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View Full Version : Job perks for instructors

Luke SkyToddler
7th May 1999, 00:34
All this talk of compulsory 3,000 quid MCC courses and such things over on wannabe's has got me fair shaking in my boots the last few days. The brainwave suddenly struck me this morning as I lay in bed - does the standard remuneration package for instructors in the UK involve access to company aircraft/simulators/training & upgrade courses etc. at cost price, as it does down here? I'm sure such things would represent a significant cost saving ...

9th May 1999, 02:21
To have access to the type of sim/courses you are talking about Luke you would really have to be employed by one of the large Flight Schools, but to get a job with one you would need all these bits before hand! All a bit of a nightmare I am afraid, but there is not really a way around it for someone in your position of needing a UK licence. You may be able to get a job at somewhere like Oxford (I do not know your experience level) which might mean you could get a discounted Loft/MCC course, and some jet sim time. Hope this may help a little.