View Full Version : Instructor Rating Anyone???

4th May 2000, 04:47
Hey folks.

Just wondering if there's anyone out there (that lives in or near S.E. QLD) that may be considering doing an Instructor Rating.
I'm looking for a second person to do the course with, or even a third if there's some interest there.

Post here or send me an E, whatever's easiest.



6th May 2000, 04:56
Interested, definitely, but unfortunately not until about April next year.

Do not fear the winds of adversity. Remember, the kite rises against the wind, not with it.

12th May 2000, 00:19

I am possibly thinking of doing a course about mid June but have not found a school to do it with yet. I live in the SE of England, and would be interested to hear what you are up to.


12th May 2000, 03:29
Hey there Richie,

Well, glad to see you're thinking of doing the rating too. Only problem is that my great, great, great uncle decided to pilfer a loaf of bread and got his narrow butt sent to Australia. And so I'm here too...

So I think it's a bit of a tall order for us to do the course together... but let me know if you start one up there on the top of the world.



P.S. My uncle didn't really steal a loaf of bread.

It was a leg of ham... :)

Angle of Attack
14th May 2000, 13:35
Turbofan, email me for some info on I.Ratings in S.E Queensland