View Full Version : Are there any female pilots on here?

31st Aug 2004, 12:06
Are there any female pilots on here? ged 15+ Im a 15year old male pilot and Im seeing lack in numbers of 15 year old female pilots :sad:

iF YOUR a female pilot , any age make a post so us males know where you are on this fourm!

31st Aug 2004, 12:29
Hi Captain K

Yes there are plenty of us female pilots on PPRUNE.

You may not have noticed us, 'cos we hide under Pprune names.:)

But, sorry to disappoint you, it is a long, LONG, L O N G time since I was sweet fifteen:(

31st Aug 2004, 12:32
Yay Ive found 1 female pilot , but the quest continues! Im sure your not a day over the age of twenty!:O

31st Aug 2004, 13:04
Are you an attractive 15 year-old pilot? Mature for your age?

If so, please give us adult female pilots a hand in recruiting more girls to our cause - tell them (show them!) how fantastic flying is! ;) It just didn't occur to most of us to even think of learning to fly at that age - we were shown girly mags and how to do our nails instead. So we have a lot of catching up to do.

I'm 25, I'm afraid. Totally over the hill! :)

31st Aug 2004, 13:12
Hardly over the hill 25 is still young i consider 30 the start of over the hill! Have you got daughters? That fly? I should get a big plane and take loads of girls up. lol

HAHA recruiting are you now?

31st Aug 2004, 13:17
Hmm, I was being ironic, but I'm very glad to know I've still got 4.5 years left in me.

No daughters that I know about - unless she's very young indeed. :) Couldn't afford children and flying on my salary! :D

31st Aug 2004, 13:34
Over the hill @30

How to win friends..............at least some of us have been flying for that long:ok:

The youth of today:{

31st Aug 2004, 13:41
At least your more wisdomful!

ACW 335
31st Aug 2004, 13:43
I think i win the award for youngest female.....! WOO!

I'm 19! ;)

(sorry, im taken.....!)

31st Aug 2004, 14:24
Hi Karl, another female pilot here, sorry another old female pilot.I had to wait till my sons left home before starting flying, and even they are old by your standard. :p

31st Aug 2004, 14:27
At least this thread is allowing the rest of us to sit back and finally find out how old our female participators are without actually having to ask....:p

31st Aug 2004, 14:28
ACW 335- Oh I thought you were the one then:( You could allways have a toyboy lol joke

Lots of older female pilots. DAM there should be a sponsership for younger girls to get into the industry...and boys lol

31st Aug 2004, 14:41
Hey Karl

Is Tucker Jenkins still working at Sywell?

31st Aug 2004, 14:42
I'd love to introduce girls to aviation, but I'm not sure that leisurely crusing through wing bendy rotors looking for wave and tight spirals in hot lift are the way to introduce anybody to aviation. Of course, it's an easy way to find out who the crazy girls are!:= First, of course, there is that whole finishing training thing.

31st Aug 2004, 14:50
Could you tell me more of whom he worked for and what he did? The flying school northamptonshire school of flying?
Or the aerodrome itself?

31st Aug 2004, 14:58
I'm a female pilot, but I could almost be your grandma :{


ACW 335
31st Aug 2004, 14:59
There seriously needs to be more young female aviators and females in general!

Captain Karl; why don't you start recruiting!?! Start taking all your class mates for trips! (or get them to go for a trial flight LOL)

31st Aug 2004, 15:03
Giving away free flights that could boost my popularity lol

All young avaitors and aviators find young female pilots for me! Relatives friends of family ALL welcome


31st Aug 2004, 16:01
Would somebody mind to enlighten me please. LMAO I have looked in CAP 413 but nothing like this is in there......... :confused:

31st Aug 2004, 16:06
it means Laughing my ar*e off.

31st Aug 2004, 16:06
LMAO = Laughing My "Ass" Off



31st Aug 2004, 16:11
Don't worry BRL, I'm (apparently) not over the hill yet and I didn't understand either...

My partner's nephew (who has a suspiciously similar profile to Karl) says all the girls in ATC get promoted above him because they're girls. At least that's his story. :) Fancy a 15 year old female pilot in authority?

surely not
31st Aug 2004, 16:11
so what does 'HTH' mean??

31st Aug 2004, 16:13
Lol a female 15 year old pilot in authority??

PPRuNe Radar
31st Aug 2004, 16:26
Anybody know any young CAA Flight Ops inspectors who could give Captainkarl his check 'ride' ??

