View Full Version : Instructor 'Tricks'

16th Jun 1999, 11:34
From AVFlash:

STUPID CFI TRICKS: The FAA encourages CFIs to train their students to deal with distractions, but you can take a good thing too far. For example, we offer an Arlington, Texas, CFI described in a recent FAA prelim. The instructor, the report says, distracted his student, unbuckled the student's seat belt, then put a high negative G-load on
the Cessna 152. The student was slammed into the roof of the plane and knocked unconscious. The student's legs then briefly got the CFI's way as he tried to regain control of the aircraft. When the student
awoke, he asked the instructor to return to the airport and then drove himself to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with an injury to the neck. One can only guess what that CFI was thinking.

16th Jun 1999, 15:02
Ill guess! How do you know the instructor didnt discover that morning that the student had been screwing the instructors wife?

Roller Merlin
16th Jun 1999, 15:40
What has happened to this clown "instructor" (I use the word regretfully)?

I hope he got a size 12 boot rammed up his rear baggage compartment, and good legal advice.

17th Jun 1999, 03:04
The 7th word of the 2nd sentance says all that needs be said. As I tell most anybody who will listen, the best thing ever to come out of Texas is Interstate Highway 10!

(All in jest, my Tehano friends!)

...and above all,



20th Jun 1999, 02:04
Reminds me of a story about an instructor who used to demonstrate PFL's by shutting down the engine, turning off the mags, and then extracting the key and throwing it over his shoulder (C152)

After about 1000 ft, he would nose the a/c forward, the keys would slide forward back into reach and the rest went on rails,

Until one day, the keys got stuck on something - way back

[This message has been edited by PeeToo (edited 19 June 1999).]

20th Jun 1999, 07:33
The "realistic distraction" is actually a flight test item for American PPLs. Commonly this is dropping something on the floor, or pointing excitedly at something out the window. I have also heard a story of a candidate's chart being set on fire. Knocking the candidate out seems a tad extreme. :-!

20th Jun 1999, 14:59
The distraction training can be very good, sounds like the Texas bozo needs to find a new career.

One distraction I used a lot was to talk to the student about a TV program or movie, from Base leg thru final to brakes on, then ask the student what I was talking about....
the ones who said I have no Idea had their full attention - quite rightly on flying the aircraft, the ones who could remember what rubbish I was talking about were paying too much attention to me at that time and usually showed in the quality of the landing.

This Is a very important task to do, as the new pilot critical learing period is between gaining a licence and 400hrs, when they will be eager to take many friends and family on trips some of whom will be very distrating with video cameras and chit chat.....

24th Jun 1999, 08:08
Did you find any gender significance as to who could remember the TV show talk and who couldn't.
It has been documented that males are more single task orientated than females. So I would assume that female students could land OK as well as remember something of what you said.
Just wondering if you experience supports this.

One aircraft I used to fly would regularly have both doors 'pop' open without assistance, so I never had to induce a distraction

10th Jul 1999, 11:27
Many a time I've 'popped' doors open when students say '..hatches and harnesses...'

11th Jul 1999, 22:07
Hi Deputy,

I would have replied earlier but was doing another task at the time..... :)

Don't mess with the red switches.

Hugh Jarse
18th Jul 1999, 14:33
Gidday Tuner,
Sounds like more Septic crap. Typically unrealistic. There are enough 'real' distractions in the cockpit (as you know), without instructors having to make up stupid and dangerous scenarios.

I hope the student sued (Septics being a litigous lot).

BTW, have you soloed yet??????????????? :)
JARSE! Non circum coitus

19th Jul 1999, 15:51

Right on with all the Septic stuff.

Nah, solo will be on August 19 (16th birthday).

Cheers Hugh.

Tuner: Lacking in carnal knowledge.

22nd Jul 1999, 05:24
Hehe...sounds like the TXan must have had a bad night (or a really bad student :-). My favorite one is to say "ooh, look how many swimming pools there are down there" (this in in Florida BTW). Or.."ooh look, there's a naked woman down there!" Apologies any female readers. Usually, I find most students are more than worried about the traffic in the pattern and this can be enough of a distraction at times!

Happy flying y'all