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View Full Version : Pronunciation of PPRuNe

21st Jul 2004, 10:18
Silly question, but how does one pronounce PPRuNe?

21st Jul 2004, 10:23
It depends on how you are using the word. For example:

I am reading Pea-Prune.
I am a Pruner.
I am going to a Pea-Prune fly-in.

Generally, Prune is the more familiar version.

Rupert S
21st Jul 2004, 10:51
you see i've always pronounced it

21st Jul 2004, 10:58
What's wrong with you, boy? You need taking out and giving a good seeing to! BRL, bring the high voltage battery and the table lamp with the halogen bulb. :suspect:

21st Jul 2004, 10:58
I say "puh-prune", but the real answer is "Cholmondely".

Tomorrow, if I have time, I shall post for your delectation the famous "Ballad of P O Prune", which isn't on the net as far as I know, so will have to be typed in.

21st Jul 2004, 10:58
I have heard both p-prune and prune in approximately equal proportion.

Capt. Manuvar
21st Jul 2004, 11:01

21st Jul 2004, 11:20
Overheard en-route to the Isle of Wight a few weekends ago:

G-abcd: Gabcd Final
Sandown Radio: Roger, runway is clear, errr, are you a prune?
G-abcd: Affirm. 2 prunes on board
Sandown Radio: After landing vacate left and park with the other prunes near the windsock.

This was repeated several times so by the time I called for joining information I insert "1 prune on board" into my initial call.


21st Jul 2004, 11:21
Molesworth fans will remember the episode: "The prunes are revolting".

21st Jul 2004, 13:05
I'm a "proon"...The extra "Pea" just adds to an already cluttered audio spectrum....:}

Bird Strike
21st Jul 2004, 13:07
I pronounce it "Prune", "Pruner", and "Pruning".

21st Jul 2004, 13:38
I always thought it were "prune" but then I attended a Gatbash and everyone - John Farley included - pronounced it "p prune". Correction made.

21st Jul 2004, 13:45
What does He Who Must Be Obeyed think?

(That's Danny, not Evo.)

21st Jul 2004, 14:54
As I recall from that bash, Mr D p prunes too (you ought to remember, you were there and tried to solicit a donation for the PPRuNe Fund from me.)

Aussie Andy
21st Jul 2004, 16:22
Just "prune" as far as I am concerned...!!!!!


21st Jul 2004, 20:31
pprune - proon
ffyffe - fyfe
etc, etc

21st Jul 2004, 22:04
Easy - prune, prunery or just plain pruneing.God, We're bored...

21st Jul 2004, 22:29
Pshaw, it's simply "prune".

21st Jul 2004, 22:34
It is so sad :{ that I can even be bothered to get even slightly worked up about this for a fleeting moment; but I am.

How can it be prune, pruner, pruning, and so forth, when there are two Ps? :uhoh: It has to be Pee-Prune, remember there's the word professional in there, too.

22nd Jul 2004, 12:02
Peas with prunes? :yuk:

22nd Jul 2004, 15:31
ppr...p.proon.....p..p..r..u..n..n..e....ppr..unie........th at thing on the internet that all them pilots and journalists go on.

25th Jul 2004, 15:06
For me it's always "Pee-Proon".

...Although for a long while, whenever I told my girlfriend I was browsing "Pee-Proon" on the internet, she thought I was saying "Peep Room" and assumed I was spending rather too much time in some kind of voyeuristic porn site.