It's great that we have the youngest UK holder of a pilots licence here on PPRuNe .. welcome Karl !!

31st Aug 2004, 16:31
:O So does anyone know a young female that can do my checkride lol Im a student not a ppl holder as of yet!

31st Aug 2004, 18:10
Young instructor to me after a club check ride:-

"You flew that vintage Cessna 150 very well"

My instant reaction was unwarranted pride in my flying abilities
- that was until I realised that I was considerable older than the "vintage" spam-can! :(

.... and I can't understand the younsters' abbreviations on this forum .....:{

31st Aug 2004, 18:21
ASL= AGE,SEX, LOCATION example(M means male) 15/M/UK

BTW= By The Way

LMAO= Laughing My Ass Off

LOL=Laughing Out Loud

WTF= What The F*ck

More to follow!


31st Aug 2004, 18:37
You missed the one that Redbird asked about. HTH = Happy To Help.

I'm a female (no sh1t!) at the grand old age of 54. :ok:

31st Aug 2004, 18:49
Do you have any daughters who fly?:O

31st Aug 2004, 18:57
Are any other female Ppruners going to the BWPA - AGM at White Waltham on 19th September?

I will be pottering down there, in an Archer from Cranfield, with yet another female pilot.

31st Aug 2004, 19:02
British Womens Pilots Associaction?:confused:

31st Aug 2004, 19:05
D_B - I'll be there if I'm no working the morning after. I will have to come in by car though. :(
Karl - as far as I know I have no daughters. Perish the thought.

31st Aug 2004, 19:16
Do you want one??:}

vintage ATCO
31st Aug 2004, 19:18
at the grand old age of 54.

Not last time I looked you weren't . . . . ;) :cool:

31st Aug 2004, 19:19
A Pilots dating agency for pilots whom wish to date other pilots! (I think ive just found my atpl funding)

31st Aug 2004, 19:22
Monocock - No thanks, but I'm happy to practise.
V'ATCO - Are you sure? It was dark in the back row. :D
Karl - What does holly have to do with it? And pilots' dating agencies have been done before, sorry.

31st Aug 2004, 19:25
There goes the funding.....lol

31st Aug 2004, 19:39
Monocock - No thanks, but I'm happy to practise.



vintage ATCO
31st Aug 2004, 19:43
V'ATCO - Are you sure? It was dark in the back row.

I can tell by the feel . . . . ;)

31st Aug 2004, 19:45

....... but will he also mow the lawn? ;)

Charlie Zulu
31st Aug 2004, 19:50
Hi Karl,

I'm introducing two friends who happen to be of the female kind to skies on Saturday. One of the girls is seeing someone (no not me, the lyrics to McFly's "Obviously" describes the way I feel about her, er oops hope she doesn't lurk on pprune in secret!!!), the other single. However the singleton does like younger guys, but not ten years younger. Sorry.

I hope to get these two hooked as we need some new students!!! :D


You mean us men have to mow the lawn as well??? Oh well there goes the ATPL study time.

Oh I've just realised where I'm going wrong!!!! LOL.

Best wishes,

Charlie Zulu.

31st Aug 2004, 19:57
Couldnt she kinda, stop ageing, hasnt microsoft or johnsons pharmacuticals come up with an antiaging thingy! Oh well get them hooked and Ill work on her! haha You taking them flying? In what and where from or to? May I reccomend a landing at SYWELL (EGBK) where I am based!

Mc Fly hey....I havnt listened to it after the awful "AIR HOSTESS" May I reccomend a song BUT YOU need to watch the video for it to make sense to us pilots, Mai Ia Hii by Ozone.

31st Aug 2004, 20:11
Bloody hell; I go flying for a day and this thread runs to THREE PAGES!!!!

Well, I'm female, definitely over the hill by Karl's standards (I just went off you Karl; tact is obviousdly not your strong point ;) ) and I don't have any daughters. BUT I do have a very attractive 17 year old female neighbour, who's an ATC instructor, and wants to be an RAF pilot. She went solo in fairly minmal hours, and has been doing really well since then, so she might well make it. I don't think she's a PPRuNer, but I could mention it...if I ever see her between her flying and all the other things she does...definitely a woman of action. But on the odd occasions we meet we always talk flying, so...we'll see. I definitely agree that there aren't enough female pilots, so anything you can do to attract more sounds good to me.

