one of these taxiways or is it simply pilot descretion/airport legislation? Im guessing that if there is such a speed if would probably be aircraft specific, but im just looking for general information at the moment.

Thanks in anticipation...

8th Sep 2004, 16:52
use thrust reversers them when you need them. Most companies/manufacturers advise against use once at taxi speed to avoid FOD. (Blowing up stones etc which then get sucked in)
However some types do use them for power back (reversing off stand) mainly in the states.

8th Sep 2004, 19:17
A 'common' SOP is to use reverse idle until the a/c is at 'normal taxy speed', therefore by def. on an RET it would be ok., and a sensible way to continue to slow down.

You are right about RET speeds, BB. Exit 'FR' at LGW R26 is at a fine angle and quite long, so higher speeds there are ok whereas elsewhere not.