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View Full Version : Best lesson?

Icarus Wings
4th Mar 2001, 14:02
Just wondering which ppl lesson you lot enjoy teaching the most.

5th Mar 2001, 01:56
The trial lesson?
but seriously, I expect everyone will say the ones which are the most difficult to get across to a student. Bit more of a challenge and help improve on your own ability!!
I'm not sure who'll disagree with my next comment but are there any difficult lessons when flying fixed wing?

5th Mar 2001, 02:41
How about '(Advanced) Effects of Controls'?
You know, how....grunt...the elevators make the aircraft..grunt...pitch about the pitching axis...no matter what the aircraft's position...grunt... in space may be.....and.... relax....!
Must be said, this is not one for the paying student unless he's doing an aeros course, but it's fun with the military students!

5th Mar 2001, 02:57
I think any lesson where the student's not sick is a good lesson.

5th Mar 2001, 05:31
Any lesson where they go quiet for a second and then "OOOHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so THATs what it's for!" Any lesson that they know they've learned something from, even if they're not quite sure what it is...

My favourite to fly is probably climbing and descending, getting the concept of attitude into their head, and how and why we control it. I like introducing new concepts to people.

5th Mar 2001, 18:11
On a more serious note than my last post, the final pre-solo circuit bash ending with the solo must be about the best for instructor and student alike. After 20 odd years of fixed and rotary instruction I still enjoy sharing this moment.
PS: In over 4000 hours instructing I've only had two students sick in the air and only one of those, to my intense chagrin, was following 'Sir's' 2 minutes after Blogg's own aeros.