View Full Version : Etihad Airways

Obi Wan Kirk
9th Jul 2004, 07:05
Anyone out there know who and where the pilot management come from in Etihad?
Is it a good airline to work for?
Will they be taking on NON-type rated pilots soon?

10th Jul 2004, 15:40
The Pilot management are Vice President = German, Head of Flight ops = German, Flight training= Canadian, Head of Flight Safety = Swiss, Head of ground Services=English. Most Captains and First Officers are European and there are 60 of them to date.

So not a cast from a bollywood movie, or from down town Abu Dhabi. ;)

13th Jul 2004, 12:39
Rumour flies on the notice board at EK that Etihad have just had a 30% pay increase and their package runs to something like:

25k AED start for a Capt plus 700AED/Duty day giving around about 34k/month.

95k housing, 22k/kid schooling but no retirment package as yet.

Any truth in this rumour?!?


bugs bunny
13th Jul 2004, 22:21
Don't know about the rise.
Does anyone know if they'll go for Airbus or Boeing?

14th Jul 2004, 00:24
From what i heard. Ex- UA 777 are on the way.

14th Jul 2004, 07:58
They don't know where they are going.They don't have a game plan.The money they have will ultimately run low,just wondering when they will abandon the plan.Their load have not pick up still,some still running on single digit load.Better start coming out with concrete plan and long term ones too.Look at it....they have not still made any purchase of aircraft....all on lease...easier for them to wind down in case of down turn in the industry

Big Bus Boy
14th Jul 2004, 09:22
Great way to fly, where on earth do you get your info from? Because you clearly know nothing at all about this subject, stick to something you do know, which may indeed not be too much!!
Etihad, do lease there aircraft for now, there first owned aircraft will come along in the spring, just as soon as airbus can build it. Look out for the farnborough air show, then come back and say the money is running out. If there is a more cash rich company anywhere, please let me know. The A380 is coming our way too, we will be the second customer for it, way before EK and the rest, why? Well you work it out. As for the payrise you mention, well yes thats about it, give or take the odd little bit.
trust me Etihad will have around 50 planes by 2009, and will grow into a truly global airline that is up there with the very best, for now, great way to fly, you just sit and watch the show and then come back and be a little humble!

14th Jul 2004, 10:38

Just to echo BBB; Etihad have got the big bucks behind them and will not worry about the bottom line. The same can be said of Qatar, both have a lot of oil and gas. Only my opinion but it will be interesting to see how the growth of Etihad effects Gulf Air. It cannot make sense for their major shareholder to be competing with itself.

The competition in the market will probably hurt EK most. Whilst their loads probably won't drop that much, the top 5% is the profit and Dubai don't have the same depth pockets as the other players. However, Etihad do have to work out their own strategy because just copying EK, as Qatar did, probably won't work in a more competitive market.

A good game is a fast one,


14th Jul 2004, 13:01
Hey BBB,

Sure about the 380 before EK, I don't think so pal. Airbus is behind filling orders and EY is not that special to jump in front of everyone else.
But let see what comes next week at the show

Big Bus Boy
17th Jul 2004, 20:21
Its true, Ek did have the orders in for the 380 before EY, and i'm sure your right, but lets just wait and see.
It would be interesting to see the 380 in AUH, roll on next weeks show!!!

20th Jul 2004, 11:48
Here´s their shopping list

bugs bunny
20th Jul 2004, 19:19
Talking about shopping.
Do you know what are they going to put in the kart before 2006? I guess they will not settle with the six aircraft they have right now until the deliveries of the brand new ones.

21st Jul 2004, 04:03
So refreshing news!...finally

Big Bus Boy
21st Jul 2004, 08:17
As far as i know, there is another 340 coming this fall, then 2 330 from the order being delivered next spring and 4 others being leased until the rest of the new stuff starts arriving. As for the 380's and despite some peoples lack of faith, Etihad has been confirmed as getting MSN 002, that the one after Singapore, but before EK, as i mentioned before. I guess we are just taking the ones Virgin dont want, but yes much digging required at AUH!!

Big Bus Boy
21st Jul 2004, 14:12
Yes its odd, and i really dont know. I would guess its political, something that seems to go on a lot in this part of the world, and you would think Emirates would be a more imortant customer at this stage, all i can say is that this is the way round at the moment, lot can happen in 2 years though!!

28th Jul 2004, 18:01
Hello Guy!

Wanna ask something about Etihad & Living in AUH.

