View Full Version : Winnipeg bound.

20th Aug 2004, 00:17
I understand there may be one or two foreigners heading CYWG way in the not too distant future.

If they happen to see this (and want to save some money), drop me a PM.

Oh, and bring you woollies ;)

It's not that bad

20th Aug 2004, 04:34
Ya we had -40 C in Ottawa last year, so its not just the Peg :cool:

20th Aug 2004, 11:20
Was that including that lovely little factor known as "wind chill"? :E

20th Aug 2004, 16:09
Not that bad? Snow in August not that bad?
Not much of a summer here either but at least its still warm enough for more appropriate "summer" clothing!:cool:

20th Aug 2004, 16:50
Not including windchill. It was one of the coldest winters in ages! I know the Peg dosen't need windchill, it manages happily without it :E

20th Aug 2004, 19:49
Not that bad? Snow in August not that bad?

Shhhhhhh! You'll scare them off! ;)

And they were officially "snow crystals" that managed to reach the ground. Nothing like that little blizzard we had there at the end of May.

20th Aug 2004, 20:15
I did my CPL at Gimli in 1992 between May and October. I seem to remember it was pretty warm. This side of the Altantic it is apparently getting warmer and wetter (which is OK if you're with a woman, but ain't no good if your on the Prarie...). Don't you guys have Global Warming?

20th Aug 2004, 22:35
Don't you guys have Global Warming?

Firestorm, go and open your window. Hear that sound...........that's me laughing! ;) I don't think it's got here yet.

Scott Voigt
20th Aug 2004, 23:40
Yeah, we are saying that if this is global warming we are all for it. Not one day above 100 yet here in North Texas this year. Four REAL cold fronts in two months and more days in the low 80's than you can shake a stick at. We are in HEAVEN...



23rd Aug 2004, 16:42
Don't you guys have Global Warming?

I think most people in Winterpeg this year have started to leave their cars on idle for most of the day...in the hopes of creating global warming.:E

Personally, I've been trying to purchase as many aerosol canned products as possible...anything to make that giant hole up there larger to open up some rays to us.

24th Aug 2004, 15:15
I'm tired of the snow and ice too, so I'm transfering down to Atlanta Georgia (A80) Large Tracon. Starting on September 5th I'll be using the sign on of NATCA A80.


24th Aug 2004, 15:58
Thought you were already gone! If I'd have known, I'd have asked you to elaborate on the "perfume of mass destruction" at FWA lately!

24th Aug 2004, 21:16
One of my spies informs me that one of the Uk`s recent exports to Winnipeg is on his way back.

25th Aug 2004, 00:13
Loki, where did your spies hear that one?

News travels fast.

25th Aug 2004, 17:34

I heard the rumour in the canteen at a large ATC facility on the South coast of England. Subsequently heard elsewhere.

25th Aug 2004, 18:12
Yes, a lot of what is found in that canteen often repeats elsewhere!!! :yuk: :yuk: :yuk:

25th Aug 2004, 18:50

We could really start the rumour mill going as I believe there could be TWO Brits who may be deciding to head home.

bagpuss lives
25th Aug 2004, 18:54
Anyone I'd know?

25th Aug 2004, 18:59
N-F. Dunno matey?! Who do you know over this way? :E

PPRuNe Radar
25th Aug 2004, 22:22
Oh Danny boy .... the pipes of LACC are calling .... :)

26th Aug 2004, 00:19
Radar I think you've struck GOLD!

However, I'm putting a thousand bucks the other guy who is thinking about it isn't going to head back to his old unit.

26th Aug 2004, 11:20
DG's on his way back?

Would the other fella have burned his bridges at his old unit by telling them where they could stick the job by any chance?

26th Aug 2004, 12:58
V-L, nope, it's not the one you're thinking of (he wasn't NATS staff).

I like this game.

26th Aug 2004, 15:40
Anyone I'd know?
Its not me, I'm staying put!
I do know one whose heading home and back to his old unit. I think Jerricho knows him too. ;) I'll take that $1000 now please, used 20's will be fine!:D
DC c/o YYZ Tower

26th Aug 2004, 19:55
Cossack, never count your money at the table my friend ;)

Is the guy you're talking about from a non-NATS airfield on the south coast of England, not too far from a certain ATC college?

bagpuss lives
26th Aug 2004, 20:00
Ah that's a shame cossack, matey - it really is :)

26th Aug 2004, 21:12
Alas my car left on idle and my aerosol cans are working. Winnipeg forcast is for 28 and 30 deg. next week.:cool:

27th Aug 2004, 03:37
No he's not from there. He's from, and going back to, a large airport near Windsor. Start counting it out!
Does that make it three then?

I'm touched:O I didn't think you'd miss me!
There are due to be four ex-MACC starting here next month though. Correct?

27th Aug 2004, 12:46
A large airport near Windsor? I didn't realise we had anybody over here from White Waltham.

I ain't counting it out cause in that case there are THREE!!!

Goldfish Watcher
27th Aug 2004, 16:56
Not Winnipeg bound, but Toronto bound.... (maybe eggbound actually by the look of the photo)

The latest LACC export to Canada (http://freespace.virgin.net/gordon.r/monopoly/Hpim0931.jpg)

by the way, is it not possible to display images in the post now. Tried the old thing but it didn't happen - just a link!!...

Scott Voigt
29th Aug 2004, 00:41
So Goldfish, the only way that you cold get them there was to drug them into a stupor <G>???? (that's what the photo looks like anyway.)


