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8th May 2004, 09:19
I'm doing a bit of work in the medical field on small teams etc.

Does anyone have any info as to where I may be able to get hold of some up to date CRM - type videos please?

Most of the ones around are quite old - Dryden etc.

Ideally I'd like some footage of crews in the flight deck doing good / bad routines etc. Yes I know, I could make them myself but I would like to get hold of some quite quickly as I am doing a "hearts and minds" talk to some medical people soon!

Many thanks

13th May 2004, 06:55
please check personal messages

14th May 2004, 08:58

I am a little way from you but recently discovered an old videotape of a programme called Horizon.

It is a documentary about CRM called the 'wrong stuff'

Its a few years old now but had some excellent examples of good and bad CRM. Some of the most interesting parts were the recreation of incidents in the simulator and watching different crews work, or rather not through them. As a wannabe starting on the road to an ATPL it was fascinating and I’m sure perfect for you.

If you have the timescale perhaps you could contact the BBC here in Britain and request a copy of the programme, I don’t know how this work’s but I believe its possible. If you get stuck, give me a shout and I’ll see what I can do. It might be easier from my end

All the best,




14th May 2004, 23:07
I am an anesthetist. At a simulator session they showed the crash of Eastern Airlines 401 to highlight CRM issues. I think it is based on that BBC program someone else mentioned in a post. The tape was not very clear. I have put up a website regarding this flight for my medical colleagues. Anyone interested is most welcome to visit it at

It is titled:
Flight 401 -The BlackBox Story

As you may be aware , anesthetists have learnt a lot from aviation. I have developed a "scan" for patients, like a instrument scan ....
It is called "Rapid Anesthesia Scan" . You can visit my website about it at :


Hope these will be of some use to you.
Bye Prasanna

16th May 2004, 03:41
Many thanks for the replies.

Buster. Thanks for this. I have seen this programme and have a couple of clips from it. However, I would be interested in the whole programme. If your tape has the date of the original "Horizon" programme, could you please let me know and I'll order it.

Freshgasflow. Thanks. Your websites are very interesting and I'm pleased that initiatives of this type are growing in medicine. The latest generation of CRM in aviation takes the perspective of "Threat and Error Management" within teams and translates directly into any high risk professions where teamwork is involved.

Early generations of CRM (good though they were) emphasised the human factors which led to human failures and concentrated on such things as communication style and stress management. Programmes varied but practical advice was sometimes a bit thin.
Also, with absolutely no disrespect to anyone - some pilots shied away from the slightly "soft - skills" approach of the early stuff (and frankly still do). This brought about the so - called "Boomerang" effect, which we see alive and well in this and other forums!.

The latest generation of CRM emphasises practical avoidance and intervention strategies such as team briefings; monitoring and crosschecking equipment as well as other team members and contingency management as skill sets that are desireable to develop.

Most of the videos that are available are over 10 years old and few represent the current range of largely automated aircraft hence my search for some contemporary clips.

Interest within the medical field here in the Asia Pacific region is growing - driven not only by altruism but also (in some part) by increasing public interest following disclosures on the extent of medical error.

I hope that mutual interest in lessons from other professions continues to grow.

Best wishes


19th May 2004, 10:03

I haven’t had an opportunity to view the video again though I know it was part of the BBC learning series on Business.

The video title is 'The Wrong Stuff' form the Horizon series.

I am sure if you contact the BBC and give them the name, series and business learning they will be able to find it.

If you have any further problems please put up a post and I'll see what I can do, it really is a very interesting video.

Kind regards,



19th May 2004, 10:18
Many titles, including 'The Wrong Stuff' are available from the BBC.

Orders/enquiries to: Derek Ray-Hill, BBC Videos for Education & Training, 80, Wood Lane, London, W12 0TT.

Tel # +44 (0) 20 8433 3104

Fax# +44 (0) 20 8433 2916


hope this helps


12th Jun 2004, 15:16
Why not just video Prime Minsters Questions from Parliament?!

15th Jun 2004, 00:04
very constructive contribution that 'whatunion' :hmm:

rabbs :suspect:

18th Jun 2004, 16:46
It really is a frustrating scenario for all small or independent operators to find up to date videos, and I am glad to say that our CAA has acceeded that something needs to be done and have agreed to produce material for CRM training. Won't help you by the way because it's too late, but interestingly enough, Nat Geographic channel on the TV are currently running quite a few Disasters in the Air programmes, including Air Alaska, Swissair and TWA all fairly recent accidents. I am sure they could be available, as these are good professional programmes re-enacting the cockpit CVRs.
You might try the CRM developers forum too www.crm-devel.org as Loftwork have a very comprehensive library of videos. They have been very helpful to me.