1. Benifits (FO)
- Education coverage
- Travel
- Promotion
- Basic & other allowances
- other packages

2. Can we get nice apartment with $75000 dirhams,
- Facillites e:g: Swimming pool, Gym, designated parking
- Fully furnish or ......
- Location?


28th Jul 2004, 21:25
Bob is your uncle,

Emirates has chosen the Engine Alliance engine (GE&PW) for their A380 and will thus have to wait a year after Singapore to take delivery of their first plane as the RollsRoyce engine is the lead engine on the A380 program(ie it will be certified first). As Virgin had early slots and had chosen the RR engine, this rumour about early delivery to Etihad seams possible.
Even though Etihad has not ofically selected its engine supplier for the A380 this rumour will be confirmed when they annouce that it is RollsRoyce.

29th Jul 2004, 08:51
Still nobody answer my questions!!!! Wonder why:\

Big Bus Boy
30th Jul 2004, 07:08

the package is good i guess, If my friends at Ek are anything to go by the money in the pocket is better at Etihad, although no you will not get too much downtown for 75K unless its 2 beds. Housing is more expensive than Dubai, you need to look nearer towards 90-100k for new 3 bed. but the company gives more than 75k anyway so its not so bad. Schooling has just gone up but i really dont know what is is, as for Abu dhabi, its not Dubai, but its an easy going place thats good to live in.

bugs bunny
3rd Aug 2004, 12:57
Just noticed:

in their web site looks like they are recruting cabin attendants only.

Pilot positions have been removed.

Don't they need pilots any more?


Bugs Bunny

4th Aug 2004, 07:58
Oh Dear,Doctor Evil you seem to be just a touch resentful.Could this indicate that you are another slightly concerned Gulf Air pilot?

4th Aug 2004, 09:17
Bugs Bunny,yes they do need pilots.Do you have a German Passport?It certainly helps,especially if you are looking for a speedy upgrading.

5th Aug 2004, 07:24
Hi guys

Now there's another ad both on their site & Flight international.The reason why the previous one removed was the closing date being 31 July 2004.Now there's a new closing date 4/11/2004.This time they listed also the benefits.


5th Aug 2004, 07:35
This time they listed also the benefits.

... which are pretty bad ...

6th Aug 2004, 13:36
Captain [Fligh Ops] Closing Date: 4/11/2004
Department : Flight Operations Location : Abu Dhabi

Description : Join the Arabian Gulf’s most exciting new airline and tour operator Just over an hour down the coast from Dubai is the Capital of the United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi which is now the home to Etihad Airways.

The national airline of the UAE. Etihad Airways is a full service 3-cabin airline using the latest generation of Airbus A-330/A340 aircraft and has been created to meet the rapidly growing demand for high quality air services. Middle East routes have been launched now and early next year the network will expand to destinations in Europe, the Far East and beyond.

We are seeking flight deck crew to join our operation – preference will be given to applicants who can offer immediate availability. We are seeking suitably qualified Captains who are type rated on the Airbus A330/A340.

& Experience: Minimum 3000 hours on Jet with at least 500 in command on A330/A340

& Benefits: The total package will include the following:

• Tax free income.

• Basic $5300 to $6700
• Allowance per duty day of $191.
• Housing allowance.
• Educational subsidize
• Medical insurance
• End of service benefits

6th Aug 2004, 16:12
So if you average 17 duty days, the starting whack would be:

Captain between $8500-$9900 plus the benefits.
F/O $5800 -$6700

Emirates currently pay $4600 for an F/O and $7200 for a Captain. Without looking at the exact packages it is difficult to accurately compare which provides the most buying (saving) power but up to an extra $2200 has got to be food for thought for potential candidates for the sandpit. Once the promotion sitch becomes clearer, the Etihad expansion might put a giant wrench in the EK works.


6th Aug 2004, 16:19
No Overtime. (Captains averaging 90-100 hours/month)
No loss of license insurance.
No per diems.
No travel allowance.
Housing allowance well below what is needed.
Education allowance a joke.
Days off assigned while away on layovers.


Obi Wan Kirk
7th Aug 2004, 09:51
I here the Chief Pilot is Captain Werner Borchert from LTU. Has anybody got a contact number for him?

7th Aug 2004, 12:04
Heard of him have you?and still want to work for ETIHAD!What are you brave or desperate?

Obi Wan Kirk
7th Aug 2004, 17:34
I have only heard the name, enlighten me on the rest of the story.
I'm not desperate, I just think it's a good time to explore the pilot market and if you find a good deal, jump ship!

