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View Full Version : Cheap, Fast Multi-Time..Anybody know how?

9th Apr 2001, 20:46
I'm a FAA Flight Instructor in the Saint Louis area with 730 hrs total time and 38 multi. I'm looking to get 1000 total and then get my Multi up to 100hrs for the Commuter airlines. I could get a MEI and spend the next 6 months trying to get the time but as it would cost a minimum of $1000 to do this would it be really worth doing when I only need 62 more hours. My other options are to get SIC hrs at a P135 operation paying approx. $20 per hr or to just pay for multi time PIC which would cost at least $4-5000. If any of you guys have any ideas give us a call!!!

Angle of Attack
14th Apr 2001, 08:23
I've got one even better! How about fast, paid multi time delivered to my doorstep!! Oh, the holy grail, twin time....

14th Apr 2001, 14:39

$1000 seems very reasonable to get your mei

So why don't you do that, then at least you will get paid for doing the other 62 hours.

From an employpent point of view the more qualified you are the better.

Heads you win, tails you win!

JWF :)

p.s it's what I've done

16th Apr 2001, 03:24
Thanks JWF I wll bear that in mind and at some stage do th MEI in any case, at the moment though I guess I'll keep on flying those C172's and Katana's!!

20th Apr 2001, 01:57

Speak to Grenville at Centralia - if you are in St Louis you know where it is. Good deals always on offer, I flew some serious multi time in only weeks at an excellent price. Otherwise do MEI/MEII and work for the time.

Regards :)

20th Apr 2001, 22:32
For the Attention of MaxAob!!!

It must be a small world!!! I used to instruct out of Airgo in Centralia Illinois and Grenville is one fo my mates who I worked with!!!! Maybe I know you????