View Full Version : Carry-on Bmed!!!!!!

19th Apr 2004, 16:49
For those of you out there that have been slateing BMed how DARE you get it sooooooooooo wrong.

It's not BAD it's horrendous.....................................!!!!!

There are now scuff marks along the corridor carpet where crew are now dragging there heels before checking in at crew report!!!

MOANS & GROANS vairy from:-

300 crew sharing x3, 4" flat screens to check in in the "INTERNET CAFE" which includes a kettle,sink(with tap).

Briefing rooms with dimensions of 4ft X 6ft with a large table and 6 chairs which are often only filled by 4 bottoms!!!

A CCM who makes chucky look like a cabbage patch kid!!! - EXTREMELY un-professional - un-approchable - unliked - has more FAVORITES than the 15.30 at newmarket!!! - has an awful hairstyle and dress sence (looks like a red cross missionary worker) - drinks wine OUT OF THE BOTTLE at the company xmas party and not forgeting COMPLETLEY UNDER QUALIFIED.

you can take the GIRL out of AIRTOURS but you CANT take the AIRTOURS out of the GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh and not forgetting, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL CUBIC ZIRCONIA she wears from Elizabeth dukes!!

Crew car parking - has now become a life and death roundabout crossing - you park your car - get your suitcase then play chicken to cross the roundabout over to the office, while our 10 - 3ers (really should be 09.00 - 17.00ers!!) - park in the carpark OUTSIDE the office (no roundabout involved) - toodle over carrying a tesco bag filled with cottage cheese and ryvitas crackers!!

we have 5 a/c x3 a320s and x2 a321s with 17 different location diagrams and we have another a321 joining this VERY LARGE fleet - which i should imagine will have a different varient to the other two cos the company is to CHEAP to standardise the a/c

A route network to die for!! the alternative beach fleet (Dead and caspian)

It is a shame that morale and company standards have dropped to an historic low - crew have repeatedly asked for CERTAIN THINGS!! to be looked into and senior management have seemed to ingnore this.


Hostie from Hell
19th Apr 2004, 17:17

I take it that you are unhappy with the airline.

Plenty of other airlines recruiting, why not join one?

....a positive attitude is usually what they look for when recruiting though


Smell the Coffee
19th Apr 2004, 17:21
Heard nothing good about this operation, and yet we've had some seniors move on from low-cost to Bmed.

We seem to have the same problem with regards to the location of safety eqpmt, every plane seems to have its own particular setup which raises the question of whether it's worth learning any of the 'standard' diagrams handed out during training!

Regarding the routes - well that's why Bmed exists, although I do sympathise. However, I wouldn't mind visiting Addis or Khartoum; yes, they're not exactly Dubai but nevertheless it would be an experience I would certainly enjoy!

What are the crew like? I've heard horror stories about certain airlines (Monarch springs to mind).

All the sevens
19th Apr 2004, 18:05
So sorry to hear that there is so much negativity from certain people regarding B med. I fly long haul but not for bmed so I am not biased in any way. I know several people that fly for B med and they tell me that it is aviations best kept secret.
If crew think that things are really as bad as they say they are then leave because such red blood hate for something is not healthy. B med is very successful and it is down to the type of routes it serves and of course the great cabin crew that represent the airline. It is not fair to new entrants or to company orientated long serving crew to have to listen to fellow colleagues around them ruining their 'dream'. Negativity is very infectious and at the end of the day if it spreads it will only affect passenger perception and in turn that could/could not effect you receiving a pay-cheque or not!
Really don't mean to sound like I am preaching but the best piece of simple advice I was ever given when I first started flying was....If you are not happy....leave....its not fair on anyone else.

19th Apr 2004, 18:20
just to let you know, my dream was ruined as soon as our new ccm got her feet under the desk!!!

as for lowering crew morale, let me assure you that all crew feel exactly the same, and we have an excellent rapport on the a/c.

Work standards on board the a/c however low we may feel, have never fell below standard, and our customers will always leave our a/c having received the most professional and polished service.

As for leaving, Why should I, I have spent many happy years with the company, surely this should be down to the company to erradicate any problems and improve crew morale...this is amajor problem that needs to be addressed immediatly, as many an exit meeting for our emigrating crew has stated..

All hope has not been lost with Bmed, and a few of us believe there to be light at the end of the tunnel....if only we could find the switch!!!!!:confused:

All the sevens
19th Apr 2004, 18:30
So sorry that things are that bad for you. Just for the record I was not implying that you personally would be rubbing off on other crew but I am sure you will agree that sometimes people can be so negative that it brings us all down. I really hope that things get better for you but I would like to say the I would love to do some of the routes!! I guess all routes get boring though....there are only so many Antiguas you can do before the excitment begins to fade! Not that I am not grateful for my job of course. Keep smiling!:D

19th Apr 2004, 20:19
Hi Guys, sorry for the thread drift but...