Big Bus Boy
8th Aug 2004, 09:30
Ok, so George you dont work for Etihad i assume, because if you did i'm not sure where the basis of your post came from, you must be working a diferent roster to me!
Yes you do work kinda hard here, we are growing and just like EK are a little light on numbers, hence the adverts, and yes more housing money would be good, but you can get a good 3 bed place for the f/o money if you look, yes no overtime, but still we earn more than most with our duty pay, so it takes the edge off. As for loss of licence again true, we dont have it from the company but we as a group will soon have a policy which we will pay for ourselves(horror!) but if you get a little extra it's not a problem.
Now there can only be 2 reasons you annoyed, either you work for another gulf carrier and you dont like getting less cash, or your not rated and just cant get it, either way nobody is forcing you or anyone to join, just chill and enjoy yourself more.;)

8th Aug 2004, 16:38
Heard all pilots in ETIHAD get the Laptop. Wow!!!!:ooh:

8th Aug 2004, 23:56
Doubt they will be able to find the numbers they need.
Soon the requirement for type rate will be dropped and the package will be improved as well.
Market forces will start playing in our team now...finally!

9th Aug 2004, 22:32
Market forces will start playing in our team now...finally!

I read the above and then looked out of my hotel window to see a pig flying by! How long have we all waited for the terms and conditions to improve when the supposed pilot shortage arrives?

11th Aug 2004, 14:46
This is in response to the Ladies/Gentlemen that think Emirates, Etihad & Qatari are doing better than GF, I agree yes they do have pockets full of money and they are splashing out like there is no tomorrow, but I think the majority of you lot are forgetting an important fact. I personally have mentioned it before on this site however it seems to me that you lot are either ignorant of this fact or just chose to turn a blind eye to it.
I’m sure by now you are all waiting in anticipation to read about this fact!!! Well the fact is WORLD TRADE ORGANISTION, there is something called “UNFAIR COMPETITION” it is happening in US and Europe and it sure is starting here, slowly but surely. In fact rumor has it that certain flag carrier has already started complaining to the EU about Emirates but they are dragging their heels until, the A380 is successfully launched. ; very soon they will be limiting traffic rights to those that are not complying(I should right fully hope so); soon there will be no such thing as; NO LANDING FEES, FREE/HALF PRICE FUEL, AND ULIMITED INTERST FREE LOANS.
GF is now being run commercially, despite all the short falls and hard work, we have been getting pay rises and improved benefits, and we’ll hang in there, InshaAllah thing will get better and better.

He, who laughs last, laughs most (so the English say, excuse a foreigner, like me).

With love, Hish

Big Bus Boy
12th Aug 2004, 11:27
Now forgive me, but are you saying that we should all pay the same for fuel? Maybe we should pay the same for our car petrol as we do in europe too, oh and lets all pay income tax, or is that not why we live here and not there so that we have a little advantage?
The American carriers have been getting looked after since 9/11, GF have been bailed out for years, and hopefully you are turning it around, but if you are its a little rich to come on here now saying that others should fall behind you so that you dont slip up once again, welcome to the real world my friend. If your good enough you'll be fine!

13th Aug 2004, 04:54
I think you better go and find out more about world trade organization and unfair competition, rather than make sarcastic comments. Or maybe you should wait until the tide comes and meets you.:ok:

Big Bus Boy
13th Aug 2004, 17:23
Now Tristar, the only problem with this forum is that its full of GF folks defending there position against the "tide" of EY, EK and QR.
Now yes GF have changed a little in the last few years, but be honest they needed to, for the first 40 years it was you and nobody else, then EK came along and within a few years and passed you by, then QR came along and whilst they may have the odd problem in house(who doesn't!) their product passed you by too, and now EY are coming, removing their money from GF and will also pass you by.
The unfair competition you go on about has been happening in Europe for years, look at Air France and Alitalia to start with, then look at the US/ Euopean situation. Life has never been fair, and if you look at the big picture, the biggest players generally get their way, thats just economics.
I cant work out if your bitter because you dont get it, or bitter because you do and just dont like it?

