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24th Mar 1999, 18:05
Are any part timer instructors out there who could let me know an approximate number of hours per year that could typically be expected in the UK. How many hours can a full timer reasonably expect ?



25th Mar 1999, 02:10
Working at an airfield around London, about 700 full time, Prorata part time.

25th Mar 1999, 02:10
Working at an airfield around London, about 700 full time, Prorata part time.


25th Mar 1999, 16:35
I instruct weekends only for a medium sized flying school in central England and do almost exactly 300 hours per year.

25th Mar 1999, 17:53
GT, 3oo hrs a year part time is good going. Did you find it difficult to pick up part time work? Are you also doing a day job thus working 7 days a week? If so respect due!

26th Mar 1999, 16:41
Hi Greenjacket. I did my instructor rating back in the summer of '95 and then started looking for part time work. This was pretty thin on the ground then and it wasn't until June '96 that I found something within travelling distance (which actually turned out to be a round trip of a little under 80 miles) of my home. I do work 7 days a week. I would love to instruct full time but if I did I would have to sell my house and car and find myself a cardboard box under a railway bridge to doss down in. I have a well paid Mon to Fri job with a very good package so this makes it all the more difficult to go instructing full time. Maybe one day! What about yourself?

29th Mar 1999, 11:35
GT, I haven't got the instructor rating yet but when I do I am in a similar situation to yourself. Full time instructing would cost me a lot of money, however I am gearing up to cover myself for 18 months full time. The way I see it the more hours I can get part time the better in my attempts to get my 700/1500 before July 2002. I had thought that part time was difficult to get but your experiences are encouraging. Do part time instructors make the same money pro rata?