Can't make the BWPA event; I'll be camel trekking in Mongolia. This was supposed to be the year I got some balance in my life, and stopped spending all my time and money on aviation. It's ended up being the year I spend all my time and money on aviation...and do loads of other things too. Result - I'm broke, exhausted, and having lots of fun. :ok:

31st Aug 2004, 20:18
17 and an atc and wants to be an RAF pilot? sounds good

Charlie Zulu
31st Aug 2004, 20:21
Hi Karl,

Well I don't have my aeroplane (Beagle Pup) as its maintenance (again) and my mate is using his aeroplane (a Robin). His other aeroplane is still on the production line (six weeks to go!) so I can't fly that yet either.

So what am I trying to say? Yes I have to go rent a flying club Warrior III (newish) at club rates!!! Shock Horror!!!!!

So we're going to Dunkeswell as its only half an hour or so from Cardiff. Have some dinner there and then back to Cardiff for a night out.

Not that I'm complaining about club rates, the bigger problem is that I can only get it for a couple of hours on Saturday. So a day trip to Guernsey or Jersey is out.

No I can't take them to Sywell as I know what you young guys are like when it comes to Cat Deeley look-a-likes!!! ;) ;) ;) :D

Not sure of the song you're on about, Obvioulsy is the only one that I know of in regards to MyFly, I'm sorry to say. I heard it on the radio a couple of weeks ago and it struck me that the words are perfect (except he's not in the marines, he's at uni at the other side of the country - phew!)! :D

I'll see what I can do on the age front... hehehe.

All the best in finding younger girls to take up flying, the ones I knew when I were your age were more interested in the other things in life.


I knew a 17 year old girl a few years ago in the same situation as your neighbour. On her 18th birthday (or thereabouts) she had her medical for the RAF (she was going in hopefully to be streamed onto fast jets) and her arms were an inch too short.

She was distraut. However never mind as a few months later (literally) she landed a sponsorship deal with BA and at the last count was in the right hand seat. She was 19 when she passed everything and started flying for BA on revenue flights.

It all worked out in the end.

Hopefully your neighbour will have better luck.

Best wishes,

Charlie Zulu

31st Aug 2004, 20:26
Cat Deeley look-a-likes!!! Crikey! Work on that age front indeedy! Have a goodtime out with them, safe flying!

Polly Gnome
31st Aug 2004, 20:46
I'm female too, but unfortunately

too old:(
live too far away:(
know one or two youngish female pilots but they are married:(

Still, keep up the good work to get more girls flying:D

31st Aug 2004, 20:48

31st Aug 2004, 21:33
I'm confused. I thought this thread was about female pilots but all it looks like is a big pile of capital letters that aren't in the dictionary (I've looked).

Can't we stick to Queens English on this forum.

We are Pilots and the public expect us to have stiff upper lips, Handlebar moustaches and speak in a 1950's Ealing studio accent with David Niven, Terry Thomas and Kenneth Moore as our role models. This image must be maintained for the sake of the BBC.

If its not in CAP413 or the AIP does it belong here?


31st Aug 2004, 21:39
18greens, you got it in four (paragraphs that is) :ok:

I'm British and proud of my Queen's English... you are referring to the 'BBC' kind, correct?

31st Aug 2004, 21:40
My daughter is cute, blonde, blue eyes and went on her first trip in a PA28 last week - she's 13 months old - hoping she'll follow in Mummy and Daddy's footsteps and be a pilot too :D

31st Aug 2004, 21:43
Kool 3 pilots, how did she cope with the 1st flight may i ask?

31st Aug 2004, 21:45
Squadgy, it always makes me smile when I hear about the very young experiencing the luxury of flight; it's fantastic getting her introduced to the flying machines at an early a stage as possible... although there is one hitch with that, as I found out: once she is old enough to reach the pedals, there'll still be five years or so to wait until being able to log hours... well you know what they say; anticipation all adds to the overall result!

Good luck in the future and and best wishes to your daughter :)

31st Aug 2004, 21:54
Cheers guys - she loved it, it was only a short 20 min local flight, but she really enjoyed peering over the edge of the window looking out at the ground below - she even spotted some traffic for us which was superb !

I know other people who fly who's kids aren't in the slightest bit interested in avaition though, so we'll have to see if she gets bitten by the bug or if I'll be swapping my weekends at the airfield for early mornings at the stable yard in a few years time :rolleyes:

Charlie Zulu
31st Aug 2004, 21:54

It'll either mean she'll be hooked by the time she is five years old, else will mean she is so used to flying that she will think of it in the same way most of us feel about car journeys.

