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5th Mar 2001, 23:31
I wasn't able to attend due rostering.
Anyone able to report?

6th Mar 2001, 02:46
Yes - it was excellent. There will be another one in about 6 months' time at Cranfield and Tony will be putting a resume of matters raised in the next FEA newsletter.

6th Mar 2001, 03:06
Thanks BEagle.
Please don't think I'm ungrateful for your post, but could you put just a little more flesh on the bone?!
Topics covered?
Who spoke?
Audience reaction?
etc etc

6th Mar 2001, 04:36
Items covered were:

General aims of the FEA
National PPL update (very latest information)
Examiner liability

Buffet lunch (shortened as there was so much interest!)

Accident trends and Skill Test failures associated therewith
Flight Examiner revalidation proposals
CAA paperwork prowess - or lack thereof

Throughout the session there was ample opportunity for debate and discussion. Audience participation (30+ Examiners) was very positive; they confirmed a wish to continue the FEA and to assist where possible with formulating proposals on behalf of the FEA to be passed to the CAA as representative of an active body of Examiners.

8th Mar 2001, 10:17
Did anything positive come out of the Instructor Liability discussion?

8th Mar 2001, 11:29
That's one of the things I was hoping to find out.
I've never known BEagle so reluctant to give a detailed analysis of anything.
I assume he's very busy.

9th Mar 2001, 15:15
All this is second-hand, but an attempt to help.
According to the CFI at my Club, the two main speakers were Sqdn-Ldr Nick Willcocks (VC10 pilot, RAF and CAA Examiner/Instructor) and Mr Tudor Owen (aka Flying Lawyer)

Sqdn-Ldr Willcocks, an expert on these things, gave a well-informed and detailed update about the proposed National PPL. Audience views were on balance in favour.

Mr Tudor Owen was a "fantastic" speaker, and gave an entertaining and very informative talk on personal liability of instructors and examiners, with examples of how a successful negligence claim could financially ruin a 'roving' examiner or an employed examiner who didn't have an indemnity from his Club/School. He raised many issues which most people had never considered, and advised how exmainers and instructors should protect themselves. There were so many questions that this part of the meeting was extended.

All second-hand - but I hope it helps.

10th Mar 2001, 03:16
The reason that I don't wish to be more specific is that it might be considered rather unfair to give away that which others paid for! But be assured that Tony is very definitely taking up the liability qustion with the Authority!!