Yakkity MK2
29th Aug 2004, 23:52
But remember Jerricho , it is only a DRY cold ..........

30th Aug 2004, 14:14
Of course it's a dry cold.

At -40C, moisture doesn't stand a chance.

30th Aug 2004, 23:45
so why are these guys leaving Canada?? was Canada not all it was promised to be or were they mis-treated at the workplace?

31st Aug 2004, 13:13
The silence to that question is deafening!

Yakkity MK2
31st Aug 2004, 14:26
come on Jerricho , we wait with bated breathe .....what are your views on this ......

31st Aug 2004, 16:28
My views? There's no way I'm going to speculate. These are private, personal decisions people have made, for what ever reason, and shouldn't be questioned.

Nobody listens to me anyway ;). Just ask Hammy.

31st Aug 2004, 17:38
Did someone say something?

Scott Voigt
31st Aug 2004, 18:40
Probably couldn't find any cafe that knew how to make a good cup of tea <G>....:ok:

1st Sep 2004, 14:16
Correct on the tea...............but Tim Horton's does make great coffee (and donuts)

Scott Voigt
1st Sep 2004, 20:42

I did have to have one of your countryman come over here to show us how to make a propper pot of tea <G>, but we are still uncivilized since we refuse to put milk in our tea <G>... Go figure though, I drink my coffee with it.



1st Sep 2004, 21:18
Scott, hate to correct you mate, but most of my countrymen only know how to drink beer (Australian). Tea is something them English types drink with scones and jam isn't it?

1st Sep 2004, 21:48
Quite right Jerricho, but they do a passable imitation at the Fairmount Empress in Victoria every afternoon....pricy mind, but the ambience (not one of those white van thingys with the flashing blue lights) is great.

Scott Voigt
4th Sep 2004, 04:19
Sorry Jerricho;

All this time I thought you were British and not just a colonist <G>...



Spuds McKenzie
4th Sep 2004, 07:40
All this time I thought you were British

Couldn't you tell by his accent? :}

4th Sep 2004, 12:20
a thousand bucks the other guy

Hmmmmm...............little birdy tells me my wager is correct.

And those heading this was will be glad to know it's officially been the coldest sunner on record here.

"Winnipeg has broken the record for the coldest June, July and August, Environment Canada meteorologist Jay Anderson said yesterday.

The mean temperature for those three months was 15.6 C, compared with the historical average of 18.3 C. The previous record was set in 1992, when the average temperature for those months was 15.7 C -- only a fraction of a degree warmer than this year. "

4th Sep 2004, 20:26
so i wanna know.. you checked out yet Jerricho? How do you like working in CYWG? How does it compare to the UK?

Scott Voigt
5th Sep 2004, 03:37
Sorry Spuds,

I couldn't tell, you all look alike to me <G>..



5th Sep 2004, 13:47
Not checked out yet. And having a great time. The other resident import is enjoying himself as well.

Refreshing to have a 20 minute drive to work, door to door. I don't miss the M25 and M3 at all (or paying the equivalent of $2.30ish for petrol).

I can only speak from my experience here at YWG Centre, but Nav Canada seem very supportive in getting "imports" checked out. The manager of IFR training is a very switched on guy, and takes a genuine interest.

I'll be honest though............never seen so many VFR/IFR training aircraft in my life. :\ I suppose it's a source of revenue.

Scott Voigt
6th Sep 2004, 04:54

Go further south and you will see enough training aircraft at some locations that will water your eyes <G>...



PPRuNe Radar
6th Sep 2004, 09:47
Jerricho used to work in the London TMA. He probably thinks that 2 training aircraft are over the top :p

6th Sep 2004, 17:09
He probably thinks that 2 training aircraft are over the top

You mean you can have more than one. That wasn't in the job description! :(

7th Sep 2004, 13:13
Refreshing to have a 20 minute drive to work, door to door. I don't miss the M25 and M3 at all (or paying the equivalent of $2.30ish for petrol).

Jerricho, Why did you ever leave OZ?

Latest Brisbane stats,

- Traffic increasing to pre Sept 11 and Ansett crash levels (nearly there)
- Petrol currently 92.5 - 97.5 cents per litre
- Temp. 23C during the day
- Surf 3'+, but last 2 days northerly wind has flattened the swell
- Still only takes me 25 minutes to get to work (that's at warp factor 1, 15 mins at warp factor 5)
- AsA (managers and controllers) now united against common enemy - Dick.

How's the snowboarding?


8th Sep 2004, 17:23
Anyone over there know anything about a controller who used to be at manchester before going to canada R.N.A?

8th Sep 2004, 20:40
I used to be at Manchester but I'm guessing R N A are their initials. Correct? If thats the case then its not me, but I think I know of whom you write.

8th Sep 2004, 22:21
If they are his initials, I definately know of who you speak. He's here in the Peg!

Pheasant Plucker
9th Sep 2004, 14:36
Bigsnaketrousers - proof that B.S and luck beat ability (for some anyhoo).

Parsnips might be joining him soon:D

10th Sep 2004, 18:07
B.S. and luck you say?

Geeze, I've been relying on that for year!

Aunt Rimmer
10th Sep 2004, 22:44
Sounds like transatlantic stalking to me :}

Oh to have my pheasant plucked ......... :E

11th Sep 2004, 07:37
My mother there yet fool?

Pheasant Plucker
11th Sep 2004, 13:58
I hope thats not an offer Auntie:yuk: