View Full Version : Conversion

Luke SkyToddler
2nd May 1999, 10:13
Could some knowledgable person please tell me what is involved with the conversion of a foreign instructor rating to a UK one? I'm a 700 hour NZ pilot with about 450 instructing hours, heading to the UK to pursue the airline jobs but would also like to convert my instructor's rating in case I find myself jobless. Can it be done as part of the GFT for the CPL conversion or is it a separate flight test with extra fees and things associated? And would someone in my position get a QFI rating automatically or would I have to go through the AFI system first?


Use the force!!

capt beeky
6th May 1999, 22:23
Shouldnt be too hard. I know three Aussie Instructors in UK. I will post the info after I see them next, but it might be a while. Hopesomeone else can be more informative

You would definately have to do a seperate flight test.

9th May 1999, 02:27
I have just posted a reply on your other thread Luke, but to answer your question about Instructors Ratings, the UK is one of the few countries in the world that actually give you credit for foreign instructing experience. You would have to do some flying with an FIC (Flying Instructor Course) instructor until he is satisfied that you can pass the flight test, yes there would have to be a separate instructor test. If you meet the requirements for an FI rating that is waht you would get.

Luke SkyToddler
9th May 1999, 05:50
Thanks for your replies ILS and beeky. See you soon!

[This message has been edited by Luke SkyToddler (edited 09 May 1999).]

5th Jun 1999, 15:22
Sorry that this reply is a little bit late but I have some information on this topic that is very recent. I recently (1 month ago) looked into converting my foreign instructor rating to a UK one (I have a UK commercial licence though), and here's the deal:

After November of last year, the rules on conversion changed somewhat thanks to the JAA. Now it is not as simple as just getting a "recommendation", you have to do 15 hours of flying and 30 hours of groundschool. The CAA require you to fill out an assessment form (completely seperate to the one you have undoubtedly filled out to convert the rest of your licences, and another £80). They say that they look at each case individually, but they also said that their hands are now tied by the JAA and the best they can give you is a "half course" which is what I described above, so that is what usually happens. How this is considered a "half course" I am not sure since the groundschool requirement has gone up to 125 hours, but for conversions 30 hours seems to be the norm. Anyway...

So you are looking at about £1500 if you are NVQ registered, otherwise you are looking at slightly more than £2000.

Haven't made up my mind yet if I want to do the conversion or not.

Anybody out there interested in hiring an instructor with 600 hours (900TT) of fixed wing instructional experience (private, commercial and night)? Just wondering if it's worth doing the conversion ...