I've been a Bmed pax on a number of routes over the years, Yerevan, Amman and now Addis, I have to say their CC are excellent, OK, I'm a low rent pax and don't bother them but if there is a morale problem then it is certainly well masked.

I always enjoyed the Bmed trip until I got here, the 320 is a comfortable a/c but after 9 hours it does get cramped. Last time to LHR was a 12 hr horror via an unscheduled fuel stop at Rome due to headwinds. (I smoke...)

Anyone in party mood in Addis can PM me!


19th Apr 2004, 22:10
BMED is nowhere near as bad as these whinging people are making out. Its a great little company with lots of great crew working for them. We have a great time when we are down-route and we all stick together. Had some of the best crew party's ever in Bmed!

Yes it has got a few minor problems but you tell me an airline that doesnt!

If you think you can find better then GO! Just leave the rest of us to enjoy our jobs. If it's so bad why are you still working for them. Think its time for you to grow up and move on and i wish you luck.

It's the odd few crew that dislike Bmed and they try to ruin it for the rest of us.

Well good luck to you all and for all you great Cabin Crew who know how to enjoy yourselves Bmed will soon be recruiting to replace these people that will hopefully soon be leaving!

Happy flying.

Smell the Coffee
19th Apr 2004, 22:34
Hey Pondskipper

Great to hear something good about the airline for once! I actually applied to them last summer but didn't even get invited for interview - I think it may have had something to do with the fact that at that point, I had no previous flying experience, and little in the way of customer service experience either.

I've now got just over 6 months under my belt with a well-known LCC - like yourself, I'm having an absolutely fantastic time, and we also have a fantastic set of crew (both up front and in the galley...) I'll probably stick around for a year or maybe even more, but I've always wanted to work for Bmed - mainly because I've always fancied nightstops in 'different' places.

Would you happen to know when Bmed will next be recruiting, and whether they prefer applicants with previous flying experience? I met an ex-Bmed girl on my training course, she had some amazing tales to tell!


20th Apr 2004, 09:45
"smell the coffee" be bmed are CONSTANTLY recruiting! now smell the coffee! says it all!

oh so many comments! yes, the crew are great, yes b med was aviations best kept secret, yes layovers are good, yes money not bad, yes you can have a good time down route. however, the minute you hit that office it stops! when departing for flight the mood lifts when on the bus and heading airside. likewise when coming back the mood drops!

It does not have to be like this! it never used to be! so why is LF the CCM so negative? so anti crew? (except her chosen few!)

it amazes me how she is still there. if crew are bad at their jobs they are out. get her out then you will see morale lift!

and by the way, yes the service is good on board but I for one do this for my own satisfaction. I would only be letting myself down.

20th Apr 2004, 12:30
Hi Smell the coffee,

Bmed are recruiting alot lately as we have lost alot of crew to BA but we are not the only company that has, all airlines are losing crew to BA cause they are SEEN to be the best! And lets face it alot of crew see Bmed as a stepping stone to BA as we are there only long haul franchise.

We take on alot of crew that have no flying experience it doesnt seem to matter if you have flown before. Put your application in now you will have a great time.

Med123 hit the nail on the head with regards to everything being very good at Bmed however alot of crew dislike the management. But why should your morale drop when you go to the office? all you do is check in and check-out and you dont even have to see anyone in the office 90% of the time.

Checkin for your flight, have a great trip, check-out and go home to relax!

Enjoy yourself thats what its all about.

20th Apr 2004, 18:29
BMED Crew are leaving to join various other Airlines not just BA. Some are even returning to there previous Lo Cost carriers realising that the grass is not greener on a BMed lawn.

Those that stay are those that know they cannot do any better Hello Mr Fat Controller!

Good pay? circa £1300 a month take home for Crew thats a below average salary in this day and age especially for the sh!t destinations you have to go to over and over again once is enough thank you.

You want to give Bmed a go well go on apply and if you fail the first time try again they will probaly take you on again especially if it is someone different doing the interviews. Just keep your options open whilst you are there and have something to fall back on and not a back stabbers knife.

Over and Out


20th Apr 2004, 18:33
I would love to give them a go but with my 20+ years experience working for BOAC and a BA franchise they wont even acknowledge my cv.

The destinations are ok and can be fun at times.. be thankful for decent nightstops!!!

20th Apr 2004, 20:59
Hello Boys and Girls,

I worked for BMED for 5 years and caught the tail end of the airline when it was one of this country's best companies to fly for. I came to the airline after having worked for a number of GOOD charter airlines.....so I certainly was not coming in with my eyes closed, so to speak. I also reached the dizzy heights of Purser...wooooohhh!!!

