View Full Version : School

17th Mar 2004, 00:31

I'm currently going to high school and soon to graduate and am hoping to pursue a career in aviation. I was hoping some people could give me advice towards what school I should attend to make the best of my time. Right now I'm leaning towards going to The University of Fraser Valley because of their 4 year degree program but I'm also considering the program at BCIT. Any advice?

17th Mar 2004, 11:20
I can tell you that I was flying with someone just two days ago and we were talking about schools and she attended Fraser Valley and spoke fairly highly of the program. Something else you might want to consider although you have to head for the east coast is Moncton. They also are the only ones in Canada that can do JAA and have just opened a spanking new facility and renewed much of the fleet. Was in CYQM recently for a few hours and got the nickle tour.
