View Full Version : Getting Ozzie I/R back after lapse?

Hugh Jarse
14th Jun 2000, 04:18
I may have a need to renew(?) a lapsed Instructor Rating in the near future. It lapsed in September 1995. My questions are:

1. Can I do it as a renewal or do I need to do initial issue? (Previously held a G1 M/E IFR)

2. Any recommendations as to who would be a suitable ATO, and contacts if known. (Would prefer it to be conducted at YSBK or YSCN)

3. Has the flying training syllabus changed to the "competency based" system that CASA was leaning towards?

Any assistance via either this forum, or by email would be greatly appreciated.

1234 posts...nice and even
JARSE! The older I get, the faster I was

[This message has been edited by Hugh Jarse (edited 14 June 2000).]

14th Jun 2000, 14:07

You will have to do a full rating test, the same as an initial issue. Long Brief, short brief and a flight test, thought that's not much more than a renewal anyway.

There are a few ATO's that you could do it with at BK. Bill Whitworth can put you in touch with a few decent ATO's.

Email me if you want to know any more.


15th Jun 2000, 02:35

1. There isn't a different 'renewal' test to an 'initial' test for an instructor rating - unlike the CIR. However, previous experience can influence the topic for the brief & lesson.

You will most likely need to do your renewal on a twin to maintain your M/E instructor privileges (but not necessarily - you have already 'demonstrated' the necesary skills. It was just a wee while ago). I would bet on an IFR brief & lesson + some asymmetric work. Doesn't have to be this though. You could equally get S&L!

2. Ken Andrews is a very fair examiner & a thorough gentleman. Even if you fail a test with him he will still leave you feeling worthwhile. :) Contact him through Combined Aviation Services (02 9791 0022) or Aurora Aviation (02 9791 0042 / 9791 0055).

3. Competancy based assessment was still in development when I left Oz. I gather from talks with friends still instructing there that it is now 'in'. Don't know what this means re tests etc.

BTW, for those of us pre-competancy based training & assessment, does this mean we're incompetant? :)

NB Aurora used to have one of the cheapest Duchesses at YSBK.

You don't need a recommendation from a CFI to do the test because it is a renewal and not initial issue. That's one of the few initial/renewal differences. Given the time lapse though, I strongly suggest some flights before the test.

Good luck!

[This message has been edited by Tinstaafl (edited 16 June 2000).]

Hugh Jarse
15th Jun 2000, 04:46
Thanks for the help, guys.

Is K.A. still around? Jeez, he must be 150 by now :) I remember doing my initial "Class One Instrument rating" test with him back in the early '80's.

And Tinny, you're absolutely correct. He was a thorough gentleman on the test. A book from which some other ATO's could take a leaf...

Hey Tinny, how was the bash? I saw you lurking in some of the photo's http://geocities.com/r337m0nk3y/cwm/laugh.gif

JARSE! The older I get, the faster I was

[This message has been edited by Hugh Jarse (edited 15 June 2000).]

Short and Sweet
1st Jul 2000, 11:16
Hugh Jarse

Competency based training came in to effect in September 1999. There is no real difference in training of students for Day VFR licences (GFPT (the old RPPL), PPL or CPL) except for the fact that we now have a document that says your student must be able to perform to a certain standard what is stipulated in the Day VFR Syllabus no matter where you trained. Before it was up to individual flying schools operations manuals to stipulate what was to be performed in each lesson with no standard. The operation manuals now have to reflect the Day VFR Syllabus. But in short no real difference in training methods. Hope this helps Hugh Jarse.

Hugh Jarse
4th Jul 2000, 13:31
Okay, thanks S&S. Sounds similar to what was the go at the last instructing job I had: A defined standard.

Thanks for that :) Now all I gotta do is get used to the vibrations again (of piston engines, that is :))

JARSE! The older I get, the faster I was

11th Jul 2000, 18:22
I did not know Ken Andrews was still around. A delightful chap who was a flight commander at RAAF Central Flying School East Sale when I went through a flying instructors course a million years ago.
He was a Squadron Leader and I was a lowly Flight Sergeant. Part of the course was a ride in a dual Vampire. It had a clamshell canopy, operated pneumatically. We came back from a trip - he opened the canopy after we had finished for the day -and I put my hands on the front windscreen bow to haul myself up from the ejection seat. Ken quickly reached over and pulled me back down. He warned me that I should never attempt to climb out without double-checking that the canopy was indeed fully up and securely locked open. " Otherwise" - he said, "the canopy might slam down and hurt your fingers". Man - he wasn't wrong as it turned out...

I sank back into the seat, while the Goblin engine noisely wound down, and murmured a respectful thanks, sir. Ken then undid his harness, disengaged his intercom and oxygen leads and grasping the windscreen started to haul himself to his feet. There was a gust of wind and a howl of pain from poor old Ken as the raised canopy slammed back down on to his gloved hands.

I was most impressed and said to him that I thought that was a fine demonstration of what he had just told me a few moments earlier. After all, it was an instructors course, and we were told to make demo's realistic.

"Schiesenhausen - that's not bloody funny Sergeant" gritted poor Ken as he wrung his injured digits. For the next few weeks, Ken was off flying, wandering around the tarmac at East Sale with his hand in a sling in the manner of Napoleon Bonapart.
A fine gentleman (Ken, that is!).
We called Ken "Chu Chu" because of his habit of offering his students a lolly before flying. "Have a chu chu" he would say. Give him my regards if you see him - he will remember me through the Vampire incident.