I have to say that when I left the company to fly for our country's flag carrier, BMED was not a nice establishment to work for. On my flight's at least, the crew always managed to give as good a service as they/we could, even though resources were somewhat limited. BMED is by no means all bad, but there are some truly awful people employed by them as "Managers"! Namely a truly horrible person from British Midland. He has no idea of how to speak to crew, pokes his not inconsiderable nose in where it is not required and is a generally arrogant all round condescending personality. He should never been in the position he is in. Infact I dont think I knew of any crew who liked him. I understand that LF ruffled a few feathers, however she was always nothing more than polite and professional with me. I suggest they deal with this other guy first.

As for people finding alternative employment? Dont you think that people would if they could? Anyone with any sense of the recruitment situation at the moment knows that finding another job does not happen over night. When I was at BMED the MAJORITY of the crew were not happy. I think that anyone who finds the office environment at BMED acceptable is not very sensitive to their surroundings , OR has no idea of what it is like to work for a decent company. Enough said.
And yes I have flown ALL of their destinations and done my fair share of THR, ADD (during the Ethiopian winter), BAK shuttles etc etc. I can assure you that ANU(Antigua) does become boring after a while....but at least its not some dark , depressing route you have to do .....unlike the hotel room in Yerevan in the midst of winter!!!! Yes done loads of those as well!!!!!

21st Apr 2004, 00:22
This thread makes me sad :(

Do you lot know how many eager hopefuls there are out there that would give their right arm to do the job that you do!

Be glad you have a flying job, if you don't like it, give someone else the chance, someone that would be greateful to be in a priveliged positon, like yours!

You know moaners and groaners in this industry really get on my tits! Delays, changes, trips to weird destinations etc are all part os the job, if you don't like it then I think you need a change in career!



21st Apr 2004, 12:49
Dear Mike,
You really have totally missed the point... in the industry that we are in...i completely understand that we will have delays, changes and other aviation hic-cups...my point here is how we are actually treated and informed of these problems...

Most airlines have some delay procedures and facilities for their crew, accept here you are expected to hang around the office for up to 9 hours, WITH NO FACILITIES!!

We are also aware that there will be changes to the roster - what we dont EXPECT is that you have a change to your roster 5 mins before you brief is due to start.......when you think that you are going to addis in our winter (there summer) so you have packed your shorts and t-shirts - then you arrive at the office and op's say tou you " oh just to let you know your now going to Tehran where the weather can be 1degree!!! -

The way we are TREATED is BELOW airline standards.................

I do love my job and enjoy the flying and i am GRATEFUL for having a job...........it would be nice to be treated with respect

As our company goals and missions say "our staff are OUR GREATEST ASSET"

WELL START TREATING US LIKE IT............................

21st Apr 2004, 14:57
I appreciate that things can be bad at times, but you will soon find that if you voice your opinions and try to better a company, you will get no where fast!

I really would suggest trying another carrier, there are better airlines out there to work for.

I know it can be the most frustrating thing in the world(believe me) but you have to just accept it i'm afraid :(



21st Apr 2004, 19:30
I have worked for eight Airlines including Bmed.

I have worked on some mental contracts in far away places. I have worked for Cowboy Airlines and unstable owners.

But I can safely say that British Mediterranean Airways was by far the worst most unsophisticated, uncoordinated, moronic, bitchy, sly, crap and dangerous route going hideous one of my Career in aviation.

You want the chance to hold a privileged position with this so called airline then go for it they are always looking for more victims.



Get Smart
21st Apr 2004, 21:14
Some comments about bmed are justified and some are not. Its a bit of a shame that people should be so personal about individuals and practically use their names. Although its a forum, one should always try to put yourself in their position. Bmed have certainly taken a serious dive lately though and it true that morale is dreadfully low. This is due to some pretty unpopular decisions being made, of course by management, with little regard to loyal employees that have largely contributed to the good reputation they have in terms of GREAT CABIN CREW. Its a real shame and things need to change otherwise it will turn into the sort of airline that some of you already feel it is.

22nd Apr 2004, 09:23
I'd just like to thank all the contributors to this thread - it has had me wetting myself laughing for the last few days.

This is not meant to denigrate the upset felt by those there who are not happy by any means. Just that in general it has lightened my last few days.

cheers ;)


22nd Apr 2004, 09:34
"OUR STAFF ARE OUR GREATEST ASSET" whatever happened to that poster? it used to be drilled into us! did LF have it destroyed or was it destroyed by crew when she arrived and wrecked every effort made by JT and SW?

MEFLYBE why should employees have to accept the way things are? any normal operation would have had her strung up by now! are you one of her little helpers maybe?

22nd Apr 2004, 11:50
I didn't realise that these forums are just for happy people who love their jobs?? Did anyone else realise that?


These forums are for discussion, people to share both good and bad information and experiences from their respective company's.

There would be little point in this CC forum if all the topic's were

"I love my company because...."


"My company is great because.."

As for new recruits being put off, well there's bad things to be said about every airline on here. They should make their own judgements when / if they join.