Look forward to the day she stats saying, "mummy, are we there yet?" "Daddy, how long until we get there?". "Are we going to the beach Daddy?" For that one you'll have to go to Barra. :D

Well another pair of eyes will be good for you. Be worried, if whilst flying, she says, "Eye spy with my little eye, something beginning with w". Er whats w for... "Daddy, W is for Window on that jet plane over there..." I think you'd be a little close if that happens! :D :D ;)

Best wishes,

Charlie Zulu.

31st Aug 2004, 21:58
Yeah, I remember when I took my very first lesson... I got back down on the ground and thought, 'wow, why would anyone want to do anything else'! I guess being 'bitten' can be a good thing when used in its right context!

Here's to many more flights in the future :)

31st Aug 2004, 22:20
I can rember me before 1st flight experience and me after

Before, sad, bored with life

After Happy found a new challange

Me and halfbaked boy like being able to walk past the outsiders watching planes then hoping in them for a flt!

1st Sep 2004, 08:00
Me and halfbaked boy like being able to walk past the outsiders watching planes then hoping in them for a flt!

Fine, but please just remember how lucky you are and how they may not be able to partake for reasons they can't help.....

1st Sep 2004, 08:03
HI Captain

I am a girl , and I am back .

and unloved , so free .


But you wouldn't like me , not many people do on here .



1st Sep 2004, 08:33
Good to have you back! Half the people on here love you, you idiot!!!!! :) OK, maybe the other half don't, but that's potentially....around 35,000 ppruners. Isn't that enough for you? However, don't you think you're just a teeny weeny little bit old for Karl? :) :) :) :)

On pilots' kids and flying....
I met the daughter of Jackie Moggridge last year. Jackie learned to fly in her early teens, left her native South Africa at the age of about 17 and came to the UK, then flew anything and everything for the ATA during WWII; the youngest pilot they had. After that the airlines wouldn't yet take women, but she managed to carry on flying, including a memorable time ferrying spitfires to Burma. She died at the end of last year in her eighties; her autobiography, "Woman Pilot", is fascinating if you can get hold of a copy...it's long out of print. Anyway, to get to the point, her daughter just isn't interested in flying. She remembers aeroplanes as things which bored her and which took mum away from home for long periods when she was young. And my C-150 regular co-pilot has a 9 year old son who just isn't interested; won't go near an airfield if he has the choice. So I think it's different strokes for different folks and all that.

1st Sep 2004, 09:08
As a 31 yr old female pilot I'm definitely well over the hill then! There are quite a few of us about, but to echo previous comments, at the age of 15 I was encouraged to decide whether I wanted to be a teacher or a nurse. Nice jobs for girls!

1st Sep 2004, 10:26
Girls should be allowed to pursue any career of their choice.

as long as they wear a nurses uniform

1st Sep 2004, 10:44
Yes ,old and errr wise KARL ,
(thanks for bringing that age old age thing up WHIRLY , teehee )

but I do have a NURSES UNIFORM in my dressing up box .

OH and yes , have not met many women , or girl pilots up here in the HIGHLANDS YET ,
but did meet one from PPrune , " LATE FINALS " recently .
(a visitor from NZ )
(And very nice to she was .)

Actually come to think of it , I recall someone saying that there is a quite famous WOMAN pilot , in a neighbouring village up here , about 15 miles away .
and I believe in our vllage CADETS there are a few girls .

So could be some up and coming ones for you KARL.


1st Sep 2004, 10:46
to elaborate on what I said before... I'm 54. I'm an instructor for SEP'S, TMG's etc. Didn't start learning to fly until I was 33, in spite of the fact that my ex was an airline captain. He never suggested the idea (afraid of competition? :} )

Both my kids started glider flying when they were 14 but both stopped before their first solo... son because it was too much "work" pushing planes around, daughter because her boyfriend of the time couldn't join in. Well, she didn't marry HIM but just never got back into flying. And neither has any interest in an aviation career! So, you just never know... but it would be really boring if EVERYONE had the same interests.


1st Sep 2004, 11:25
:) How old are you pinky? :confused:

1st Sep 2004, 11:32
I'm hoping to attend the BWPA event. However, I probably won't fly on this occasion.

