View Full Version : Easy to convert VGS Instructor ticket to Civil F I rating?

11th Jul 2001, 16:31
Vigilant Driver said that converting his Voluntary Gliding School Instructors ticket to a Civil Flight Instructors rating was easy.
What did you have to do to convert it?
Was it recently?


Wee Weasley Welshman
11th Jul 2001, 22:33
I converted 400 Vigilant hours and a Cat C rating into the following:

"Do as many hours as you and your FI instructor feel is necessary and then take the the test". As a verbal condition issued by FCL.

In the end I did a total of 16hrs to convert.

This was in April 1999.

Good luck,


Vigilant Driver
12th Jul 2001, 13:29
Me thinks that WWW had a better deal than me! I converted with about 500 hours Vigi and an A2.

After writing to the CAA for assessment, I had to do 10 hours flying on the FI course and as much groundschool as my Instructors thought fit!

Of course I had to have CPL knowledge (ATPL exams passed) and pass the flying/grounschool test with a Flying Instructor Examiner.

Write to the CAA and find out what YOU need to do!


14th Jul 2001, 12:13
In my experience when dealing with the CAA, rather than asking them it's better to say ' I heard you only had to do (insert optimistic estimate) to achieve X, please advise if otherwise' since sometimes they don't seem to know their arse from their elbow.
NB this is not an attack on the CAA in general, just their general lack of knowledge about that piece of **** called JAR.

glider insider
19th Jul 2001, 16:07
Why not give ACCGS a call and speak to the CFS Gliding Exam Wing guy as he is a CAA examiner and can probably tell you everything you need to know.

he even said lately that he is willing to conduct CAA examinations on your VGS's visit if you give him some notice, I'm not quite sure whether he would stretch to this, but it's worth a try.

Vigilant Driver
19th Jul 2001, 17:29

That's a good idea. It is Sqn. Ldr. JL you need to talk to. I don't know if he can help as he is a PPL Examiner and not a Flight Instructor Examiner (FIE) me thinks.

He has also written a good piece on the latest ACCGS circular about the Vigilant and the CAA.
