View Full Version : Akbar Strikes Yet Again!!!

homesick rae
3rd Apr 2004, 14:40
One of QRs long serving CSDs has just been sacked. The person in question brought a few extra ciggies into LHR. Agreed this is a no no...however...

Akbar and the Snake sacked him and sent him packing WITHOUT his final settlement!!! This is, as far as I know, against the labour laws of Qatar. But of course, we all know that when it comes to QR there is no such thing!

A300 Man...care to comment?

3rd Apr 2004, 16:02
It's no shock to hear that yet another crew member has been terminated - You can get fired for anything in QR........I'm so pleased to be out that brutal regime.

homesick rae
3rd Apr 2004, 23:41
Strength you and me both!!

Not shocked about yet another termination, but the fact that they have denied the crew member a final settlement/ gratuities...whatever you want to call it!

Now THAT is against the law!!



4th Apr 2004, 09:00
Feel sorry for the guy. He was a really nice guy and probably deserved a slap on the wrist, as opposed to the full-blown treatment that he got.

5th Apr 2004, 11:08
Heard a rumour that "The Baker" in his guise as head of Civil Aviation went on board a BA flight as it was getting ready to leave and berated all the Qataris who were in First and business for not flying QA :mad:

Anybody else heard that one???

On On

Bangkok Layover
5th Apr 2004, 12:53
Said BA incident is not yet heard in detail.however, about 3 years ago,AAB got on board BA in DOH when BA was just about to close doors for Departure and was told off by the CSD and the Captain to get off the Air craft without causing Delay.

Station officer (young British girl) was also involved in the "off Loading" of "allahu Akbar" from BA Aircraft and AAB was all out to cancel her Air port pass over that incident.

6th Apr 2004, 04:11
i do not believe so this to be true......about aab having a go at qataris in ba's 1st class....


because first he cant even speak arabic......as he studied in india all is life and only 13 years or so in DOH hasnt been enough for him to learn any arabic......

and as far as himself he is an indian iranian who got a qatari passport and now runs a few companies for qatar and one day will get sacked by the emir as he wants to put a sheikh on the board.....

2ndly because these qataris could habe him debowelled for saying anything.....they have the right to choose any airline to fly with that is why there is so many out of DOH.....

People talk to much and many rumours about AAB....

I am not saying i'm with him but i'm neither against him....as he was bought up in a rigid upbringing and background and it makes him who he is......

If he commits any worng dont you worry, KARMA always finds its way back to thee wrongdoer....no SERMON here but just to say that

these rumours are a load of cr........p and those who believe them or tell them obviously dont have anything else to do in their lives.....

PLEEEEEAAAASSSSEEEEEEEEE..............save us....

no further comments....................

6th Apr 2004, 06:48
Oh he speaks Arabic ... don't kid yourself.

6th Apr 2004, 20:50
Now THAT is against the law!!

Are you sure about that? In this part of the desert you can be terminated "with cause" and not receive a final settlement. I would say that "smuggling" is a just cause......

Always read the small print before signing........


homesick rae
6th Apr 2004, 21:47

Just going by what the labour court advised another one of the crew members who faced the same dilemma...( yes a crew member did seek advice and NO, AAB didn't find out surprisingly!!)Of course I do not meant to sound like a legal expert, just going by what I witnessed then and throughout my time in the desert...

Plus of course the "contract" at QR is not worth the paper it is written on...and it does/ did mention in there that upon resignation or termination that all gratuities would be paid etc etc

Yes, as I already stated, the crew member was wrong, but still do not believe he should have been treated as he was...no money...

The point is that whatever QR choose to do they will do it and get away with it anyway, against the law or not!!

...Akbar on a BA flight and being kicked off...know one of the crew who was on that...makes me laugh!



ruby tuesday
9th Apr 2004, 11:02
Whats worth remembering is that QR are short of crew and decent management in general. Yet with no warnings or anything they are prepared to fire decent staff who have helped develop the airline in recent years.

I know its nothing new and probably won't change in the current regime, but the CEO and his servants (that all most are) have to realize that an airline is only as good as the staff that are delivering the product, both in the air and on the ground.
They can pump as much money as they wish into IFE and flat beds but if the boys n girls ain't happy and remain demotivated then thats what shows..... and the paying punters know it!

