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View Full Version : Apology to Pilots from The Guvnor

15th Oct 2001, 17:31
Ladies and Gentlemen of Pprune,

I would like to hereby formally apologise for all my postings, of which there have been far too many, and especially for any anti-aircrew sentiments that they may have appeared to contain.

My 3000+ scorecard has been reset to zero and I will in future limit my postings to more reasonable number and more aggreeable nature.

The Guvnor

15th Oct 2001, 17:46
Really ??? no joke?

15th Oct 2001, 17:48
No Joke - I really mean it. Again my apologies.

The Guvnor

15th Oct 2001, 17:52
nah.......you seem to have forgotten the word "the" from Guvnor..... its a fake !! :rolleyes:

15th Oct 2001, 17:55

Beat me to it by seconds

Had to go check elsewhere but , honestly, could anybody ever believe the Guvnor making a post like that? Not without a personality transplant, anyway. :D

15th Oct 2001, 18:08
Nice one. Made me smile and I like the profile interests, confusion too. How about Detached from reality.

15th Oct 2001, 18:11
Nice - but no cigar ! ;)

15th Oct 2001, 18:17
Even if he is just a sad wannabe who never really made it, He does keep himself very well informed about the Aviation industry. Most of his opinions are relatively well balanced and informed. (Not all), but he does have a place here and he is better informed than most of us.
Also I cannot help but notice that The Guvnor displays more cool in a crisis than most who post here. And I always thought that a pilots main personality trait was to be cool in a crisis.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

The Guvnor
15th Oct 2001, 18:22
... or even coconut! ;)

However, I am in a rather good mood so I shall include an apology to anyone that thinks I might have been overboard or excessive about anything in the past. You should know by now that I have everyone's best interests at heart - well, ok, most people's best interests at heart - and I'm just concerned about the large number of people who still seem to be living in the halcyon days of the eighties and nineties as far as some of the terms and conditions in this great industry of ours are concerned.

Unless they wake up and smell the coffee - and realise that things have changed forever - I fear for their futures.

Still, as the old saying has it: you can take a horse to water... :D :eek: :rolleyes:

15th Oct 2001, 18:23

You just don't get it. This isn't the real GUV. Re-read all the posts.


15th Oct 2001, 18:31
I love the "from location". Just might be very prescient! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Captain Eicas
16th Oct 2001, 23:58

Whilst it is clear that my fellow prunners have been caught out on this occasion - and maybe this particular deception was somewhat weak, I would like to take this opportunity to reiterate the sentiments of the vast majority - that you are a complete and utter prick.

Cheers, Eicas

P.S. So when exactly do you start ops. to the USA?


Can I also point out to fellow ppruners that "Guvnor" is not the same person as "The Guvnor" and his thread advising out of work pilots to apply as truck drivers should be taken with a pinch of salt - the pinch being the lack of the word "The" before Guvnor. ??

Maybe I'm stating the obvious - but having been a member of this site for 6+ years I doubt it.

[ 16 October 2001: Message edited by: Captain Eicas ]

Few Cloudy
17th Oct 2001, 00:38
This site lives from its characters. If the Guvnor didn't exist, we might have to invent him. With the huge number of members on the Pprune these days there are less real characters per cent and more swearing gits, unfortunately.

17th Oct 2001, 00:55
This is a truly sad day in the existence of PPRuNe. If it wasn't for you Guv, none of these sad bastards would have anything to bitch about! None of these pretend captains would have FO's to kak on! None of these FO (captain wannabes) would have anything to moderate. None of these Nigels would have anything to talk about. And none of these poms would know that there is an aviation world out there that has p!ss all to do with (not so) Great Britain!

I look forward to your posts returning to the stature to which I have become accustommed...!!! ;)

And, if this is a p!ss-take: may the
moron responsible suffer a million gear-up landings!!! :mad:

Edited for kak spelling.

[ 16 October 2001: Message edited by: 126.9 ]

Sid's Stars
17th Oct 2001, 01:19
Well I reckon the Guv is an all right bloke. He's interesting and hes been spot on on a heck of a lot of things which he was flamed for at the time. He gets a lot of cr*p from people that dont contribute much to these forums and more power to his elbow, he usually takes it all with good humour. Unlike certain tw*ts here, who think they are Gods gift to aviation.

Oh yeah and 126.9 I think its a **** -take, mate!

Captain Eicas
17th Oct 2001, 01:23
My Dear 126.9

You are obviously a very troubled young man.

Clearly this has prohibited you from pursuing a career in mainstream aviation. Whilst I'm not in any position to judge - I am a simple captain flogging around the world (usually at night) in large and somewhat boring aircraft, I offer this as guidance........

You state........

As one of those "pretend captains would have FO's to kak on"! and " none of these poms would know that there is an aviation world out there that has p!ss all to do with (not so) Great Britain!"

I would have to say that-

1. Your grammar is appalling - have you ever been to school ?

2. Given your limitations, I still have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

3.You want to get some sleep.

4. When you wake up - Get a Doctor to have a look at that chip on your shoulder.

Good night.


P.S. That's "Captain" Eicas to you lad.

Notso Fantastic
17th Oct 2001, 01:23
Will this nightmare PITA never go away? Sad individual. One could feel sympathy for somebody who evidently doesn't have a life if he wasn't such a pr**k. It's OK to be a Walter Mitty and live on your dreams and preach how aviation should be to professionals if you didn't do it over 3000+ postings and make so many brokem promises and generally behave like a total troublemaking tool! Well informed? Well crazy!