View Full Version : Controlled vs uncontrolled airfield

Ray Ban
27th May 2000, 03:18
I would really like to know what the pros and cons of both systems are and also I would be grateful if someone could tell me how the circuits work for the respective systems.


Ray Ban

28th May 2000, 12:32
Quite simple, Controlled airfield has ATC operate in accordance with ATC instructions.

Uncontrolled airfield no ATC operate in accordance with the rules of the air. Some uncontrolled airfields have an ATZ and will then normally have an AFIS which provides information to pilots flying in the ATZ to prevent collisions. AFIS may only issue instructions to aircraft and vehicles on the ground, but not on the runway until after the landing roll is complete. Where there is an Air/Ground service you receive information only which may amount to wind and runway direction only. Where the airfield is uncontrolled all decisions are made by the pilot.

[This message has been edited by BlueLine (edited 28 May 2000).]

28th May 2000, 17:06
So when I say "Short finals to land", should the bloke on the end of the radio say "Clear to land at your discretion" at an uncontrolled airfield?? If not, why do they always seem to??

[This message has been edited by BEagle (edited 28 May 2000).]

28th May 2000, 20:19
A FISO will say "Land at your discretion" to indicate that it is not a clearance and it is up to the pilot to make the decision. The word Clear and Discretion should never be used together as they contradict one another. Pilots simply acknowledge with Roger or Callsign. It is not a clearance so there is no need to read it back.

A/G operators should not use the phrase at all.

28th May 2000, 20:34
You forgot to remind me that it's 'Final', not 'Finals'....and never 'Short Final!!'.

28th May 2000, 23:48
Perfection takes time

29th May 2000, 00:13
Perfection isn't easy

1st Jun 2000, 17:50
One of the problems with fields
without ATC AFIS facilities is
the variable quality of RADIO
communications generally

Hopefully addressed by the mandatory training requirement to study Radio
comms as a practcal ground school item
rather than in the air.

A Very Civil Pilot
2nd Jun 2000, 21:44
Last summer i was flying from a controlled airfield, with in my opinion its associated problems; only 3 in the circuit, hold for radar traffic on 8 mile finals, 1 in the circuit when a jet was in as well.

i now operate from a completely uncontrolled strip, with only A/G radio, and things are alot easier; T/O & land at your discretion, join from whichever direction you want etc.

Being uncontrolled you must be totally aware of all the other aircraft, so lookout and listen out is paramount, whereas under ATC you can get a bit complacent. They are there to help you out, but at the end of the day you don't havr to do what they say, it's up to you to conduct the flight safely- which is what we're doing in the uncontrolled circuit anyway.

(Particularly relevant re the OATS collision.)

4th Jun 2000, 12:32
I do hope the A/G operator is not telling you to take off and land at your discretion, that is not in accordance with CAP 452 the Aeronautical Radio Station Operator's Guide.

Furthermore, I hope you are joining the circuit in accordance with the Rules of the Air and not just any old direction.