If you have good staff you have GOT to retain them to build the airline on - not fire them for a slight cock up! QR don't seem to have grasped this concept - even after 10 years

.... how many staff got 10year pins????

homesick rae
9th Apr 2004, 11:34
Ruby, spot on! But like you say...not likely to change.

The CSD mentioned above is now back in his home country with nothing to show for his efforts! The money sent home monthly is small compensation.

The kind of things that go on with QR are not normal. But then we all know about that.

One CS who met his demise, turned up for a rostered flight unaware that a standby CS had already been called. When he reported and signed on, he was asked to go to Cabin Services where he was duly giving his marching orders!!

A CSD was conducting her briefing when AAB burst in, listened to the briefing then summoned her...he sacked her, but allowed her to go on her 9 day trip...upon her return, no reason was given, but, the then GMFO managed to get AAB to change his mind and she was reinstated!!! She has since escaped the brutal regime.

AAB also came onboard a DXB bound flight screaming at the CS in front of the pax...why? One of the aircraft was AOG and he wanted to know why!!!??

The crew are scared, worried, tired and completely demoralised and demotivated.

When, if ever, will he realise this?

ruby tuesday
12th Apr 2004, 17:04
At least the GMFO stood up for his staff and took a sensible approach. Was this DF?
Now it seems the majority are in it for self preservation rather than use their common sense in managing staff.
The managers are recruited for their experience and commercial sense (see ad's on website) then as they join they realize this is of little value in QR. Following the leader is the only way to get anything done - be that right or wrong.
The regional guy in Europe stands up for himself and staff, but the rest around the network are just messengers and are completely in competent in their role of 'managing' their region.

It comesback to realizing that staff are your strength and should be managed with care. Even HR fail to do this - miserably.

13th Apr 2004, 12:40
How do you guys cope with this animal?

I give all of you credit!

Kep your sprits up cabin crew.

A300man y are you such an a:*&%#$@r?

homesick rae
13th Apr 2004, 14:53
A300 Man is very informative due to being an expat and a regualr traveller on QR. He does not work for QR, however has "links" I guess to the company.

I personally find his views interesting and of quality.

However, I was surprised to see him posting on the Cabin Crew forum about BA flights from GLA...makes me wonder....hee hee

A300 Man, PM me as I reckon I know one of the mentioned crew btw...

As for putting up with AAB, some crew have little choice...for those not believing this... too bad...but it is true.

As soon as AAB departs the airline will become the once friendly and amazing company it was.

My personal opinion only.



13th Apr 2004, 17:53
Thanks for your kind comments HS. My only links with QR were as a frequent traveller in the past.

Mickoa - don't know what "expletive" you were attempting in your post. However, the terminated fellow was someone whom I flew with (as SLF) on several ocassions and I found him to be an extremely humble and harmless chap, as well as exceedingly polite. My opinion. That's all. And I'm entitled to it. Unless you also knew or know the fellow, you are not really in a position to otherwise contradict.

However, I would be the first to concede that he was foolish in doing what he did.

13th Apr 2004, 23:54
Sorry to defer for a moment...but does anyone know if that funny French boy xxxxx is still at QR or were he is now?
He used to make me laugh so much with his stories of the Al Thanies coming on board.
Please private me....thanks

14th Apr 2004, 08:03
You would think that Qatar Airways would be great to work for, they have placed a full page advert within Flight International for Cabrin Crew based in Doha.

But looking at past forum threads it sounds like a really disorganised company, this "Akbar" seems like a monster, is there some slight exaggeration here.

14th Apr 2004, 08:19

Yes, he does. Now a senior trainer.


14th Apr 2004, 10:06
excuse me...

become the amazing airline it was....

lol.....when was it amazing......

the sheikh that was running it had it running into the ground....

it was so bad in debt that it was running just for running's sake....

and crew were earning without work....i know thats nice but as far as business is concerned it is not nice

and also

only doing Haj flights.....

now the company has much more to claim for success although there are many injustices it is groing....its not an amazing environment but it is livable....

stop whining and start working


and AAB isnt so bad......he has his faults like all of us....i never had a problem with the man

homesick rae
14th Apr 2004, 11:35
WEll, I am talking about just after the new service was inroduced, alcohol being served...AAB was there, but quiter than he is now...

