View Full Version : Railtrack v Airtrack

Take up the Hold
7th Oct 2001, 02:43
I have been sitting watching the football on TV and while flicking through Ceefax the headlines are saying that Railtrack is close to bankruptcy and that the government is taking over the day to day running of that company. With the crisis in the aviation industry today, how long before they have to take back control of NATS from TAG.

7th Oct 2001, 04:35
Not very long I should think. As we were created massively in debt to start with and obviously the airlines have their own problems - it's either back to CAA or no UK ATC system! :( :(

It will never work in the long term anyway - with NATS having no control over its customer base and no way of expanding (ring fence) or increasing charges (ERG) coupled with the sensitivity of international aviation to world problems or recession and the increased use of video conferencing by companies resulting in less business travel.

NATS only looks like a good business proposition when the growth rate of the economy and aviation is high - the rest of the time it's an essential service that must be there when (if) the upturn comes.

NATS will now have the same dilemma as Railtrack - safety or balance sheet.

Which one would the travelling public prefer!!!

:mad: :mad:

Father Dougal
7th Oct 2001, 19:23
Seen on teletext this afternoon:

"The Government intends to turn Railtrack into a non-profit making trust, with profits put back into the system and not given to shareholders".

mmmmm... now where have I heard that idea? Oh yes - didn't we spend a long time trying to convince the Government to do just that with us??? If I remember rightly the response was that privatisation would be the only way to obtain the 1.5 billion of investment we needed!!! Within less than two months we're being told that there is no money for investment in anything other than NERC. Maybe it's time to start writing to MPs again - even if only to say "told you so"! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

9th Oct 2001, 01:57
Since this government have been in charge they never take heed of any advice from the people actually IN the industry concerned. Concerns of pilots, ATC and the Commons Transport Select Comittee all ignored. WE KNOW BEST they cry. Tube PPP as well. And you can bet when they "reform" other public services they wont give a damn about what those who actually work there think(and who MAY JUST KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT IT).TAG will, somewhere down the line, go the way of Railtrack. And depressingly, most of us know that now, but the govt. wont listen. :(

squawk 6789
9th Oct 2001, 12:57
Surely this means that if we were ever to go on strike for whatever reason a TAG airline could fail and we would get the blame? Or would it focus our new leaders' minds into resolving issues before they get that far?

As for President Blair, the prospect of him changing his mind is somewhat akin to that of Maggie re the miners- i.e. none!

10th Oct 2001, 17:44
Where is Gwyneth Dunwoodie (didn't spell that right, but it's the thought that counts)when you need her?

Father Dougal
10th Oct 2001, 19:01
Gwyneth's always been there when we needed her! The problem is there's not enough Gwyneths. :(

11th Oct 2001, 02:13
Couldn't agree more Father Dougal