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3rd Jul 2001, 08:13
Hi all,
just wondering what are the odds like of getting an instructor job if you only have a CPL, instructor rating and the bare min hrs to have both.

thanks Shnee

AV8 consultants
4th Jul 2001, 03:02
Yes you can. Check downunda and godzone for OZ jobs there is a job listed there for grade 3 instructors. OR walk around at the local schools and drop of your CV (wear the uniform of course) I did, walked straight out of the Instructor course and got a job same day!

4th Jul 2001, 16:08

Personally, I think your odds of getting employment as an instructor are very similar to your odds of getting employment as a pilot in any other capacity.

I think AV8 is one of the fortunate ones. I spent 6 months looking for work, but maybe I wasn't looking in the right places.

It comes down to being in the right place at the right time, being determined and marketing yourself properly.

Usually the guys who get the jobs in the end make their own luck, so to a certain extent it really is up to you. Try and make yourself stand out from the pack if possible.

Best of luck


Grade 3

P.S. Pretty sure that job in the Oz is filled now, but still send a resume through, you never know your luck!

(Edited for spelling only)

[This message has been edited by grade_3 (edited 05 July 2001).]

Angle of Attack
8th Jul 2001, 05:04
I think the odd's depend on the candidate. If you are a keen, dedicated type who would'nt mind moving interstate then yes, you definitely can get a job. If you are in a comfort zone and are reluctant to move then I'm not so sure, but anyway usually you can start off with some sort of contract work with your own students, as in you will be employed if you bring in your own students. Once you get senior 3, or Grade 2 you become quite marketable and should'nt have a problem getting employment.

BTW, have you done your intstructor rating yet? If not go somewhere that will give you even casual work on completion, even if that means moving! Good Luck! :p