View Full Version : June 30th deadline - extension

A Very Civil Pilot
12th Jun 2000, 23:06
The CAA have confirmed that students undertaking training for a CAA PPL, who have completed all the ground exams by June 30th, can have an extension until September 30th to complete the rest of the flying training necessary to obtain a CAA PPL.

The information is supposed to be on their website, but I haven't managed to find it yet.

Gives a bit of refief to those that have had training postponed due to the bad weather of late.

13th Jun 2000, 22:57
They will actually get a JAR-FCL PPL based upon the UK exams as the law does not permit issue of a UK PPL after 1 July 2000.

14th Jun 2000, 00:34
I'd like to know if anyone can find it on their site.We were told only yesterday, that the extension is until June 2002. I think the lady on the phone at the CAA may have been mistaken!