13th Aug 2004, 18:54
Big Bus Boy

I’m not bitter I’m Stating facts, it seems that you are very bitter and have a grudge against GF.
In your case I think you should wait until the tide comes and meets you.:bored:

Big Bus Boy
14th Aug 2004, 15:00
Ok, just to be sure, I'm not bitter either, honest. I am happy where i am, I think there is room for one and all, just maybe in a slightly different format. As for the tide you mention, i really dont see that at all.
Think, who has the most oil? correct, the gulf states, who pushes the oil price up and down? correct, the gulf states, and there it is, the gulf states do have quite a big tool to put pressure on the WTO and anyone else, it has nothing to do with waiting til the A380 is lanched.
Still i'll wait here and look for the tide to come in.:ok:

14th Aug 2004, 15:26
what Tristar is trying to say is that under EU law no carrier is allowed to be subsidised by it's own government, it's deemed to be unfair competition. Now some majors in Europe (Air France, Lufthansa) dont see why they should compete with other airlines who dont have to pay for fuel etc but can still operate on routes into their countries. It does go against the regulations and they will be challenging in the courts. They have already won against Ryanair and feel a precedent has been set. Should be very interesting times, especially with the price of oil right now. The playing field may be a bit more level in the future.

Big Bus Boy
16th Aug 2004, 16:05
too true and I do see his point, however for it to work in the ideal world, you would have to let the likes of Swiss, Alitalia and maybe Iberia go to the wall. Can you see there governments just saying fair enough, cause Air France dont like it?
Then we flip across the pond and we see a host of very large airlines that big George or who ever comes next will be very reluctant to let fall by the wayside.
you see my point is that the world isn't fair, pride plays a large part and people like to see there own airlines "flying the flag"
is some way its kinda nice to see people looking after there own, good luck to them.
The thing about Tristar is that he has forgotten GF have been making the most of it for years, doing just what he complains about now there is one or two others playing the game.

16th Aug 2004, 17:30
This might come as a surprise but the flag carriers you mention will go to the wall if they cant stand alone without state funding. Swiss Air is already gone so is Sabena, Aer Lingus barely scraped through and Alitalia is on the brink. If these companies can go bust or come close to it then anyone can. The Belgian government let one of the biggest carriers in Europe go because it was powerless to do anything about it. Simple fact in Europe NO STATE FUNDING not even through the back door, it's unfair to other private operators.

17th Aug 2004, 14:16
What is it like to work for Etihad Airways?

What is the accommodation/transport set up in Abu Dhabi?

What is the pay like?

What are the trips like?

Are they easy to get into?


20th Aug 2004, 01:46
You obviously flew it. I fly for GF and in my opinion, I wouldn't work for anyone else. Good for you.Currently I am in AUH with GT, ( same airline ). I know lots of EK guys and yes your basic as Capt is better, but we get allowances from sign on, until the end of the block,whether you night-stop or not,and we always work over the cut-off point, and then we score compared to you. Our cabin crew uniforms are definately better.GF definately is well managed,right now, and by and large they not only respect us as pilots but in most circumstances are open and above board on everything. Judging by the posts on this site, EK are the biggest whingers, with Qatari a close second. I know you EK guys will say I am part of Management, but I am not. Definately where EK are masters, is that they market the airline 2nd to none. You see it all the time, on the cricket shirts, bill-boards etc.All the competitors should learn a lesson well. Everyone has heard about Dubai and a great place it is, and more and more people are hearing about Emirates. Flown with them many times, but service definately not as good as GF, on the flights I have been on. Yes, I am biased, but true none -theless. You see it all the time here, Etihad orders 24 aeroplanes, Emirates orderes this this and that and Qatari as well. Dubai at the moment is one huge consruction site, is it not? Perhaps the bubble will burst as it surely will. History has proved that, time and again.

20th Aug 2004, 05:00
Wow tic! seems you have the whole industry, and economic picture here in the gulf all sorted out! Been here long? Think the thread is about Etihad though...

22nd Aug 2004, 16:13
Well as SLF who flew with Etihad recently, I was less than impressed with the service, and their response to a gripe I had. We paid nearly top whack for the tickets, too. They were only about dhs 200 cheaper than BA and I wish I'd gone BA. We won't fly with them again unless the tickets are heavily discounted.
On the other hand, the last time I flew with GA I was well impressed.

26th Aug 2004, 22:35
Does anyone have any info on etihad, are they interviewing? how long does it take to get a reply after applying ? Thanks .

6th Sep 2004, 08:59
Does any experienced A330/ A340 captain consider Etihad as an option in spite of the very low salary of 5300.-$ per month?

They are not serious, are they? :confused:

7th Sep 2004, 14:46
$5300 might sounds low for people whom are earning $9000. But for those just being furloughed or at the moment earning say, $3500 its worth taking a look. When you compare remunerations for pilots, a lot more than just what goes into the pocket that matters, also what goes ( or had to go ) out. Thats why a lot of airlines have expats from dozens of countries. As long as U are happy...... when U are not, U know what to do.

