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View Full Version : Sky news interviews?

MACC 29 all the time!!!!
13th Dec 2000, 12:02
Got an email yesterday , supposedly from some producer at sky news who wanted to speak to me regarding the future of ATC in the UK? Anyone else get one , is it real or some managment ploy? (Why aren't they talking through the unions ? and where did they get my email address from?)

13th Dec 2000, 13:51
Had one last week.
My address is here on pprune so I'm not too worried about that. Where did they get yours from though?
When I (politely) emailed to decline and suggest they talk to IPMS, I was offered "silhouetting and disguised voice" to talk about the future. Not for me this stuff.
There was a phone number, but I don't have it any more. Anyone else phone up and verify?

3rd Runway
13th Dec 2000, 21:30
Got a phone call from someone yesterday claiming to work for "Afco". They were looking for anyone at the airfield who could comment on future plans for air traffic in the London area.

PPRuNe Towers
15th Dec 2000, 02:16
The requests are absolutely straight. I spoke to the producer for an hour or so last week.

Essentially wanted to compare and contrast opinion in the field versus those pushing the privatisation. The piece was to hinge around whether the NavCanada trust concept is a more valid model if government is determined to offload NATS. A reporter had already been positioned to Canada to cover that end of the story when we spoke.

Regards from the Towers

[email protected]

MACC 29 all the time!!!!
15th Dec 2000, 22:07
Yeah I'd like too know where they got my email from because it is not the one I have registered on here? Any ideas anyone?

16th Dec 2000, 00:18
Why don't you ask?
I've found the phone number and email address. If you want them, email me.

PPRuNe Towers
16th Dec 2000, 03:26
MACC 29 - Your E-mail address, whether the one you've registered with or any other, is not available to anyone visiting this site .

If you want to pursue this further our point of contact is:

[email protected]
Tel: 020 7705 3064

To make this clear Alison is actually looking for comment unbounded and unhindered by a NATS employment contract and with knowledge of the NavCanada model.

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">What I am trying to find is a suitably qualified but independent person here who can talk to us about the virtues, or otherwise of that system. This needs to be somebody who is outside of NATS-someone who is an expert with
the necessary knowledge but who can look at the subject objectively.</font>

Regards from the Towers

[email protected]