View Full Version : Airfiels data plates on-line?

22nd Jun 2004, 09:45
Hi all....

Anyone know of a web site where I can find airfield plates for Switzerland? I'm sure it exists somewhere!

Thanks in anticipation


22nd Jun 2004, 11:25
Not quite what you are looking for but http://www.mfvs.ch/mfvs.html and http://www.nelly.ch/01map.html
are links to clickable maps which provide links to web sites for most of the airfields in Switzerland. Quite a few of these have copies of plates and other useful info.

However I have not been able to find the equivalent of the UK's AIP on line.


22nd Jun 2004, 11:27

Why not buy the Bottlang - that way you'll have all the plates in case of last-minute changes to plan. Alternatively mine are up-to-date so you could borrow them if you promise to give them back.


23rd Jun 2004, 00:07
The airfield plates are all there on the Eurocontrol website. The AIP for every Eurocontrol country is there - some better quality than others, but all current and useable.

You need a login ID, and some specific software (all downloadable, free), and you need to learn to drive it - it's not particularly intuitive.

For a single trip that will probably do you. If you go regularly, I'd recommend Bottlang if you're VFR, and whichever of the IFR guides suits your taste for the other thing.