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View Full Version : Medical requirements?

10th Jun 2001, 22:57
Evenin' all,

I want to go for the instructors rating, purely to be an instructor and I was wondering if I need a class 1 medical and if anyone has heard of a restricted class one medical.

little red train
11th Jun 2001, 01:25
Yes a class one is required.

'restriced' is a bit of a funny one, they can say you must wear glasses, i'm not sure what else. ask the CAA, they might cobble something like advice together (to give them their dues, the Medical lot are a bit better) try the website www.srg.caa.co.uk (http://www.srg.caa.co.uk) or www.jaa.nl (http://www.jaa.nl) for the JAR regs.

11th Jun 2001, 10:29
Cheers LRT,

I'm actually across the little pond from you and our lot, in my experience, are a little more contrary than the CAA appear to be. I put a post in the medical forum about my eyesight issue and it appears that there may be some lattitude allowed. Basically I don't have true binocular vision and one of the specialists I went to said that she does the medicals for one of the airlines and I wouldn't pass as far as she is aware but it's hard to know.

WHERE on that site, jaa.nl, could you find specifics as I've never been able to find any. ( probably that binocular vision rubbish :) ) Thanks for your help.

little red train
11th Jun 2001, 15:11


seem to have something to do with eyes, I cant understand half that gibbersih, from my HP&L lessons, I rember binocular vision wasn't that important, at the distances envolved for flying, its monocular cues that you take. best emailing the CAA and asking a doc. hope it helps.

Mark 1
12th Jun 2001, 16:56
No, you don't need a Class 1, unless you want to be remunerated, in which case a CPL or BCPL is also required (hence Class 1).

I believe some BCPL holders who had the old UK class 2 and didn't qualify for a Class 1 have been granted a Class 1 restricted to the old BCPL limits.

An unremunerated PPL FI need only hold a Class 2