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View Full Version : Labour MPs - a strange lot !!

12th Dec 2000, 21:29
It has been reported on Teletext today that some sixty back-bench Labour MPs have signed an Early Day Motion calling for Railtrack to be re-nationalised. They believe this is the only way to restore public confidence in the railways.

Now, aren't these the same lobby-fodder who voted SEVERAL TIMES to create a "Railtrack of the Skies"?

Spin that, somebody!!!!!

Warped Factor
12th Dec 2000, 23:00
Well...... Railtrack was a horrible, nasty Tory privatisation.

Whereas NATS PPP is a cuddly New Labour one and so will be much better and safer all round.



250 kts
12th Dec 2000, 23:34
Just been watching TB on the box. He stated that he thought that the speed restrictions on the railways were " a bit over the top " , despite them being at the recommendation of the HSA and Railtrack.
Is this going to be the sign of things to come when the delays build up next year due to OCT. Will the govt be putting pressure on the new company to keep the traffic moving. Let's hope not. Anyway keep lobbying the MP's etc - this is still not lost yet.

Chilli Monster
12th Dec 2000, 23:36
Just goes to show - It doesn't matter who you vote for, the Government still gets in http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/tongue.gif

[This message has been edited by Chilli Monster (edited 12 December 2000).]