View Full Version : Now what?

19th Apr 2004, 14:24
NATS said they'll have me but not until 2005 and then in the interview they said October 2005! So what to do with myself to kill the time?
1) Finish Degree (4 years work so far so better do it)
2) Carry on with dead end retail job full time till the course starts
3) Find new job (aviation related) any suggestions??
4) Drink
5) Drink
6) Drink......

Thats as far as my thinking goes... any suggestions? :ok: :D


p.s. (could become a plane spotter........)

19th Apr 2004, 14:26
I sincerely hope the answers to 4, 5 and 6 are NO, NO, NO. If not, you're a banana.

19th Apr 2004, 14:27
yellow and slightly curved?? :)

Barnaby the Bear
19th Apr 2004, 14:38
Finish your Degree. That should also include 4,5,6. :8
Plus it will give you something to fall back on. . . . . .Think positive!:}

19th Apr 2004, 14:50
the point of the post was that i'll do all the above..... just then what really......
trying to spark a comedic/yet informative :hmm: thread.
light hearted entertainment.
(wasting time i guess)


19th Apr 2004, 14:50
Finish degree - and make the most of 4,5,6. If I were u, and I know I aint, but if I were u! Then I'd go travelling old chap - u only live once, and its not every day you get the chance to head of into the sunset.
Do some volunteer work abroad for a couple of months....
Thats what Im doing anyway, cos I have to complete my MSc - ****!

Best of luck and have a good 'en!

Ok here we go chrisf.... I've got it!

Finish your degree - obviously, gee-wis! Anyway, consume copious amounts of alcohol on the way along to keep u sain, carry on working at dead end retail store, every time u see those people that relish their shelve stacking career then just think, "it wont be for long and I'll be outta here".....anyway, u need the job to fund your alcoholism...... So, that should all be finished for summer I guess?

Enjoy Summer over here with a possible last minute deal somewhere for a week or so, carrying on working for dead end job still, then save up and work like a whore until Aug/Sept and head off to Australia and NewZealand to enjoy their Summer as our SUmmer is on its way out! Jobs a good en.......

As for Aviation experience, then organise your trip, and when thats done and dusted, organise some visits/looks around overe there and see how they do it?

Hey, oh I've got it now! Pester the right people (dont know who) and see if u can get a one way trip somwhere, cockpit experience..... Oh I dunno, just make the most of it. Next break like that will be when u retire, unless u screw up college, positive arent I!!!!!!

Im off travellin soon, im in same situation as u! ISH!


Barnaby the Bear
19th Apr 2004, 16:30
Um......place a couple of pencils up your nose, pants on head and say Wibble. :}

The African Dude
19th Apr 2004, 18:07
Now THAT sounds like a cunning plan.

:\ :D

19th Apr 2004, 19:41
cunning as a fox whose just graduated from cunningham university...... ?


19th Apr 2004, 20:42
with a degree in cunning?

or a languages course, so he would be a cunning linguist (if he passed his ORAL board that is)


Paul Wilson
19th Apr 2004, 20:55
Depends how much debt you've got, but having been in retail for years and then left, DO SOMETHING ELSE. Planes don't stop flying at the weekends, so you will be working some weekends eventually, make the most of it now.

If debt = high - Use shiny new degree to get "real" job on decent money- just don't tell them that you'll be leaving Sept 2005 to go to NATS. (you'll be wanting a month in the sun before the work starts)

If debt = low - Spend no money and work every hour at dull retail job for 6 months then go backpacking in (relative) style.

If debt = £0 - then get your parents/trust fund to give you £10,000 - £20,000 and see the world backpacking for a year

If debt = "what's debt?, is that when the cash machine figures drop below £100,000 available?" buy Ferrari, cruise round Europe for a year, picking up fresh totty as you wear the last one out.;)