I recall the HOCC coming onboard pre BKK MNL flight and had a chat with me..."Let's do a BCAL BAR Service" So, after the normal service we set up a couple of bar carts at the aft galley and the pax were coming up, to go to the loo, would stop for a drink and a chat and they, and we, loved it.

The atmosphere on board was considerably more enjoyable than it is now for the crew. There was a sense of achievement around that time, as it was a new phase for the airline. The crew were enjoying themselves. They were also very motivated...it was for me a great time and the company, for me, was knocking spots off other carriers in the region. The cabin crew still do...



14th Apr 2004, 23:56
See the little Ghost is back upto his little tricks then. Was a good airline to work for, but the little man made it impossible to stay. Shame it could have been a really good airline.

Anyone like to mention who got the push for the ciggies?

Thanks a million

15th Apr 2004, 12:21
Apparently Akbar has just fired a senior crew member DB for getting pregnant - the girl is married and she has had to leave Qatar thanks to the evil man AAB!

15th Apr 2004, 19:04

"Unless you also knew or know the fellow, you are not really in a position to otherwise contradict."

well, this is a forum after all and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

ruby tuesday
22nd Apr 2004, 15:18
I think the reason AAB may have been quieter in the "old" days was because he actually had some decent manager working for him in senior positions. Those that were prepared to make decisions and take resposibility for the benefit of the airline. Unfortunately this was also their downfall as AAB tightened the reins and took away this powers. Frustration led to resignations and now he is surrounded by incompetant managers who are afraid to make decisions without his backing - hence he remains in total charge and all below fear for their own jobs and the welfare of their families....until this changes - nothing else will...

Bangkok Layover
25th Apr 2004, 15:24
Qatar Airways has never had managers with back bones.all have been the same.
After all,..........you get "monkies for Peanuts" !!! and "Snakes" for the sake of managing "snake pits" !!!

homesick rae
29th Apr 2004, 07:02
...and apparently if the Cabin Crew call sick they are asked to come to the office for a breathalyser!!! Some crew have even been breathalysed at home! How ridiculous!

29th Apr 2004, 19:44
i have been in the company almost two years and i never had to go for a breath test after reporting sick or have anyone doing it in my house.....nobody has ever bothered me....

There are rules in this company...they are meant to be followed...if you follow them. keep a low profile...no one will ever prey on you....

and one other thing....this lady who got pregnant....company rules state that you shall not get pregnant in this country while working at qr as you are expected to stick to contract...

and i think that the reasons why she got fired was because this country being muslim and ruled by sharia laws and muslim ways means that if you are UNMARRIED you cannot get pregant and if you do you have to leave the country or marry the guy but even so you have to leave because you weren't married at the time you got pregnant.

the rules are not from qr or aab or the government but from the quran......

so....she had to leave....she broke countries religious laws...

When you come here you should be aware of the laws and have to respect them even if you dont like them, if you feel you cant do so please dont come or leave before having problems.....

Im not cold hearted or anything but the facts have to be stated.....from what i heard she was not married....

Regarding the company....

yes there are many injustices but AAB isnt all to blame.....if he fire the people who are in the tower for imcompetencies then he will have noone, so if he is to do so, he has to fire and hire....not fire without cover up....

and another thing qr is growing at a rate i have never seen....

now it is paying better, layovers are great...yes the people in the office (not all) are s....t but then the gulf is just like that...unfair...if you dont like it go...thats what i'll do when my limits are up....

i was earning maximum 5500 to 5900qr as cc f2 and just got 7200 this month....and half month was from old system so imagine if i counted everything in new system....it works out near 8000....for a f2 its quite good.....i know not as good as ek but then we cant compare....

qr has its problems and inchallah they will come around to be solved with time...

guys give qr time to be a child, teenager and adult...and grow old inchallah a prfitable renewed world renowned airline....as far as service goes its great......just the food could be more varied as i am particularly sick of Byriani with everything even with fish.

As far as office, Mr AAB was bought up in a very harsh environment full of discipline and he is disciplined himself, he has the Emir on his back to put pressure on the girls because he doesnt want qataris to marry or go with foreigner as he wants to keep the wealth in....

