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View Full Version : Bae Jerez - Spanish work visas?

Luke SkyToddler
27th Jun 2001, 14:47
Hi guys

If a purely hypothetical individual :) had a UK CPL/IR/FI with over 1,000 instructing hours, and a work permit that's good for the UK but not the rest of Europe, would it be worth that person's while to send a CV to Bae in Jerez with a view to an instructing job, or would it be wasted effort?

clear prop!!!
27th Jun 2001, 16:15
Another day of no flying due to the low cloud base getting to this hypothetical individual then???

Luke SkyToddler
27th Jun 2001, 18:12
Why, clear prop, me old chum, whatever are you doing at home during work hours? Is your bedroom window in full IMC as well then? :rolleyes:

28th Jun 2001, 00:32
Luke Sky Toddler.

BAe is desperately short of experienced instrctors at present. They are recruiting, but standards are obviously high, with an interview, tech theory questions, and a flight test to get hired. NORMALLY, anyone with the right to work in the UK is entitled to work anywhere in the EU, and therefore BAe could employ you in Spain.

However, a friend of mine (non-British national) applied for a job here, and was refused due to visa problems. My advise would be for you to sort your own visa out, and apply for a job here with the right to live and work in Spain, otherwise, my guess would be you`d get knocked back.

It is a very good life out here working for BAe though, and if you want any advice, you can get my email from B Tupp (i believe you used to work with him) or a certain CFI with the initials ST has my email.

Good luck


Wee Weasley Welshman
28th Jun 2001, 18:03
Jerez is a great place to live, the money is reasonable and workload manageable - I strongly recommend you apply to the CFI, Derek Earp.

If you have the right to UK residence I can't see it being much of a problem working in another EU country.

Good luck,


29th Jun 2001, 02:46
Well Luke, foreign people are having problems with visa due to a new conservative law focused to people coming from northern Africa, and its being applied to all foreign citizens.

I think in a short future will be rejected because it's purely unconstitutional (Politics are funny here in)

Jerez,... I was born here, and yes!, it's the right place to be. But... I'm an unemployed FI too and will have to build hours out of my home before asking Mr Derek again.

Good Luck


this link belongs to the Spanish Ministry of Fomento, but its in spanish.

Wee Weasley Welshman
29th Jun 2001, 03:35
Well I never had a moments hassle. Although obviously being Welsh they naturally welcomed me to their country with open arms - after all they *love* my uncle Tom Jones...

If you have a UK CAA license and a reasonable amount of FI experience then the Guv will hire you and find a way around the paprwork.

Good luck,


Luke SkyToddler
29th Jun 2001, 10:37
Cheers for the replies guys, certainly sounds worth a crack ... here's hoping that my pale, untanned worm like British body doesn't immediately disintegrate on exposure to proper sunlight again!!

Wee Weasley Welshman
29th Jun 2001, 10:55
www.baesystems.es (http://www.baesystems.es)


30th Jun 2001, 06:42
Despite inmigration policy, which I was talking about, I warn you about spanish bureaucracy that is specially SHAMEFUL. ie. I took seven months to get my FI flight test, and after that, another three months and twenty phone calls to the DGAC (the equivalent to FAA or CAA) before I got my license!!!.

Of course all of you are wellcome, and of course you got the RIGHT of getting a work visa, but the truth is that I don't know anybody who hadn't problems with DGAC.

[This message has been edited by spain (edited 30 June 2001).]

[This message has been edited by spain (edited 30 June 2001).]

Speedbird 2946
3rd Jul 2001, 02:28
Hi Luke,

Long time no see huh!? I'll assume you know who I am.. Jerez sounds great and if you do get out there I may see you when I eventually make it to JOC. I've just closed the ATPL Instruments manual and am hitting the sack but I thought I'd drop you a line to say hello. I saw Cathay advertised, turns out my Air League schol was paid for by John Swire..who owns Cathay. Phew..

Air2k are recruiting now too, and maybe even Britannia and JMC, though I guess you know that already.

Keep in touch and let me know how you get on,

from your first UK PPL student