1st Sep 2004, 11:36
Bring on the ladies I say - a 22 year old male here and I aint seen one yet! This is like a dating post (or it could develop into one) :E :E :E

1st Sep 2004, 11:39
I had plans to go to the BWPA meeting at WW, however, my fiance offered to take me to Paris for a minibreak. Lets see, BWPA meeting or romantic 4 days in Paris... ummm.. Sorry girls. :p

karl, another female pilot here, 'fraid way too old and too taken for you. :cool:

1st Sep 2004, 11:41
a 22 year old male here and I aint seen one yet!

You seem to have had a bit of a sheltered upbringing there... :p

1st Sep 2004, 11:41
:( :ugh: :{ :eek: :ooh: :suspect: :sad: :uhoh: ohhhhhhh

PPRuNe Radar
1st Sep 2004, 11:43
Bring on the ladies I say - a 22 year old male here and I aint seen one yet! This is like a dating post (or it could develop into one)

Errr, no it wont. We'll just sprinkle some of the anti 'raging-teenage hormones' dust on it. ;)

Or move it to JetBlast and let the inmates there have their wicked way :E

1st Sep 2004, 11:48
'raging-teenage hormones'
Some female 'raging-teenage hormones/feremones' please

1st Sep 2004, 11:50
How old are you pinky?

What kind of a question is that to a lady ??

1st Sep 2004, 11:52
:O :sad: sorry:ugh: :\

1st Sep 2004, 13:13
I commend Karl for asking the questions nobody else had the audacity/tactlessness to ask. You can do the dirty work and I'll sit back and get all the important information. Probably doesn't matter tho since I live on the wrong side of the water.

P.S. - Ask for pictures! (hint hint)

1st Sep 2004, 13:30
The pinkster is five years old, as you can learn from her profile on her very own forum www.pinkaviator.com (http://www.pinkaviator.com)

The Viking

1st Sep 2004, 13:31
You seem to have had a bit of a sheltered upbringing there...

Very funny - I meant in my very limited aviation experience, and being an 11 hour student, you can wonder how limited that is...:{

with alacrity
1st Sep 2004, 13:32

This might interest you and perhaps one or two others!

www.loveair.co.uk :sad:

1st Sep 2004, 13:35
Anti 'raging-teenage hormones' dust?

If there were such a thing, you'd have a good market there for parents.

I'd have love to have flown at 15. Didn't get to fly first time until I was about 19 and a student, on a trial lesson, then could only afford to get my PPL when I was 26. But now at 34 I've had my own plane for 3 years! ;-)

Mind you, I'd love to have had a girlfriend at 15 too. Suppose at 34 I'd also love to have one, but not one who objects to me flying! :-)

Ok, I suppose everyone could e-mail Karl to ask him to post questions they want to ask. £1 a question. Karl, I get 20%, ok?

Otherwise known as Black 3 (formation position)

1st Sep 2004, 15:44
CZ? Pup? Cardiff? Do I know you?

Dunkeswell Saturday lunchtime you say...


1st Sep 2004, 17:03
G'day Pinky,

You should pop down to our own little airfield (Sywell) whenever you have the time and I can show you some manoeuvres in our resident Slingsby :)

Really Karl... asking a young lady... 'tut tut' :ok:

1st Sep 2004, 17:12
G'day to you HALF BAKED BOY ,

I intended to Pop in this summer to SYWELL , but went to WYCOMBE instead ,enroute home .

I will call though sometime when I am down your way ,

May be I will fly in .



Some one once accused me of being childish on here .



1st Sep 2004, 17:24
Wycombe yeah? They have some very well maintained 150s (or were they 152s?) with the club markings... I love the registrations of the club aircraft too... I'm not sure if all of Wycombe Air Centre's aircraft have it, but the two Cessnas that flew into Sywell about a week ago were G-WACA and G-WACF :) Likewise, here at the Northamptonshire School of flying two of our aircraft are 'G-NSOF' (that would be the Robin HR200) and 'G-ONSF' (the Arrow).

I've never actually been down to Wycombe myself... it's about fifteen miles to the west of Heathrow isn't it?