22nd Apr 2004, 15:51
Got to agree with FormerFlyer (above).

I now work in an office and was reading this post yesterday at work (during my lunch break before anyone questions that!).

As another former employee of bmed I have to agree with the negative comments people are saying. I left 2 years ago and at that time things were going from bad to worse. It saddens me that things still have not improved and by the sounds of it have got much, much worse.

Its a shame that the management cannot recognise the dedication, loyalty and professionalism of crew working at bmed and recognise this with promotions that are well-deserved. Instead, management thrive on promoting new entrants which I'm sure they perceive to be a punishment on those who's face does not fit with the CCM.

Its about time SW took hold of the situation and realised that the high degree of staff turnover can be attributed to one thing, or should I say one person.

Northern Star
22nd Apr 2004, 17:05
I just want to add my bit to this thread.

I too am an ex-BMED crew member and it really saddens me to hear how things have changed. I jumped ship 5 years ago for bigger and what I thought would be better things. I soon realised what a great airline I had left, and flying has never been the same for me since. I appreciate that most people remember their first airline with fondness, but I can truly say I really enjoyed my time at BMED.

I made some great friends there, many that I am still in touch with. I had some fantastic trips and will always remember those room parties in TBS, once having to make up meal trays in the back galley during boarding in ASB because the government had sacked all the caterers, and those split duty shuttles to Bishkek when you would all gather in Club for some kip but only once you had helped to clean the aircraft and brought all the catering up from the hold!!!

I cant comment on the current situation as obviously things have changed, the airline has grown and people have moved on.
One word of warning from one who knows. The grass is not always greener and sometimes you dont appreciate what you have until its too late.

Northern Star

Get Smart
22nd Apr 2004, 22:01
Small airlines often have to employ direct entries, however, there is no excuse for doing so when there are PLENTY of excellent crew who've done their time with the company, worked their days off, worked xmas & new year, worked on severely delayed flights year in, year out, etc. The biggest reason for this is due to 'sickness'. Please? Is the CCM ever there to do deal with this, or is she ........ ops.......... off sick again with stress? Agreed its about time someone higher up finally did something about this. However, as thisisbetter mentioned, ccm isn't only problem. Doubt that midland will ever want back our training manager either. Common knowledge they couldn't believe their good luck when he left. EasyJet didn't want him either!

22nd Apr 2004, 22:36
Well I have just been offered a position of Cabin Crew with bmed.
I work for Va at the moment and thought that Bmed would be a good move as it is smaller and more 'family' like.

I just not sure what to do?!? What do I do? Really put off by the comments made.

I do love flying and the people in the job.

Just really :confused: confused about it now.

Not sure if any one is able to help.

The money at VA is not great but okay. Heard Bmed money is good.

Thank you for any info. xoxox

23rd Apr 2004, 00:25
Bmed use to value exsisting crew's opinions when it came to recruitment,but they REALLY lost the plot when they took on that pompous SEP instucture from midland ,regardless of the fact so many ex-midland crew came foward spilling the beans on his 'antics' on a 'certain naughty website' that led to a few days suspension!(well,I guess its one way of getting days off!)...It just amazes me how an SEP manager can take 'so lonnnng' to re-write the long awaited safety manual,and actually get it.....errr.....WRONG??!! mean,please! What would the CAA have to say if they knew he was sending the boys and girls out online with an incorrect manual? surely that cant be right?! Obviously he had a' little bit more 'on his mind than BCF's and ESB's(not that they are called that anymore!...oh no! that would be FAR TOO EASY to keep abreviations that have been around for the last 30yrs.....no,from now on,they shall be known simply as 'B' and 'S'...well it does make sense(doesnt it?????) No,his attentions are far more focused on the 'luvvly linda lusardi'(well lets face it,she certainly dresses like her!) Yes the pair of them are just the 'perfect duo'...like Anthony and Cleopatra...?Romeo and Juliet....?Peaches and Cream!!! Well maybe not...more like 'THE KRAY TWINS'!!! evil to the core.

23rd Apr 2004, 00:37
Northern Star - that post made me remember some of the good old days!!!:O I even remember sleeping on the aircraft and crew having their favourite places to sleep then having the ground staff knock on the door asking, "are you guys ready for passengers?" whilst still looking like crap!

I left a while ago so I can't comment on the present CCM but it's a sad fact that in aviation, nothing stays the same forever and sometimes things change for the worse.

For Virgin82 - think very carefully about why you want to leave VS and why you think Bmed is better. The money can be good yes, but remember that you can expect to be away from a lot and to some 'unique' destinations - very different to the VS route network. I'd say also just to weigh up the pros and cons and feel free perhaps to pm people on here who seem to be either ex or current employees. My motto is; if in doubt, don't.

