View Full Version : How to fly IFR

31st Mar 2004, 14:26
Would anyone be willing to take me through on how to fly an IFR flight using VOR's and NDB's? I understand theres alot to it and ive been trying to do it on Microsoft's Flight Sim 2002 but with no joy.

Im at a bit of a loose end as i want to find out how it works but no-one seems to know!

Any help, much appreciated. Thanks.

31st Mar 2004, 14:59
My suggestion would be a trip to the local library and find some books on the subject of naviagtion.

FlightSim is a great tool for teaching procedure and navigation, so just practice practice practice.

A quick search found this tutorial: (http://virtualskies.arc.nasa.gov/navigation/tutorial/tutorial1.html)

31st Mar 2004, 15:29
Or go to your local bookshop and pick up a copy of Trevor Thom, book 5, which is the manual for the IMC Rating. The first half of the book is all about attitude flying (controlling the aeroplane using the instruments), the second half of the book is about radio navigation.


31st Mar 2004, 15:55
This little applet requires that you have Java enabled in your browser. Move the little airplane and the VORs around with your mouse, etc... However, you'll probably want to follow the advice given above and do some reading first. Otherwise it might not make much sense...

Tim's Air Navigation Simulator

