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6th Jun 2001, 12:45
I have been offered a job as a casual flying instructor upon completion of an instructors rating. I will be paid at a rate of $20 per hour flown. I don't really care about the money, but am interested to know what the actual award rate is and how I compare to other Australian instructors.

Charlie Foxtrot India
6th Jun 2001, 18:00
The hourly rate for a Grade Three is usually closer to $30-35 per flying hour. It varies between schools, but $20 is well below average.

You should care about the money, those who rely on instructing to make a living certainly do. There is nothing wrong with asking for what you are worth, and you shouldn't undervalue yourself and others to try and win a job. If you have already agreed to this rate, and have started the rating it could be difficult to change at this stage. If not, ask for the award rate, and get an agreement and a job guarantee in writing. If they won't do that for you, say ta-ra.

There is a link to the award somewhere on this BB.

Good luck!

[This message has been edited by Charlie Foxtrot India (edited 06 June 2001).]

7th Jun 2001, 02:47

Thanks for the reply. I haven't yet agreed to the rate, and haven't even began the instructors rating training yet. However, it was verbally discussed, and other instructors at this school are also paid at this rate. I agree with you about not accepting less than what we should be paid, but in all honesty I don't have any other job prospects, so its take this or go without.

Charlie Foxtrot India
7th Jun 2001, 05:29
Well, just be careful.

They seem to have you convinced that this is your only chance of a start in aviation. A pretty well-known way to get you to part with your bucks for the rating, and then to rip you off afterwards. Because $20.00 an hour IS a rip off.

So, ask them to put it all in writing, including that they will pay you award rate (I'm still looking for the link). If they won't do that, then walk away.

Angle of Attack
7th Jun 2001, 05:52
Hi youngbloke, I would agree with CFI about the rate of pay. A few years ago when I had just completed my initial Instructor Rating and was looking for a job, my initial pay was casual at around $35 per flying hour. That is as CFI mentioned the award rate. It then increases as your Grade of Rating increases. Its difficult being in the position of not having a job and having to knock back a low paying one particularly when they are hard to come by. But I knocked back an offer of around $20 per flying hour job. I think if you remain persistant and are prepared to move you will find a job undoubtedly. Good Luck!

8th Jun 2001, 11:17

The going rate for junior instructor is around $35 an hour, don't be told otherwise.Too many flying school operators promise the world and deliver nothing.The only time you should accept anything less than the hourly award is if they pay you some sort of a retainer for all the time you'll be sitting around answering the phones.Initially thats all you will be doing untill you can build up some sort of client base.Remember that the students you do get is your bread and butter so treat them well and try to build a good working and social relationship with them.Try to set yourself apart from the other instructors some how.This may be done by wearing a tie,making sure your uniform is ironed nicely,your shoes are polished,your hair is brushed and your clean shaven.(students pick up on these little things.)Always have the attitude of nothing is to much trouble for your students and make them aware of this.Never yell at them and never show them that you may be frustrated at their progress.(after all the longer they take to learn the more work you get.)Probably not a good attitude though.
Reward them with praise if they do well and on their first solo spend $2 and buy them a card to congratulate them.If you follow my lead I am sure you'll do well.

Regards and all the best


Remember "Man who goes to bed with itchy bottem wakes up with smelly finger"

Kermit 180
9th Jun 2001, 05:06
Your pay rates are much better than in NZ. I even heard of one school once where the instructors paid a fee to teach there. That's been stamped out now. It seems instructors worldwide are abused. The airlines use them to produce pilots so they can select who they want, but have a habit of diluting experience levels in GA when they pluck the senior ones out. The rest of us are paid small wages because there's always someone to take your place for less. Some profession, eh? Nevertheless, go for it, be strong with them and see it as a professional job, not merely a stepping stone.

9th Jun 2001, 10:19
Some things never change! I instructed full time for a few years in NZ and one thing I learnt is be careful of those Schools/Aero Clubs that offer you partime work if you do your instructors rating with them. You may end up grovelling for the odd introductory flight only once you qualify.They had this down to a fine art!
It ain't easy I know but the dodgy buggers are out there and instructors have always been shafted. Be careful and keep the eyes wide open, things aren't usually what they seem. Consider things like - how many instructors does the school already have, what is the potential for you to get hours once you qualify, how many other guys are doing the same thing and being offered part time work as well and how many FULLTIME staff are there already? Finally shop around! And good luck!

"Don't believe the hype"

10th Jun 2001, 05:08
Thanks to everyone for the advice. Much appreciated.

Kick It Straight
12th Jun 2001, 10:00
My god, you guys are underpaid!!!

Per hour of flying that I do, i get $41.50.

Dont be ripped of by some flying schools, they are cheap and dont look after their employee's... dont ever work for free, even just to get hours, you have to be one lame arse son-of-a-wh*re to do that!!!

Any pilot that works for free should be shot!


Kick it straight!!!!

12th Jun 2001, 12:58
£10 p.h + expenses
£12 p.h.
£18 p.h.

At the schools I operate at

I Fly
13th Jun 2001, 19:19
youngbloke, the last award I know has A$36.59 per hour in your first year. Minimum 2 hours per 1/2 day. Check with the AFAP. You have a golden opportunity to shop around. Schools will want your business. Make sure you get what you bought. Don't sell yourself short. Remember, when your time is free, they will require plenty of it.

14th Jun 2001, 07:10
Well I to an from NZ, on a reward rate of $10 per flight hour. Have just over 100hrs instruction with a MEIR, night instructor and 450TT. Can anyone help me to get $35 an hour in Australia. I am more than willing to get there!!!!!


14th Jun 2001, 07:20
Well I to an from NZ, on a reward rate of $10 per flight hour. Have just over 100hrs instruction with a MEIR, night instructor and 450TT. Can anyone help me to get $35 an hour in Australia. I am more than willing to get there!!!!!