Good luck:D

23rd Apr 2004, 15:28
this has had me in stitches! its so funny. yes have had some great times and remember cleaning sleeping and catering on the aircraft. those were the fun times!

I REALLY REALLY hope that upper management are reading these comments and doing something about the 2 main culprits! they really have destroyed what was once a very unique airline.

there have been enough departure meetings with HR (yes for those of you that have left there is an HR department!) for them to realize whats what. everyone who I speak too gives the same feedback.

Its true they have said to crew you cannot have promotion due to sickness, even backed up by a doctors note! yet the ccm has sickness days willy nilly due to stress. it hardly sets the example! bit like the grooming!

wake up bmed before you lose anymore excellent crew! we all know its said "we can go to tesco and get more" but all the experience crew will be gone. the destinations are not somewhere that the younger generation find appealing! you are going to end up in a mess.

finally can someone tell me why are new entrants made to do a song and dance on last day of course? am I missing something???? when a new recruit does the full monty on wings day in front of all, it really does speak volumes about the ccm! enough said.

23rd Apr 2004, 19:42
I have been pi$$in myself, at some of these threads, WOT A CARRY ON !!!!!!!

We know the main axis of evil, lies lurking somewhere between a potted palm and a sugarpuffs box...not so sure on the comments about our training manager tho!!!

Lets be honest, none of you even read the bloody book anyway, a bit of a tip i was given, as long as you know where your BCF and smoke hood are...your half way there...Yes a succesfull evacuation relies on good training...however i also think it is down to the individuals, competency and quick thinking...something a little red book cant drill into anyone!!!

Hey Whats happened to our REACT Training, I loved havin that huge geezer come running up tro my face screaming!

"Im gonna cut Your f%£IN Face UP"

That really used to be the highlite of my refreshers!!

I believe were having "Conflict Management" sessions....


Bring back the NUTTER !!!!!!

Well my lovelies...Im off to press my Paul Costelloe (LACK OF VOUCHERS HUMPH HUMPH!!) and lovingly shine my shoes....

We have had some fantastic times here...im not sure if i enjoyed sleeping at row 7 on my FRU'S as much as you all seem to did though...but we really musnt loose hope...maybe weve had our good days and the memories will always make me smile and blush!!! We still do have some fantastic crew and employers at B-Med...Im still there for one!!!


CARRY ON B-MED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


23rd Apr 2004, 22:42
I never slept in row 7 that's for sure cos you couldn't put the armrests up:( oh no, I was halfway down economy or in the back galley!!
Thanks for the trips down memory lane guys, remember doing the Luxors'? brief that they were.

On a serious note, I hope things change for the better soon for the current BMed cc's.:ok:

24th Apr 2004, 13:06

They seem to think B-Med is better then BA!!! It is nothing more than a mickey mouse outfit.

I used to work at B-Med but still have friends there. Things seem to be getting worse, I mean it was bad when I was there but the latest stories are horrendous.

I would advise any people due to join to stay well away!! They have the most rude, unprofessional manager you could ever wish to meet. She will never support or back you up unless you are one of her clonies.

They treat their crew like S**T. Having them sit on the aircraft for up to 9 hours then working a 5-6 hour flight (Just one of the many things I don't miss) Aircraft are rarely on the ground, so with the delay they find it a perfect oppurtunity for newly promoted AP'S to have a aircraft visit, surely they know how to switch an oven on and operate cabin lighting!!!! You do have to look back and laugh though.

Their whole promotion THING IS JUST CRAZY. If your face does not fit then you have had it!

Hope the relevant people are taking note. Things have got to change for the crew still there.

27th Apr 2004, 09:11
I always thought that Monarch were a good outfit to work for, contrary to one of the comments above.

28th Apr 2004, 09:39
I hear that SW and the HR "department" are checking this site daily for updates! so thought I would add some input to keep them going!

Lets face it, it really is time something was done about LF and even RR come to that. They have both had enough chances to prove themselves. Its all well and good PONDSKIPPER saying we are not working in the office and the crew enjoy themselves downroute. But what about having some kind of respect for the crew from the office based staff (ie;LF the cabin crew manager!). What about morale? It would certainly improve with a "good morning, hello" or even a smile. Not a miserable look and a door slam as she see's the crew coming. Alas I do feel it really is too late for these two (kray twins! loved that one). But lets be honest SW recruited them both so cannot lose face over these. ship em out SW and you will soon see morale improve, gain that respet you once had and prove yourself as a good manager. you were not so slack at firing crew even with so little evidence so why hang around when the evidence is slapping you in the face???

Have to agree with the comments about "different varients" on the same type A/C. I have never known anything like it! I had to do my location "WRONG" to pass my exams on my refreshers???? when I complained we were confronted with RR telling us to do it as per the manual. BUT IT'S WRONG we replied. imagine the confusion when on board when things are not as per the book???
Again he has had enough chances. SHIP HIM OUT. imagine if crew behaved in this way? what a different story that would be. there were very suitable applicants (one in particular) who could have been brilliant at this job.(as was the one already covering it). i have made investigations regarding some of the allegations on this site. all I'm saying speak to any midland crew! funny how any ex midland crew made very quick exits when he arrived!!!

