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View Full Version : Instructional Hours

18th Apr 2001, 13:30
Dear Instructors,

I qualified as a FI(R) 6 months ago and have really struggled to find any part time work. It has occurred to me that I may stand more chance of getting work if I offered myself full time, however in recent months I have looked out the window at the crap weather and thought I wouldn't be doing much flying today! So the question is how much real flying do you manage to achieve a year and do you think the UK weather is becoming more inclement, hence preventing you flying.

your comments would be most appreciated.



Icarus Wings
18th Apr 2001, 16:32
Flying schools tend to start taking on more instructors at this time of year when the weather is better so you shouldn't find it too difficult to get some part time work. Schools would rather employ part time instructors as they only have to pay them when they are flying and not a salary. A full time instuctor should be doing ~700 hrs a year. Best of Luck.

18th Apr 2001, 22:54
Looking at the weather should really give you a clue! I had to give up full time instructing as the weather last year was so bad I couldn't pay the bills!

Also flying schools will still only pay by the hour even if you are full time. Very few are salaried although some will offer a retainer - generally the ones in the south of England.

Good look if you go full time and remember its not just the weather, its how busy the school is. If they have few students you won't fly even if its cavok.

If you want a salaried position you generally need experience as you are then looking at OATS, SFT, Cabair etc.

Sleeve Wing
18th Apr 2001, 23:45
You don't say which part of Worcs. you are from and which airfield/clubs you have tried. Suppose we're talking Wolverhampton International to the North,Gloucester to the South, and Shobden to the West,are we ?
For part-timers (like thee and me.) most of the work is on offer at weekends or Summer evenings as well, and so that is when you'll have to make yourself available.

If you really want hours, the biggest concentration of Clubs is around the M25.
Depends where you want to hang your hat !

Keep trying and Good luck.

[This message has been edited by Sleeve Wing (edited 18 April 2001).]

19th Apr 2001, 00:22
You might try Wellesbourne Mountford. One of the schools there has a contract for the RAF flying scholarship, and if you have 50 hours instructional time you will be eligible for a CFS check to you enable you to teach the cadets. Lots of hours, lots of fun. Don't know if they're looking for anyone though.