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Hedge End Estate Agent
14th Dec 2000, 02:33
I've heard that Technical Handover is to happen before Christmas. Is that good ? What exactly does that mean ?

North of the Border
14th Dec 2000, 15:53
The handover should take place on the 18th/19th December. NATS will then be the owner.


daft fader
14th Dec 2000, 22:34
However, the rumour currently circulating is that the handover will go ahead even though things aren`t really ready. In other words another fiddle.

Hedge End Estate Agent
15th Dec 2000, 02:40
For Daft Fader.....

What things won't be ready ? Software, hardware or controllers. Will controller training start in the new year ?

15th Dec 2000, 03:49
Technical Handover aka TH is where Operational Engineering take responsibility for the system.

It can now be attached to live interfaces and OCT can commence (Whether ATC can support this is another matter)