He also wants to have the best although he may have his 'defects' like some machines....noone is perfect, like i said in the past i never had a problem with him.....he is friendly in his own time.....

i never sucked up to him or anything although there are those who try favors with him but trust me he hates that....

i admire him in a way for his vision of what he wants to do with qr ......as far as ccrew he will come around but he seems just a little slow...what he needs is a better advisor ....he is normally a just person .....he listens ....but the problem he wants to do so many things at once...he is up for 18 hours a day
running here and there because his airline has to have profits soon, and if i was him i'd hate to receive pax complains, especially about my staff.......

i have learnt its not worth it, reason with them try to calm them down, but some crew they just go off their brains and really cant handle it......

this job demands a lot...u gotta put ur role and ur knowledge in, your experience, ur maturity.....

Dont whinge so much.....most of us arent staying for long so why dont we just enjoy while we can....

My father told meonce...my child be prepared for the leaping frogs that life has to offer, meaning the prickles on the rose, the harshes of life and take it like a ADULT......
it brings maturity and awe to life, interest for living....

God Help me, sometimes i am happy with qr sometimes sad or angry for some things....but theres reasons behind reasons, each case behind each case.....

Crew or New Crew or new people who are interested in qr and coming here,


i try to do so....even that i know there is many wrong things but all companies have their own problems....

Enough for now...thanks

way out there
30th Apr 2004, 06:22
fcolover22...pls check your pm..thanks

Bangkok Layover
30th Apr 2004, 19:36
There is nothing to loose? you got to be kidding!!!!

Have you forgotton,once employed by QR, it better be taken as a jail term?

Have you also not heard of the porching agreements QR has with other air lines?and can anyone "just leave" and find jobs with other Airlines as we please?

I agree with you that one should follow his/her instincts, but be also informed,there is no FUTURE with this "STUPID" Air line headed by the "STUPID" CEO.

Simply because "THEY" just ruin you and your future and you will have no way out !!

Take it from me.I ve been there !!!

1st May 2004, 08:18
FCO??? Where you drunk when you wrote this shhhhhhhhh.t???

After 2 years with QR still F2?? You must be kidding me. Do you not know what to do then on board??


homesick rae
3rd May 2004, 10:22
Well said BKK Layover and Dupont..what is this guy/ girl on??

Must say DXB is the place to be. Enjoying a nice break for the before the ATM here tomorrow...who knows might even see the little "person" himself. Now THAT would be fun!



3rd May 2004, 11:32
Help is at hand for Akbar. All he needs to do is read "I'll show them who's boss, the six secrets of successful management" by Gerry Robinson, former chairman of Granada.

And his six secrets are:

1. Leadership. All successful companies have one leader who understands how to lead and knows what he's doing. (Akbar, I think you know how to lead, but I'm not convinced you always know what you're doing. 6 out of 10).

2. You need to have a vision and learn how to formulate a strategy for the future, communicate it with a passion and ensure it gets carried out. (Akbar has a vision, but communication is a word he hasn't learned and he's short on passion. 4 out of 10).

3. Getting commitment from your workforce. People are the lifeblood of your business and you're lost if yours aren't all singing from the same hymn sheet. (At QR I don't even think they've seen the hymn sheet and AAB certainly doesn't understand the value of people. 2 out of 10).

4. Leaders need to occasionally make tough decisions. Good leaders do it cleanly and kindly. (Akbar doesn't understand "kindly" and has doubts about the meaning of "cleanly". 1 out of 10).

5. Micromanagement is a common mistake, but is a disastrous path to go down. Good managers need to focus on the big picture. (Akbar is all about micromanagement. 0 out of 10).

6. Communication. Getting your passion and vision for the company across to colleagues in a meaningful and inspiring way. (Sorry, Akbar, communication is not your strong point. 1 out of 10).

Your average, Akbar, is 2.3 out of ten. Not good enough. I suggest you buy the book urgently, read it thoroughly, absorb its contents and then apply what you have learned.

If you do so there may be some hope for QR being a decent place to work.

ruby tuesday
3rd May 2004, 16:27
Good one!
Surprisinlgy ORYX the inflight mag also has regular "Management and Business" pages and it struck me that some of the stuff they were priniting was never actually practised at QR!
Considering the amount of time the senior management spend on flights clocking up duty travel per diem going to interview check in agents - you would have thought they had time to read it!