So why did so many crew go to BA? do you think they saw it as a better option? do you think MOST of these people would have gone if it was not for the above two mentioned people? No not attal. most people that have gone should still be with us. they were in the twilight of their careers. they have gone to BA to be junior crew??? come on SW read between the lines.

FINALLY (I think?) NITESTOP; I love your humour! ever thought of doing stand up commedy????? how about *** and *** as their new names???? bless you for bringing tears of laughter to my eyes.

oh and one more thing! monarch have a very good reputation! strict but fare,

over and out!

Get Smart
28th Apr 2004, 14:27
Many of the crew feel that SW has let them down. Whilst she's happy to sit there and pretend to all concerned when crew talk to her about the above mentioned people, absolutely nothing is done about it and it never will. You see ......... its the old 'stick head in sand' syndrome and hope it all goes away. Both M*** and I*** have made it no secret that they think its good to have lost so many crew to BA and in particular the older crew that worked their pants off to put Bmed where it is today, because if it weren't for the shear good will of these crew, there would be no Bmed. Bmed, although not without its problems over the years, has always been a reasonably fun airline to work for. Yes, you work like a dog but morale was always pretty good, until those two came along.

29th Apr 2004, 09:25
I know SW is two faced but she is so good at it. Even if she only pretends to your face, she has you beleive she cares! This does make her come across somewhat better than "m***". Then again I suppose you know where you stand with her. My goodness what a bunch!

29th Apr 2004, 17:56
Sounds very similar to AEU.

Even them wanting you to sing and dance on your wings day! (how pathetic)!

And before I get slated for slagging off the "up on the pedastle" airline, would just like to say, even though it has faults I did enjoy my flying there. Crews need to stick together! Even though thats difficult when you dont get promoted through experience and hard work, if you are in the right club, you will be!!!!

Ooops getting carried away now.

Just like to say good luck to you all, and I really do hope things get better for you.


30th Apr 2004, 17:52
I will never forget my wings day with BMED

Everyone was waiting with anticipation in their uniforms for SW and the rest of her gang to come and give out our wings and drinks.

Mrs SW came in the room and everyone sang happy birthday to Miss A Parkhouse (she cried Awww!!). Then SW read out a list of names (while the fat security controller IG looked on with a smirk). The ones not on the list were asked to stay in one room while the others were asked to remain.

Even though SW her gang and the MD of BMED had assured everyone that all was well post 9/11

She sacked around half the people on the course just like that while everyone was still in their uniforms.

Nice woman nice bunch least you know where you stand with her/them?

Good luck on your wings day if you are about to start on one of the many ongoing AB initio courses and remember believe nothing and trust no one.

You have been right royaly warned.

All the best


11th May 2004, 21:24
Has anyone noticed the resemblance of the prison governor in ITV's 'BAD GIRLS' to that of the CCM?!...yes,while I was watching the nasty woman at work the other night,I thought how similar the two charactars were..and strangely they 'almost' share the same name!! how appropriate is that?!! and having watched the role of the governor in 'Bad Girls',I am inclined to think it really might be a more suitable vocation for Miss F.....time for a career change maybe? surely her qualities would be far more suitable to the 'Scrubs'?!!!

Sick Squid
12th May 2004, 00:56
In many ways this thread reflects the best of this particular part of the site.

Someone is not happy with their company. They post that. Debate ensues.. someone comes in and say you are so lucky to be doing the job I want how dare you grumble (by the way, I've kept you a blank post for 4 years time when you ARE working and discover that the grass is not just not as green as you thought, but is cheap, imported astroturf, and I'd write a nasty post but I'm about to go into discretion.. again........ get the drift? We've seen it before many thousand times.)

Errrrr.... pause a moment before posting sometimes folks. Constructive appears before Destructive in the alphabet...

Mark Lewis
13th May 2004, 12:02
Rumoured strike action going down, anyone got any details yet?

15th May 2004, 21:00
maxmet, i was at the same wings day as you so on same course. appreciate your point of view, but have to say in defence of company and its staff, didn't see it same way as you. sept 11th saw many airlines have to lay off staff and make cut backs. bmed (tiny company) no exception. surfice to say that everyone apart from a couple on that course i think, all came back to bmed in feb to recommence employment. didn't see a 'smirk' on anyones face on that day half couse were 'sacked' as you put it. if sacked, howcome all returned? in fact, think sw and her trainers genuinely upset for us. mf, js and ap-h in tears. mf and ig were also welcomed at what was left of wings party (granted, not the happiest of occasstions) but at least they came to show support. not really anyones fault. obviously a company decision. at end of day, all have different opinions. thought sw and trainers did best they could under difficult circumstances. bmed not a bad company. a lot worse out there. agreed shame about new ccm and training manager though. all gone down hill since they arrived.

