View Full Version : Becoming an ATSA / ATCO at Biggin Hill

land at your discretion
8th Aug 2001, 01:42
Does anybody know what the entry requirements are to become an ATSA to then be trained as a ATCO at Biggin Hill, does anybody know if they are looking for Assistants at the mo?

8th Aug 2001, 03:07
SERCOprovide the atco's at Biggin Hill, although it may be better to have a chat with the Manager ATS initially, as they will obviously be aware of current and future requirements.
Like all units, they are short of atco's, and there isn't exactly a queue of atco's, within or outwith SERCO, to volunterily go to Biggin Hill.
If you can get a job as an atsa there, and show the aptitude, Serco are pretty good at providing onward training their own staff.
You can expect to be bonded for several years in return, and could, theoretically, be posted elsewhere to any of Serco's other UK stations - small beer in return for the licence and ratings.
Suggest you have a chat with the Satco, (sorry - don't know their name), and follow it up with a top CV to them.
You could also send the same CV to Sally Johnston, Head of Operations, SERCO, Bartley Wood Business Park, Hook. Hampshire.
You may get a standard reply, or you may be lucky.
Either way it's worth a try.

8th Aug 2001, 03:50
Biggin Hill SATCO is Pete Mirams.

Chilli Monster
8th Aug 2001, 13:12
A word from the inside at the moment.

Due to lack of capacity in UK training at the moment SERCO do not anticipate training ANY ADC controllers in the next 18 months to 2 years, instead relying on picking up ex-NATS graduates with ADC only. As we all know there is usually a glut of those on the market ;)

However - if you've got that and want to move on..........


SATCO Biggin
9th Aug 2001, 15:13

As SATCO Biggin I had better put the record straight.

Currently we have all the ATCO's we need. This we achieved through promotion and training of ATSA staff over the last 5 years.

'Bonding' people has not become necessary. All ATCO's are 'home grown' and are, therefore, relatively happy to stay working here.

A recent vacancy for two ATSA's has just been filled.

I do receive a pretty huge mail bag of requests from ex-NATS trainee's (Area Radar failures) all with un-proven Aerodrome Ratings. Unfortunately Biggin is not the ideal place for ab initio Aerodrome Controllers to learn their trade.

ATCO Two.......do I know you?


Biggin Hill :eek:

land at your discretion
12th Aug 2001, 22:07
The mad controller.

Any idea when your be looking for assistants again? What qualifications do you expect ATSA applicants to have ideally? I know the airfield pretty well, will that help me?


12th Aug 2001, 22:39
Hi PM,

First encountered you on AVSIG a million years ago, then briefly as an ATSSD Inspector during annual inspection. Now on the phone from Thames Radar! Know Dave too from my days as Heathrow UTO.
Respect to the Biggin Controllers!!

land at your discretion
13th Aug 2001, 03:13

I expect you know Mike Jeffereys. I've got him for my inital FISO validation soon, got any tips at all on how to please him.


13th Aug 2001, 11:08
Yep - talk about football! (We did on my board!!!!)

Nice guy - from Hull I think.

Good luck with yr board.

13th Aug 2001, 11:27
Hi L A Y D,

Mike is a dour, down to earth Yorkshireman and a very pleasant guy. Ex Gatwick ATCO. No need to "please" him. Just keep it simple and safe and act as if he wasn't there during the practical. Make sure your bookwork is up to scratch and it should be a breeze.

Red Four
14th Aug 2001, 02:07
Don't call M.J. a Yorkshireman, I believe he's from Lancashire!

SATCO Biggin
28th Aug 2001, 16:56
Sorry about the delay in replying but I have been on my holidays !!

In answer to the question "when we will be recruiting ATCA's again", I am afraid the picture is not clear. Its all done a bit on a 'demand' basis so I will have to wait until I can forsee another person leaving/promoted before i can go out shopping for new staff.

ATCO 2.....Aha !! now I can put a name the the name if you see what I mean.

We have the pleasure of Mr Jeffries company this week for our annual inspection. I also find him reasonable and practicable about the job.