3rd May 2004, 17:03
I'm an EK flyer and recently got chatting to Qatar Airways hosties downroute and both were very keen in coming to Dubai cause conditions in Doha were terrible and both of these girls didn't feel very secure in there jobs cause lots of crew get fired for very little but they said that EK wouldn't take them for at least a year because of some recruitment agreement with Mr.Al Backer.Is this true because it seems a bit strange?????????Ciao.

homesick rae
5th May 2004, 13:23
Well at the ATM in DXB I was at the QR stand and they gave me a pin!!!! Wow!! More than what I received when I worked there!!! Ha ha!

7th May 2004, 13:47
People have been talking about AAB on this site for years and the thing is the same remarks keep coming up time and time again. We can conclude that he hasn't changed and probably will not change in the future. Is he good or crap....

1. A CEO should be responsible for the strategic development of the airline dealing with direction and planning.

AAB is usually checking up on cabin crew who call in sick, checking uniforms at 3.30 in the morning and generally frightening and intimidating crew. Difficult to make important decisions if your up most nights and dealing with trivial matters!

2. A CEO should delegate responsibility to his managers who have been put in place because they can do the job.

Qr managers are not allowed any freedom there is no delegation.If the managers are crap then they shouldnt be there, get new ones. There are some good managers but they are not allowed to demonstrate it for fear of disapproval thus being fired {like so many before them}.

3. A CEO must work hard and diligently

No arguement here he does that.

4. A CEO must realise his resources

Qr's best resource is its crew, failure to recognize this is stupidity as other airlines recognise {AA for example}. The treatment is absolutely dickensian, if he was CEO of an airline with a good union he wouldnt last a week. If Qr was EU based it would have so many law suits against it a department would need to be set up to deal with it. Sacking people for rediculous menial things sends out a bad message. This man is not aware of the market at present. Qr has a serious shortage of pilots and will remain so until conditions improve, cabin crew you can get from Far east but then experience comes into account, there is often none, regularly first job. Poor slow service is regular now due to the experienced C.Crew leaving or being terminated, smiles are rare on board as its hard to smile if you are treated like s***.

Rules and procedures thats Qr. a leftover management style from the turn of the century. Procedures which are combersome and dont often work, clear shortcuts but the staff are afraid to take them for FEAR of getting into trouble. Bureaucracy abound and regularly inefficient office staff from choice nations.

What about the arguement for the CEO, well he is hardworking and brought the airline to where it is today. WRONG The Emirs money and the grass roots staff brought the airline to where it is today, the sweat and work of fearing staff members. Any CEO can look impressive if billions are being pumped in. So how can we evaluate him. Simple, the company's profitability. Alas its not and the date keeps going back when it will. If Qr was a company run like most on profitability it would have sunk a long time ago with only about four or five aircraft. Some argue that his tight reign of terror is necessary to keep the staff under control, what balderdash, how does BA do it through terror{I dont think so}. If our staff do require such disciplining then we are hiring the wrong kind of staff we then need to look at hiring procedures and retention. High turnover as a result of the CEO, costs millions in new training over a period of time {does anybody look at this }.

The time for AAB to go has come the airline is too big to run in such a prehistoric and regimented way, bureaucracy becomes harder as the airline increases in size and monitoring of menial things uses alot of rsources which could be more productively employed elsewhere. Staff are annoyed and sabotage the airline in ways that they can not be identified, this comes from pure fustration. The culture is all wrong at QR one pilot told me its the worst airline he ever worked for {after eight or so airlines}.

The CEO should be involved with small new projects where his skills of hard work and determination are useful, not large organizations for he is clearly out of his depth when he is compared to successful CEO's.

Qr staff you have been trampled upon for too long some day the Emir will come to realise it to, hopefully the sooner the better for all concerned.

homesick rae
19th May 2004, 14:42

Sorry to hear this, but this is so typical of the way the Snake works. This " I will appeal on your behalf" kind of thing and asking you to plead with AAB is a pile of ****!! He tried that with me and to the day has point blankly denied any involvement in my demise. Why the CS instructor DF still remains friends with him I will never know!! DF is a hell of a nice guy.What he doesn't realise is that when AAB has used him and his contacts in the Sri Lankan Govt. enough to get what he needs the Snake will be sent packing also. He will never be able to rejoin his old company I am sure...