17th May 2004, 16:07
so at least we are in agreement. I think if you read all the mentioned comments you will find that most people are happy. The problem is the ccm and the training manager. get them out! have to agree with the prison governer comment! yes she does look like her and she couldn't have a more perfect role. go on LF this is your calling in life! go for it girl, you don't like people so within this role you can be as nasty as you like.......just a normal day for you then! eh.

19th May 2004, 17:55
Bewitched! of those who were there on that day (ab initio crew and trainers) how many are still there?

You have your opinions I have mine. Long live PPRuNe. The actions of the company and those involved on that day was deplorable and totaly unprofessional and I feel that it was an indicator of what the company and Lord H realy think of those that work for them especially the Cabin Crew. I think that what happend way back then should be a lesson to all ab initio crew that what happend then may well soon happen again.

I however can not understand any defence af Mr IG aka Fat Controller as his track record is a disgrace to the company and the fact that he has been able to maintain his employment after the recent damaging court case is utterly contemptable.

You have your side of the fence and I have mine but from this thread all sides would agree that there is something rotten in BMED.



21st May 2004, 09:58
Just registered with PPrune and so far I'm shocked at the way some of you guys have nothing better to do than slate BMed and it's staff! Sounds to me like it's taking over your life!

Fair enough, we all have our moans and groans in any job, but I can't believe that a couple of people in the office can completely ruin your whole opinion of a company to such a degree! My previous jobs include many tedious office jobs where I have been over-worked, under-paid, under-appreciated and bored stiff. BMed to me is a breath of fresh air in comparison and it's what you make of it. We are reasonably well paid, yes we do work long hours but nowhere near the 40 hour week I used to do. We get paid whether we are eating, sleeping or getting pi$$ed for christ's sake!!

There are hundreds of other airlines you can work for, and I'm sure you'll find the grass will not be any greener. Or maybe you can try a nine-five job. Believe me, you'll be beating down the doors at Cirrus House, begging for forgiveness.

All I can say is if you don't like it, LEAVE! There are plenty of people out there who would give thier left tit to join us.


The Black Baron
21st May 2004, 12:59
for heavens sake! Before this thread dies a long overdue death, just had to put my final say in. I've been at BMED for a long time. I've seen the company grow from a small airline where we used to check in a Queens building and get out hand written rosters from the late great Bob Rowley and swan off on 6 day trips to Bey to what it is now.

It is true to say, that like any other airline (or company for that matter) it is not without its faults. As barcart said, yes its hard work. No the desinations are not great, but the crew are absolutely fantastic and once those aircraft doors are shut and you're away from the office, its what you make it!

Maxmet - why don't you just leave pal? Go and get a job digging up the road or something if its that bad at BMED, or is someone holding a gun up to your head and making you stay? Surely you can take charge of your own life and do something instead on moaning and bringing everyone else down. Perhaps you didn't get BA? Easyjet are looking for crew. I'm sure you'd look great in orange.

22nd May 2004, 11:53
I feel for you guys. I flew with BMed to Amman last april and the crews, especially the O/B ones, looked very sad. I happened to be seated near the back galley and could hear demotivation there.

I feel the same, I work for FCA and have lost faith in the managing department, and the training department is getting worse too.Plus, they want us to be spontaneous but it's all turning into a kind of regime.
Maybe I will start another thread and post my frustrations too, but I won't, I'll do something better: I am going to leave them in the middle of the busy summer season... :} Can't wait to see my manager's face. He still owes me an apology for something that really p****d me off. almost three months have passed and...still NOTHING.

Long Live PPrune....Our managers are deaf (or just pretend to be, which is worse) and we really need a place to vent our anger out. At the end of the day, they work half as much as we do, their salary is way higher and most of them don't even have any flying experience-how could they have a clue???

This forum is for discussing anything related to this job, and demotivation and problems are part of it as much as the overnight stops or weeks in barbados!!!

It's those people who would "give their left tit" (as somebody mentioned) to do this job who are ruining it for us.
Airlines now know that they don't need to try to keep you happy and motivated for many years to come, they know they can use and misuse you as much as they want, since as soon as you complain or confront them because you think what they're doing is not fair anymore....they can soon replace you with a cheaper, brand new one, who has no idea, no experience but would happily be exploited and sell their mother and their soul to do this job.......


Guys, take no notice of such people, and vent it out.....I'll be here listening to you :)

Take care,


PS: if you stop in Amman, try to go to "la mirabelle" in Shmeisani, they have the best cakes in the world....it'll be worth the trip!