But yeah, have you stopped by for a bite to eat here at Sywell before? We have a very nice bar that does fantastic meals (may I recommend their 'Bacon & Egg' baguette... very tasty!)... other places worth visiting that I've been to are Conington (again, for the splendid sandwiches/breakfasts they have!) and Wellesbourne, purely for the scenery, and they have a retired Vulcan sitting right next to the taxiway!
I was also over at Le Touquet with my instructor a month or so ago... the price of the wine over there; we loaded a hamper up with so many bottles of wine for 10 euros (that's total) the aircraft didn't want to leave the runway when we took off again!
Yeah about two euros each, and that was for the fine names such as Chardonnay, not the cheap stuff, although in general French wine is never usually 'cheap' :)

Well, let's hope to see you down here some time!

By the way, where do you fly from? Sorry if it's in your profile but I haven't seen it yet!



p.s. some nice pictures on your website!

1st Sep 2004, 17:49
I've not yet eaten at Sywell as I was a bit nervous the last time I visited (for other reasons) Plus, ive been banned from there til i get my license as anyone will have witnessed if they were listenin to tha RT on Saturday...
I know conington does a very good cheese salad sandwich served by two v good looking girls, they're well within ur 'limits' captainkarl :)

btw pinks, when are you coming to cambridge!? u sed u wud... :(

1st Sep 2004, 19:17

Sorry for mentioning the dreaded word "age"!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

It's just that...I must be a prude or an old fart or something, but I really thought maybe 15 was just a little bit young, even for you...and I know you like 'em young. ;) ;) ;)

But don't let me spoil the fun; I'll go away now and leave you all to it. ;) :)

1st Sep 2004, 19:48
OOOOOOERRRRRRR .you are right Whirly , far to young for me .

I will concentrate on the more mature pilots from now on .
(The last crush I had has had to end )


If you are a student then I meet a gorgeous looking instructor last year with long blond hair .


1st Sep 2004, 20:12
This 34 y-o single guy would love to meet some female aviators to go flying with! come to that matter some young ladies who want to be treated to a flight to lunch in Le Touquet would be nice, even if they're not aviators!
Sorry girls - I'm not rich anymore - I was until I discovered flying!;)

1st Sep 2004, 20:43

If you mean the instructor I think you do, she recently got married.

1st Sep 2004, 21:02
OOOOOOERRRRRRRR , YES Forgot about that miner detail WHIRLY,

Sorry KARL .

2nd Sep 2004, 05:56
There are so much female pilots around :
female club class pilots (http://www.aeroteam.de/cards/hx03/clubklasse.jpg)
Joung female pilots (anyway, well above 15...) (http://www.aeroteam.de/cards/hx03/einsteigerclub.jpg)
More young female pilots (http://www.aeroteam.de/cards/hx03/einsteigergemischt.jpg)
Advanced female pilots (http://www.aeroteam.de/cards/hx03/gemischteklasse.jpg)

Hard to believe, but sometimes you find more than 50 female pilots on one airport at the same time ...

2nd Sep 2004, 08:40
Well Volume, that settles it! We have a destination for the next Pprune flyin!!! Where did you say those pics were taken Volume???

2nd Sep 2004, 08:40
Thing is small pilot, you're not really selling yourself to us ladies with a name like small pilot!!

Or maybe its just my corrupt mind!

(Sorry, probably doomed the thread to jetblast now)!!


2nd Sep 2004, 10:06


Careful Pinkster, you don't know who might be reading! :-)

2nd Sep 2004, 11:38

:ooh: Oi, Pinkster, you leave me out of this, you mischievous young vixen!

Errm, FlyFreeWbe, I'm going to be nosey now, sorry. Did you have a bad experience on Saturday? Hope everything's OK.

2nd Sep 2004, 11:48
Hehe, not at all Penguina! I was talking to the ATCO in the tower about my qualifier etc and mentioned (jokingly) that the next time she'll see me is when I got my PPL..little did I know that she was gona broadcast it on 122.7 :ugh: Nevermind! I'll visit as passenger til then

Tell you what tho, couldnt half figure out how to get to the runway! "G-** taxi rwy21" "taxi rwy21 HOW exactly G-**"

2nd Sep 2004, 12:06
"G-** taxi rwy21" "taxi rwy21 HOW exactly G-**"

:D You and the rest of the world! Including my (early middle aged male) instructor. 'G-CD taxi to holding point delta' 'taxi to delta G-CD [stops transmission and rustles frantically among bits of paper] now where the f***'s delta???'

But well done for flirting with the ATCO. Always a good move, I'm sure!

Err, small pilot, don't listen to GuinessQueen: if you're paying... :)

Charlie Zulu
2nd Sep 2004, 12:15

I believe you may...

