View Full Version : Instructor's Web Site

9th Nov 2000, 06:37
Just wondering if anybody is interested in setting up a web site specifically for instructors. I am not trying to take away from the excellent PPRuNe site but prune really only offers a forum when so much more could be offered.

It would be nice to be able to publish stories, articles, safety tips, lesson plans & briefings, aircraft info etc. to supplement this site...

It would be nice to have our own site that isn't overshadowed by bigger (and better?) forums.

Just a thought? Sorry is this post was inappropriate.

[This message has been edited by Turbine (edited 09 November 2000).]

AV8 consultants
9th Nov 2000, 08:34
Gr8 idea. Will it be part of pprune or are you asking for a new site?
When it's up and running post a notice in this space. Remember PPrune is a forum for discussion not a "learn how to" site. Your idea has promise but it might upset a few moderators maybe.. GOODLUCK

"Keener than mustard and able to leap tall buildings with a small Cessna"

9th Nov 2000, 14:24
Sounds like an idea worth further investigation, in my opinion.

9th Nov 2000, 23:49
I can see the attraction.
One of the problems (IMHO the only problem) with this otherwise excellent website is having to wade through the large number of posts by people who clearly have no knowledge of, or connection with, the aviation industry.
I've often wondered what percentage of ppruners are actually pilots (professional or PPLs), or even involved in the industry. (I obviously excude wanabees from this criticism.)

I'm not an instructor, but the general point is of wider application.

[This message has been edited by enntwo (edited 09 November 2000).]

11th Nov 2000, 06:13
Think it's a great idea Turbine.

There's so much information out there that is great to use, but finding it can be a real pain. Articles, teahing methods, stories would be a great resource.

I guess you're volunteering to set it up then ? :)

Grade 3

11th Nov 2000, 19:30
Hello OG3.

What got me interested in doing this site was the Punters Point of View (http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/Forum5/HTML/000501.html) thread on prune a while back.

It's sad that some students (and instructors) only ever get to see how things are done by their instructor or in their area, on their field or in their country. It would be nice to have a forum where people could read up on numerous ways of doing the same task. It would be more an educated dicussion made up of essays and articles rather than a "bulletin board". There would be no right or wrong - just different ways of doing the same thing.

It could include information on all levels of licences, certificates and ratings but would be aimed at the student (which is ALL of us) but compiled mainly by instructors.

We could present online lesson plans, aircraft information and manuals, safety related information and also have relevant mailing lists maybe...

No one person would be responsible for maintaining it or ownership of it - rather it would belong to all those people that contributed towards its content.

And OG3, you work in the hanger next door to me. Maybe you can donate some of your time as well!! I've seen your instructor notes - they'll look nice up on the web :)

Anybody willing to participate in it's creation, please email me at [email protected]

[This message has been edited by Turbine (edited 11 November 2000).]