AAB's attitude..."you will never work in the region again" Funny that, I have risen in the ranks and have just been at the Arab TRavel Market in Dubai...What a plonker he is.

...but like you say your head was high and good for you. Personally, I blurted out the words "I'm free!!!" much to the shock of the welfare dept!!( who's gossip had instigated my dismissal) Well I had my ticket and my exit permit and headed straight up the Golf Course for a few celebratory libations!!

Keep that head up and good luck!!



19th May 2004, 23:57
if everyone thought like you about Qatar airways It would have not got to where it is...i dont dislike the airline, there is a few improvements to be made but it has room to grom and improve ....but with people like you making the moral more low....how the hell do you want people to think...

listen KARMA comes around sooner or later...those that will pay will pay....and stop blaspheming and putting us and others down with your petty little comments...

if you r in this company leave if you dont like and if not then stop talking about what you dont know....

do us a favour and post something nice for once...


20th May 2004, 09:04
Hey FCO, where do i begin. Lets see if I could be nice to you. With your stupid comment like that, I don't see how I can. FIRST of all, to start off on your comment "if everyone thought like you about Qatar airways It would have not got to where it is". Oh yeah? QA would not have got to where it is without people like us! We are the ones who are hard working and take the airline to a different level. At whose cost do they strive to be number 1? Ask yourself that question! If you are happy there, Whoopee, good for you, then stay on! This forum was designed for people to share their thoughts and other rumours if any. This was all I was doing. If you don't like what I have to say, then you have a choice too. You can continue to be an F2 and stop coming into this forum and reading the thoughts of other people. You know what FCO? you speak this way only coz you haven't been trampled by this company as yet. I bet you would be singing to a different tune if it happened to you. Then we'll see what you have to say. I have a feeliing you would change your login name and then express your sadness too. You haven't experienced the full blow yet, however with a name like FCOlover, I'm guessing you have. Room to grow? My a**! At whose cost andd happiness? OURS!! We gavve up a lot of **** to leave our country for this job. We sacrificed a lot! Now what do we have in return? Nothing! How can you say that I am making the lower? IT IS QA that is making our moral lower! Which world have you been living in? If it happened to you, you would understand. AND FOR YOUR INFO, my incident had made quite a few people rethink their future in this company on their own accord. I had nothing to do with that. That is free will. They asked me what happened as they were all concerned (unlike yourself) and they decided for themselves. If I could get kicked out for a silly reason, then you can just imagine what your position is.. Hmm F2 for 2 yrs? You know, I believe you are a typical snitch to the snake by the looks of it. I let people think the way they want to. I only air my thoughts and people are free to take from it whatever they choose and disregard anything that may not apply to them. If you like it there, good for you and all the best. Let the others who don't agree with the system continue to speak their mind without any silly comments from you. Yes Karma has a way of biting people in the ass, I am waiting for that day. the next thing you will be tell me is that the sky is blue. Duuuh! Who are you to tell me to leave the company if I don't like it! Believe me, if I were still in the company, I'd now have a whole new reason to leave.. Can you take a wild guess what that reason would be? You want me to post something nice for once eh? You know, if you didn't like half the **** we post here, then why do you keep coming back knowing what will be posted here? I'll tell you why! You still secretly want to hear the gossip! THats WHY!
To close, you said "NOT EVERYONE IS FEELING SO BAD IN QR....LET THOSE WHO DONT LIKE IT LEAVE", well said. Bravo! Who said I didn't agree with that? If you like it, you would stay regardless of what I or anyone else said right? So if your words are true, why are you affected by what I had to say. Swallow your own words buddy! If you like it, then stay on. What i say should not have any effect on your judgement so stop whining and enjoy the company if what you say is true, coz in your own words, people who like it would stay on regardless, so what's the problem here, nothing I say should change your mind.........OR HAS IT!


20th May 2004, 12:55
FCO,,,you are answering your own questions,maybe there are soooooo many bad postings here on this website about QR is because there is nothing good to say about Qatar Airways.?????There have been a few positive postings,VERY few,and they normally come from people who type too fast,but over the years the ratio of good postings to bad ones is huge,there must be thousands of negative postings here simply because QR is a very negative company to work for which is probably why EK has thousands of applications every week for every department.To all the sacked QR crew who wish to stay in the middle east,why not give EK or Etihad a go,I always thought Emirates is a great company to work for,I love it here,but reading these posts about QR makes EK the best one to work for.Just a little question,,Why hasn't Qatar Airways released any financial figures for the past few years??????And if EK flew to the moon would QR start flying to the moon asap???Take care all.

