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View Full Version : A couple of questions.

Unusual Attitude
10th Aug 2001, 15:48
Hi chaps, I wonder if any of you could possibly help with a couple of questions I have.

I'm just about to sit my last lot of JAR ATPL exams and assuming I pass will shortly be starting the CPL flying course.

I may however only just be able to scrape enough together to pay for my CPL/IR and will have no funds afterwards for an MCC or FI(R) rating.

I've heard locally that the MCC is not necessarily a requirement as a couple of chaps I know have been employed on Turboprops and were told that a first time IR pass is more important as the company does an MCC in house anyway.

I will however only have about 300hours to my name and am not optimistic about the chances of immediate employment which leads on to my questions:-

1. If I was to ditch the IR and just go for the CPL and FI(R) rating how much approx could I expect to earn as an instructor in Scotland.

2. Do I need an IMC rating to be an instructor ?

3. Since I am well aware that instructing is poorly paid, how on earth do you then afford to pay for the IR once you have over 1000 hours ?

4. Whats the score with the minimum wage and what impact is that having on instructors wages if any ?, I know there was a case a while ago where one school was taken to court over paying its FI's less than the legal minimum wage but I don't know what the outcome was ?

I must admit I actually quite fancy instructing for a while as I used to be an Instructor for an Air Cadets VGS unit and enjoyed it very much at the time.
Its just the pay situation would be pretty tricky as living costs in Aberdeen aren't the cheapest and I will have loans etc to pay back too.

Just wondering how other people have gone about it and if you wished you'd done it another way ??



12th Aug 2001, 04:30
In my student days I kept a regular job and as long as you had a job you could qualify for credit cards. So I acquired about five or six different VISA/MASTER cards and charged my flying lessons. The American way.
Eh? :cool:

12th Aug 2001, 12:28
Without an IR you will never get a job. A point to remember if you are taking the JAA ATPL exams is that you only have 36 months in which to get your IR from passing the last exam. If you delay, and they expire, you will have to sit them again.

You do not need an IMC rating to be a FI. However, if you have a JAA CPL you only have to pass the IMC test to get an IMC rating.

Best advice is to get your CPL/IR then if there are no jobs get a FI rating that will keep you flying but maybe not fed.

The concept of MCC is that it should be included in the Type Rating course, it was only meant to be stand alone for integrated course students. So long as pilots keep paying for it the employers won't.