25th May 2004, 09:33
Are BMed still recruiting for cabin crew?
I think I sawe an ad on the Skyport but I am not sure.
One of my friends would like to apply-I'll have to keep her away from this site! ;)

30th May 2004, 16:52
I have to say that I am really surprised about all the bitching that is going on here about B Med. I am fairly new to the company but have a few years flying experience with charter carriers. I don't think some of you realise how good it is here at B Med, the work is piece of cake, the crew are fab and the money is pretty good too. I have to agree with some of the other posters here, if you don't like it why don't you quit?
One thing is for sure I would much rather fly with a happy positive upbeat crew rather than crew that bitch and complain all the way to Tehran!!!

Shalom x

30th May 2004, 19:37
Companies should endeavour to keep their employees happy!!!

It's a human right-to be treated in a good way!!

I fly because I love aeroplanes, but this doesn't mean that I have to be treated like s*** just becxause I've got a job that many people would like to have!!

Treat me well and I'll be the happiest person on earth and it will be a pleasure to work with you, crews morale will improve and I'll work even harder!!

No, before you ask, I don't work for BMed, but the situation at FCA is very similar-morale is very low...
That's why I have sent my resignation letter in...can't wait to see my manager's face. HE will be surprised!!
I have stopped fighting for what I believe in and cannot work in such a "pink and fluffy" place anymore. Hopefully where I will start working in a month's time will be a bit better.

Yallah Salaam.


8th Jun 2004, 10:48
Hello everyone!! I know that you's all seem to be at eachothers throats at the moment, but I am really interested in working for BMED. I have been flying for two years now and sent a cv in three times in the last month to which I have had no reply!! Been calling them for days and today finally spoke to someone. I must say, she was quite rude and told me they weren't recruiting. When I asked when BMED would be recruiting again, she replied "Dunno"... I haven't lost complete hope, but do feel a bit crap about the whole way this company seems to be organised. Anyone know anything I can do to get an interview in this place?

Dolly x

8th Jun 2004, 12:28
Dolly, with all the respect... if they are not recruiting, then they are not recruiting. (dot)
If you keep insisting, they might as well ask you "which part of -not recruiting- do you not understand?" and your CV will end in the big file under the desk... so be patient... re-apply in 1-2 months time... follow up with a little letter saying you are very keen and would like them to keep your CV for future recruitment and so on...

I've had 16 or 17 interviews so far, over 2 1/2 year time. I've been accepted by a few airlines, rejected by others. It's all a big game and we gotta learn the rules (so that we can bend them better), accept defeat and reapply later on. Only few people in this industry got the job they wanted for the airline they wanted when they wanted... all the others had to suck eggs and learn how to become "the perfect candidate for such a fantastic airline"... blah blah blah... yeah... sure! :} (myself so much included!)

In the meantime, why don't you try applying with other airlines? It's too late for charters now as most have frozen their selections until next jan/feb, but there are many others still looking!

I don't know if you are still flying at the mo' but if you want something in the middle east then Ethiad and Emirates are always recruiting... although you would have to move overseas for the job.
Virgin are also recruiting! You just need to give them a call and get an application pack!

Cheer up! It's not the end of the world! Don't put all your eggs in one basket!


p.s. FBW, you are wikid! :p ...but i soooo agree with you!
They lost 2 excellent crew in 2 months! hehehe!

8th Jun 2004, 22:09
Does the term floaty come from the things you leave floating in the toilet? If so, your attitude smells just as bad!!I know two people that fly for BMED and they both told me that they are recruiting. They also told me that BMED take forever getting back to you, so I thought I'd be proactive by calling them. I was merely pointing out that the person that spoke to me on the telephone was rude. I wasn't asking for opinions, just stating a fact! I am currently working for Monarch, which is where I've been for two years. I know who I want to work for but I think your idea of 17 interviews in 2 and a half years is a tad extreem.

Thanks for the advise, but please drop the bitch attitude, you're not clever...

9th Jun 2004, 14:50
mmhhh.... such a shame... tsk tsk tsk... :(

Considering your gracious ways... I doubt any further comment is necessary...

I guess many PPruNers will think what I am thinking...

Good luck to you anyway with BMed.


11th Jun 2004, 22:31
Don't think that sort of language is particularly necessary and it only dilutes any point you may have had :(


cheers ;)

22nd Jun 2004, 08:07
Am intrigued by the message that MaxMet left regarding Mr IG Fat Controller...

He wrote: "I however can not understand any defence af Mr IG aka Fat Controller as his track record is a disgrace to the company and the fact that he has been able to maintain his employment after the recent damaging court case is utterly contemptable. "

Can someone please elaborate on the COURT CASE !:D

Boris Yeltsin
22nd Jun 2004, 18:59
You are one of them aint ya Clubworld? You could even be the fat controller trying to get a rise out of this thread?!

See the rules of PPRuNe with regards to eloborating on Court Cases.

Fat Controller went to court over spurious allegations Fat Controller lost. The End