20th May 2004, 14:56
I really can't understand why when somebody writes something positive about QR, people go out of their way to bash the person up.

More Milk, may I ask you when was it that EK publically published its first annual report? Were they published from its first year of operation? If the local company law says that QR does not need to PUBLICALLy publish their accounts, are they doing something wrong? Rest assured that the do have accounts done or else numerous banks would not give them credit to buy aircrafts.

You claim that EK is the best employer in the region. Well that's very subjective. I agree that EK has indeed a very good package. A few months back, hell broke up with regards to command upgrade. People wanted to leave, they accused management of being liars etc etc. Then EK gave you the well deserved annual profit share and all of a sudden, no more adverse comments on Pprune.

Life has taught me that people complain and grumble when things go wrong. This might also mean that there are many people happily employed with QR and only the same few enjoy bashing the company up. Perform a search and you'll know what I mean. Its always the same people complaining and claiming that they know best how to run an airline. What guarantees do people reading such posts have that these people are actually employed by QR? NONE. You also claim that QR would follow EK to the Moon. If its profitable for the airline, then why not?

20th May 2004, 23:11
You guys, you know what? It's true, we should go about verbally bashing up any airline the way we see fit, but you must also understand that the circumstances are such where we are merely pointing out the actual story behind that pretty little cover.. I know so many things about the snake that would make even the lovers of QR feel sick. See people like us don't complain "ONLY" when things are down or if things aren't going our way...that is not my style anyway. To be honest, I have been reserving my comments from the very day I started training. Each day that went by, I learned new things about the company that shocked me. Personally I had a little taste of all the silly things they think is just. Ever heard of the British Law where a thief jumps into someones house with the intention to rob, he falls from the wall onto a garden rake and hurts himself. The owners wake up and call the cops. He sued them for "having dangerous garden equipment lying around where it shouldn't be". Now if you think that story is bad, think again..that is peanuts compared to the injustice that goes on at QA. By the way, I have some juicy news about the snake which could get him into trouble, but I was thinking maybe I'd get into trouble for just saying it out here. What do you think? How is it certifiable? I was there when he said those very slandering words. Hehe...Oooh yeah I love it when I have something on someone.

28th May 2004, 23:45
I am sorry! you have to go through this! did you ever shared this with any of the cockpit crew personnel?

Unfortunately! for issues like the one you had experienced at QR people are not happy despite the work they have to perform under pressure! For us as a flight-deck crew, things may be a bit different but still we work under the wearing the hat non sense pressure and some other issues like the ones you have expressed, and that is one of the reasons why, I decided to leave QR...I wanted to suggest and endorse a few changes about the way the employees are treat and about the way the cock-pit and cabin crew relation issues are imposed by our royal majesty! but they never work! though never was I lisent. Anyhow my point is that, it is better to be cool than to be hot! I wish you the best and pm me if you need any job leads in the middle. best of luck!

The country and the people is a different story! Cheers,


homesick rae
29th May 2004, 02:43

Qatar was the first Gulf country I visited way back in 1983 when my brother was working there. I visited several times prior to working there for QR. I have always liked the place and the people.

AAB is not Qatari but likes to think he is! QR deserves to be better in many ways, but as said so often before...he has to let the managers do their job and the airline would be happier...possibly! The crew work their butts off for no thanks at all...

The place and the people...lovely.

The crew...stars.

AAB and his tyrannical approach to running an airline...well...

...and to think he has sacked a couple of managers accusing them of poor man management!!! He only has to look as far as his loyal posterior attachment, The Snake, to witness poor man management...and AAB likes to lead by example eh?

BUnch of A**E of you ask me!!

oh and Jet4Hire...I always let the flight deck know the problems the crew faced on a daily basis...as in "sorry that the R1 forgot the sugar in your coffee, but she has just been told she will be demoted when she gets back... by the CEO who kindly informed her of this on the ground in front of the First Class pax...oh, for what? A strand of hair fell on her face!!!"

The man is mental!!