Where are we now?
9th Sep 2004, 17:59
Hi guys,
I would like to apply to Etihad with an A340 rating and a few thousand hours on type, however the website calls for A330 time only.

Is there a way to get around this and would Etihad be interested do you think?

9th Sep 2004, 18:03

10th Sep 2004, 15:10
Hostler, the website says they are looking at A330 and A340 typed guys. If you are A340 and not A330 rated I think they will
call you. 90% of the company where A330 only. The CCQ is only two days long.

Next year their should be at least one more 340 showing up.
Send in your resume via the website,


11th Sep 2004, 14:10
I am presently an A321 Captain and have previously flown the A330 as a F/O.
Anyone knowing if Etihad Airways require an aspiring pilot to be current on the A330 or if they will provide the sim sessions required to become current again? Six weeks ago I applied on-line and am waiting every day for a reply from Etihad Airways.:O

Where are we now?
12th Sep 2004, 17:55
Thank you for the reply, however, I have just come off the Flight International website and there is a new Etihad advertisement seeking A340/A330 pilots dated 09 September 2004.


13th Sep 2004, 02:56
Just read about Etihad's talk with Boeing on B777-300ER. Not sure when will the delivery be...


13th Sep 2004, 17:31
Local news states 1st of five arriving oct 2005...777-300ER's

Safari Goat
14th Sep 2004, 07:11
I know of two guys recently hired that only have flown the A-340 one of them has less than 500 hours (close to the 500 hours) on the A-340 ONLY........... I also know of a guy going for an interview with only A-340 captain time. So the A-330 only deal is extended to A-340 guys as well.............


14th Sep 2004, 18:38
Has Gulf Air Abandoned the Abu Dhabi base or is Etihad fighting for passengers with GF?

14th Sep 2004, 20:50
Rumour has it that due to short supply of experienced A330/40 and 777 drivers Etihad will soon be ofering the necessary transition courses.

15th Sep 2004, 09:26
Hi fullforward.
Rumore has it,Due to short supply of A330/A340 and B-777 drivers Etihad will soon be offering transtion courses.
I sure hope so.
Rumore has it ,that Etihad has already interveiwd a number of B-777 pilots and they are waiting for the call,once Etihad start receiving their order.Also there are number of A330 and B-777 pilots from MAS are waiting to hop once they get the call.
Good luck :hmm:

16th Sep 2004, 01:26
MAS is losing a lot of guys, indeed.

19th Sep 2004, 05:05
What is the score with engineering for the Etihad fleet? I see that GAMCO essentially do everything at the moment, but do they have their own Eng Director or Manager keeping an eye on GAMCO?

777 maintenance will be interesting, can not see GAMCO gearing up for 777 maintenance, so they will have to look elsewhere.

Any Etihad crews out there I'd be interested in any info.

19th Sep 2004, 12:36
Listen guys,forget all these questions about type ratings,hours,experience etc. .........all you really need to join Etihad is a nice german passport.With one of these,you will find doors will open...ABBRACADABBRA....instant upgrade!

20th Sep 2004, 19:12
If a British, or Australian, Canadian, South African passport is a prerequisite for a job offer at Emirates then what is so WRONG with a German passport requirement for a place on Eitihad's flight deck? ;) :eek: :D :O

21st Sep 2004, 05:25
I do wonder why EK did not welcome you with open arms!! You seem like such a well balanced, pleasant chap. I bet people are lining up to share a flight deck with you.
With your location marked as UK, and your clear dislike of the British way...do you think you should pack up and move? Guess that Dubai is not an option for you though. Shame.

Where are we now?
21st Sep 2004, 08:12
I am having difficulty in uploading certificates and photographs for the Etihad online application, using Macintosh Safari. I have tried Microsoft Explorer for Apple as well, but no joy. Anyone else had this problem and a possible answer to making the application complete?
Another thing, I keep getting a windowed message that the starting date must be lesser the today's date. I have checked my computer date, but continuously have this message problem and it doesn't allow me to complete the online application.
Need Help!

Many thanks

Tibesti 3415
24th Sep 2004, 16:19
I think it has to be uploaded in JPG files ????
Check it out.

Where are we now?
27th Sep 2004, 13:17
Hi Tibetsi 3415,

I managed the upload the images using the hotel business lounge computer, in London. It seems it only works using a PC, without problem. The images were both .JPG.

Many thanks for the contribution!