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View Full Version : Licence Renewal

3rd Sep 2001, 19:41
My PPL A expired on the 20th August 2001, I completed 12.5 hours Single Engine flying with 14 take off's and landings in one year prior to the expiry. In April I renewed my Multi Engine flight test, can anyone advise me ; before I hold on for a few hours at the CAA, if the Multi engine flight-test, can count as my test/flight with an instructor? Therefore all I need is to get my licence signed by a CFI I presume? Or have I got it totally mixed up?

Many Thanks


[ 03 September 2001: Message edited by: GulfStreamV ]

3rd Sep 2001, 22:07
Your SEP Class Rating expired on 20 Aug!! Thats it, you now have to renew, and that means a flight test with an examiner. Your M/E revalidation did count as a flight with an instructor, but as you have not revalidated within the validity period neither that nor your 14.5 hours count any more.

You must revalidate before the expiry date and you can do it up to 12 months early, one day over and it has expired.

[ 03 September 2001: Message edited by: Noggin ]

3rd Sep 2001, 22:12

Any Proficiency Check/Skill TEst in any class/type rating will count towards the renewal of a PPL SEP(L). So you don't have to do an hour with an instructor in a single engine a/c provided you have the twelve hours on SEP types. (including at least 6 hours PIC). However, if the SEP(L) bit has lapsed, then you will have to do a proficiency check with an examiner to renew the class rating. Either way you will have to get it signed up by the examiner. As to your PPL(A) licence running out, you must send some money to the CAA and an application form to renew the actual licence. By the sound of your name you msy have an ATPL? If you do then don't bother renewing your PPL as the ATPL covers it. Just get the class rating renewed (SEPL). Remember, a class/type rating is not licence specific. An SEP(L) on a PPL is the same on an ATPL. Obviously a B737 type rating is specific cause you can only get one with a CPL/ATPL due to Multi Crew etc etc.

Hope this helps.

Ask any further questions if you want

3rd Sep 2001, 22:31
Noggin + Captn Airpox,

I am obviously confusing Renewal against revalidation and rating against Licence.

Its the aircraft rating bit (Sorry should have explained better) - I shall copy it verbatim:-

Raing: SE Piston (Land)
Valid Until: 20/08/01

So between 19th Aug 2000 and 20th Aug 2001 I have done 12.5 house SE(Land) All P1 - 14 take offs and landings, + My 1 hour ME Piston (Land) renewal with a ME Examiner.

So do I just get my rating re-stamped? Sorry to be such a pain in the A!


I do not hold an ATPL (but I wish I did !)

[ 03 September 2001: Message edited by: GulfStreamV ]

The Flying I
3rd Sep 2001, 23:30
It's probably news to you, but once the rating has expired without signature, all the things you have already done are 'lost'. You need the examiner and a proficiency check. Flyer Mag covers exactly this in the issue that hit the mat at the weekend.

4th Sep 2001, 00:32
GV - had you asked this question of an Examiner prior to that date of expiry of your SEP Class Rating, the answer would have been 'Yes'. However, now that it gone past that date and your rating has expired, you must indeed fly a renewal check flight; this is a SEP (Land) Class Rating Renewal Proficiency Check which you must fly with an Examiner. No fee to pay to the CAA, just whatever the Examiner charges (plus ac hire, of course!). You will be able to use your SEP Class Rating privileges again immediately after the Examiner has signed off the LPC SPA and has signed your FCL150CJAR form in your licence.

4th Sep 2001, 01:24
This is farcical,

I have completed the requirements in time, yet because I could not get to a CFI before the 20th I have to do a flight test !

This system stinks :mad:

+ another thing I did indeed ring up my multi engine examiner to clarify the ME test bit, he did not know and said he would get back to me. (But didn't!)

I'v very disappointed with this whole scenario!


Yet I presume I can still fly my multi as this is indeed still current - Mad as my hat!

[ 03 September 2001: Message edited by: GulfStreamV ]

4th Sep 2001, 01:30
GulfStream - unfortunately you completed all of the requirements in time except the signature. It may be a pain in the backside, it may stink, but an LPC with an examiner is the only way to go now I'm afraid. Sorry.

4th Sep 2001, 02:10
GV - had you completed the requirements when you spoke to your ME examiner? When did he say he would get back to you?? If you were waiting for his reply for an unreasonable time and, as a result, went over the expiry date, then you should ask him to conduct your SEP renewal proficiency check at no cost since it could well be that he was professionally incompetent in failing to reply to your question within a reasonable time.

4th Sep 2001, 12:31
Listen - its a 1hr flight with a PPL FE
-no big deal just get it booked and signed

4th Sep 2001, 22:30
RVR800 - from where have you established that? The renewal proficiency check takes only as long as it needs to (unlike the 'dual training flight which must be a single 1 hr trip), but it must include the mandatory content.

5th Sep 2001, 12:56

I know you are right, sorry if I came across as a whinging pom, but I was genuinely cross. However, I shall be booking my flight this weekend, and hope everything goes ok.

Still, I have learnt a very valuable lesson on the renewal processes, I hope fellow Ppruners find this information useful! :)


[ 05 September 2001: Message edited by: GulfStreamV ]