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30th Jul 1999, 14:19
Hi there.

I would like to become a flying instructor. Whenever i ask the FI at my local school about what to do, they look completly gormlous, and say "oooh i dont know, with all these JAR regulations".

Can anyone help?

I have very recently got my UK CAA PPl.

Thank you in advanced.


1st Aug 1999, 01:36
I think it goes like this, you must,

1) Get an IMC rating
2) Build Hours to around 200 TT inc about 100P1
3) Study for and pass written exams to at least CPL level.
4)Do a commercial GFT course and aquire (at the moment) a BCPL.
5) Do a FI course

* If youre not interested in being paid then you can skip step 4.

Being a gormless instructor myself I cant vouch 100% that this is wholly accurate as things seem to change on a weekly basis. My advice is find your nearest training organisation who provide commercial GFT and Flying Instructor courses and ask them the same question. Most of us in the business of training PPLs dont necessarily keep up on developments as much as we should.

Good luck, MAYDAY

1st Aug 1999, 14:08
You need :-
200hrs total time of which 150hrs are P1 unless you hold a BCPL, CPL or ATPL in which case only 100hrs need to be P1.
to have passed CPL exams.
to have completed at least 30hrs on single engine piston powered aeroplanes, five of which should have been completed during the six months preceding the pre-entry flight test.
received at least 10hrs instrument flight instruction.
completed at least 20hrs of cross country flight as PIC.
passed a pre-entry flight test with a FI qualified to carry out such a test

Completion of all of the above allow you to start an approved course of training for the issue of a JAR-FCL FI(A) rating.

Full details are in AIC 105/1998 (White 325) which is available at http://www/ais.org.uk/publications.htm

Hope this helps !

3rd Aug 1999, 22:36
Think you also have to do the 300nm xcountry with 2 land aways...all in one day