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13th Aug 2004, 22:23

Any Brasilia´s pilot from Omega could tell me what is the maximun pay load that serial numbers 12 & 13 can carry?
Thank you very much

pipo the clown
13th Aug 2004, 23:16
Around 3.200 Kg.


[email protected]

14th Aug 2004, 12:10
Thanks Pipo, the cargo Brasilias are certificated for Embraer to carry 3500 Kg. Swiftair has bought two Brasilias to Omega:

reg D-CAOB (serial number 120-012)
reg D-CAOA (serial number 120-013)

They are telling that planes have a modification made by Omega in USA. This modification permits carry 4000 Kg, and the pilots don´t beleave it.
We are looking for someone that can confirm that point.

P.D. Swiftair is increasing its Brasilias Museum. They have already the serial numbers 7, 8 & 9. N

pipo the clown
15th Aug 2004, 00:01
3500kg it is.
For me 3200kg was sort of a limit (alarm bell) since we did not had a refeuling probe installed.
If you remove the wooden floor, the netting, spare oil and tires, tow bar, cable restraints, fire extinquishers, portable oxygen bottles,life vests, and the very handy APU you will get to 4000kg.
We operated with the German LBA approved mass and balance specifications and I absolutely cannot recall this number of 4000 kg.
Maybe Swiftair should talk direct to the lessor Boeing Capital.
I am shure the maintenance company Cirrus will also have some answers.
It would be more appropiate to contact these companies.

Sincerely G.J.S. Groenendijk

15th Aug 2004, 11:57
Cheers Pipo, very usefull info.
If I get more I´ll post here.


19th Aug 2004, 21:38
The 4000kg were primary used for making some advertising at the beginning of Air Omega. The airline went away from that recognizing, that 4000kg is a load which can't be transported as long as there is some rest of economical thinking. People doing that didn't like the idea making wrong promises.

Both ex-Omega aeroplanes were former pax aircraft modified for cargo transport by an American STC holder. There is nothing special in that. Finally, it is just some kind of change in the cabin lay out developed, when Embraer couldn't offer a cargo version.

Guess when the authority checks your EMB-120 flight plan taking off with 4000 kg, you might have some trouble because the distance you can fly with that is almost walkable.... ;-)

20th Aug 2004, 10:19
Hi Jetsearch,

Do you know the web page of the place where the modification was made?

30th Aug 2004, 21:26
As far as I know, they don't have a website. It is a company called Worldwide Aircraft Services. They are based in Springfield/ MO, doing a lot of Metro and Merlin stuff.

6th Sep 2004, 16:02
And whoever is in doubt what happend to Air Omega aircraft: Here is at least one of them. Painting is still the same, just REG changed.

http://www.airliners.net/open.file?id=648184&WxsIERv=RW1icmFlciBFTUItMTIwIEJyYXNpbGlh&WdsYXMg=U3dpZnRhaXIgKEFpciBPbWVnYSk%3D&QtODMg=TWFkcmlkIC0gQmFyYWphcyAoTUFEIC8gTEVNRCk%3D&ERDLTkt=U3BhaW4%3D&ktODMp=QXVndXN0IDE3LCAyMDA0&BP=0&WNEb25u=Sm9z6SBSYW3zbiBWYWxlcm8gLSBJQkVSSUFOIFNQT1RURVJT&xsIERvdWdsY=RUMtSkJF&MgTUQtODMgKE=RGVsaXZlcnkgZmxpZ2h0LCB0aGlzIGlzIHRoZSA4dGggQnJ hc2lsaWEgZm9yIHRoZSBzcGFuaXNoIGFpcmxpbmUu&YXMgTUQtODMgKERD=MTY0&NEb25uZWxs=MjAwNC0wOC0yNw%3D%3D&ODJ9dvCE=&O89Dcjdg=MTIwMDEz&static=yes

I'm sorry, quite a long link. But I guess it works.