Yes CZ, Pup, Cardiff.

Dunkeswell on Saturday says I.

But not until around 4pm as I don't have the Warrior until 3:30pm. This may change though.

One of the girls (cat deeley lookalike) has dropped out as she has to go shopping with her boyfriend (damn him, he wins again!).

But I may have a bit longer and a little earlier somewhere else on Sunday as I'm taking someone from another forum flying on Sunday in a non-club aeroplane (CZ if its out of maintenance by then!).

Best wishes,


2nd Sep 2004, 17:00
Sunday is the ukga.com forum fly-in if that's what you're referring to. Wellesbourne Mountford. I will try to be there.

Not sure what I'm doing on Saturday, may go to the Duxford Air Show.


2nd Sep 2004, 22:40
Fly free WBE ,

(sorry but will have to be next easter when I visit CAM and SYWEL .)

You should defo have your PPL by then .


30th Mar 2005, 14:11
Hello every1 I am back!

lol the way I see it theres got 2 be another 15/16 year old female pilot at some flying school somewhere in this country?
The odds...come on theres just got to be!!?

I have girls, but not aviators! I want to meet a girl already into flying! Most "grounded" girls just dont know why I like/love flying so much, so it would be very nice to share it with a girl that already knows!

Well time to eat dinner!

Capn Karl

All rather silent

30th Mar 2005, 14:54
Why don't you join the BWPA ... then you'll meet loads of female pilots.

30th Mar 2005, 15:08
Correct me if I am wrong but wouldnt you have to be a female pilot to join in the first place?

30th Mar 2005, 15:50
Im sure theyll make an exception for you karl :D btw, has much changed at sywell? Im thinking of dropping in this wknd, wx being ok that is

30th Mar 2005, 16:25

The ladies go mad for a set of wings (the badge, not the real things which they on average think are boring). Buy a set of PPRuNe wings, walk up to a reasonable female (on the airfield) and say:

'Hi, you look 16, wanna fly with me?"

(Now drop into foetal position and defend yourself from the unmerciful beating).

Besides, any females into aviating are bound to be there for the love of flight. Men come second. Literally :ugh:

Confab (25, male and enjoying it!)

30th Mar 2005, 16:45
FlyFreeWbe, no not much ahs changed I dont think....Ive known and flown from sywell for about 2 years now. Im flying this weekend, I should have lessons both days, keep a eye out for me Ill be in a green Robin hr200 either g-nsof or g-bvxk!!

Confabulous, your bound to meet females slightly to young for you, lol drop them my home field (sywell, changing to sibson late april) or maybe my pprune name! So you have a lot of female freinds?

LOL bye everyone.

Fg Off Max Stout
30th Mar 2005, 18:07
So has this technique been working well then 'Captain'?

30th Mar 2005, 20:46
Correct me if I am wrong but wouldnt you have to be a female pilot to join in the first place?
I understand that BWPA was set up to promote the interests of women in aviation, and as such the membership is NOT confined to women only. So feel free to join us.

Mine you when another women pilot and I were leaving for a BWPA fly-in last summer, we had all the usual comments from the fellas at the flying club such as:

"Oh good, those two are going to a BWPA meeting to learn how to make a proper cup of tea!"

So girls, if you want to become a pilot, you need a sense of humour and the ability to wind up the fellas :)

30th Mar 2005, 21:00
You should speak to TheKentishFledgling... he seems to know all the young ladies. I remember a thread about some Latvian Triplets a few months back!;)

I do agree though, some more female aviators are always a good thing (says a single and looking guy! :) )

30th Mar 2005, 21:08
come to thee "TheKentishFledgling!" i wnant info

2nd Apr 2005, 23:03
Me and the bear would love to recruit some more females to the network. Come and ride the PPL rollacoaster and visit far off airfields in the middle of nowhere.

You never stop learing in aviation so come and educate my feminine side!!!

PM @Coopervane (& Bear!)

Papa Bravo Delta
6th Apr 2005, 15:20
Only just seen this thread and I haven't read it all in detail, but if this is turning into a dating agency for private pilots then count me in!!!!!!:D

Just in case!!!!! I am a single, attractive male (they all say that don't they!); young 35!!! :D

8th Apr 2005, 15:02
You called?

As for the triplets...
Took two of them for some aeros in the Citabria, but the third refused to fly, but she enjoyed being inverted anyway.
