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1st May 2001, 16:31
Undergoing the training at present to achieve the FI(R) ticket, with a view to a career as an Instructor - and particularly fancy getting involved with the JEFTS(HCS).
Can anyone please advise whether I would be suitable with the (R) on my licence, or would I require lots of hours - do you have to be ex-mil aircrew etc.
Would also appreciate any experiences of the School - good, bad or indifferent!

1st May 2001, 17:41
They prefer ex mil guys

They normally ask for CPL/IR/FI

Aerobatic restriction lifted
Instrument Restriction lifted
Night Restriction lifted are good

Lots of experience is good
The standards are high

Salary 27K? and full training for QFI
Mil 'B' rating over 32 hours at start

If you arent ex mil then you pedigree
may be in question

2nd May 2001, 15:24
sorry to sound dumb but who are JEFTS?

JWF http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/redface.gif

2nd May 2001, 15:35
Joint Elementary Flying Training School

Teach the RAF and RN to fly at elementary

Locations include Barkston Heath
Aircraft Slingsby Firefly

2nd May 2001, 16:34
Many thanks for the info - my pedigree is always in question!!
Sounds as though experience may be the key.
I take it then, that if you complete their CAA approved Flying Instructor course, which I believe they undertake as a means of generating third-party income, and ensuring the "less-experienced recruits" are up to the required standard, you probably aren't going to be offered a position?
Would appreciate your opinion.

2nd May 2001, 21:36
CoJoe, I would imagine that would be a very good way to go about it, particularly if you are very good on the course. They won't take on FI(R)s directly although I know a couple of blokes who have gone there with relatively low hours and no IR (but they did have IMC). If you are not able to go on JEFTS own FI course I would recommend getting a job at one of the flying schools involved in the RAF flying scholarship scheme - I particularly recommend Tayside Aviation who are the prime contractors - the reason being that they teach the cadets the CFS syllabus, which is subtly different to the JAR-AOPA one and virtually identical to the JEFTS one.
Cheers DB6

3rd May 2001, 12:26
DB6, many thanks for the good advice. Sounds like logical progression - I shall investigate.

3rd May 2001, 12:58
I too would be interested on any further info you can get on JEFTS, as you come across it. The only non Mil guy I know of who is now working for them was, I believe, a national aerobatics champion and a pro display pilot, as well as an ex Cessna 152 PPL instuctor.

High standards indeed. Interesting to see the opportunities for mere mortals!

I think the pay is more like £34k...NICE.

3rd May 2001, 14:46
I know of two who were civilian
They have a lot to prove

One had military connections and has now
left to join an airline

They were both good

Some fail to get through the course
Standards are very high

3rd May 2001, 15:15
I was offered a position at JEFTS three years ago. The set up is very nice and the slingsby T67-240 easy to fly. I don't have any military experience apart from teach on the RAF Flying Scholarship Scheme. I had a CPL/IR FI and 1400 hrs.

They expect you to be confident with aerobatics and with your flying in general. They are all realy nice people, but I wanted to fly in the airlines and instruct on days off.

Good Luck ;)


4th May 2001, 01:17
Two civvies (soon to be three) working at Church Fenton that I know of. All ex-Tayside Aviation Dundee. I saw an ad offering ~£34k in Flight but that was for a Flight Commnder or something, normal top whack more like £28k. More info at www.cranwell.raf.mod.uk/eft/jefts.htm (http://www.cranwell.raf.mod.uk/eft/jefts.htm)
Cheers DB6

[This message has been edited by DB6 (edited 03 May 2001).]

[This message has been edited by DB6 (edited 03 May 2001).]

[This message has been edited by DB6 (edited 03 May 2001).]

4th May 2001, 12:08
Very interesting info guys, thank-you all.
Feel as though this could be a good move for a career, as, with the HCS contract expiring in 2003, the MOD is "on the verge of placing all UK military fixed-wing flying training under private ownership." And, with an alledged shortage of Pilots in the RAF, what with reserves flying now, there has to be opportunities for those with the necessary skill-sets in the future.
Saying that, the only pedigree I had with my 9 years loading Herc's in the RAF was of the Chum variety from the mess - ho hum!